trigger point injections, NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City

If you’ve never been a fan of medication and want to access something that can help make your achy neck feel better, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll talk about trigger point injections for neck pain. Additionally, we will tackle how you can get lasting neck pain relief with the help of a NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City.


Neck Pain and Trigger Point Injections

You've probably been told that neck pain is something you just have to live with, especially if you work staring at a computer all day. You're not alone - neck pain is a common problem for many people. It's caused by a variety of things, including injuries, poor posture, stress, and repetitive activities like typing or reading. It can also be related to various medical conditions, such as arthritis or osteoporosis. 

All the above-mentioned activities and risk factors can lead to the development of muscle knots. These are stiff and painful and they take a long time to improve or disappear. If you have been experiencing chronic neck pain for months or years, then it could be what’s causing it. 

Thankfully, you can address it with the help of trigger point injections. Essentially, trigger point injections are one of many ways to treat pain caused by trigger points in the muscles that make up your shoulders (trapezius) and upper back. 

It is known as “dry needling” because it doesn’t require the use of medications on the muscles. Instead, an acupuncture needle gets inserted into each tight spot to relax the muscles, boost blood flow, and relieve pain and inflammation. This technique is effective in relieving pain, but if you are looking for long-term relief with the bonus of overall health improvement, you might want to try visiting a NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City!

trigger point injections, NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City

NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City for Lasting Neck Pain Relief

For quality NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City, visit Advanced Spinal Care! Dr. Pete Tsiglieris will help you address your neck pain and reduce its severity and recurrence.

Dr. Tsiglieris is the go-to option for many locals who want to explore NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City. He will work closely with you so you can be confident that you can cope better with your symptoms and lead a happier life. 

If you're looking for relief from neck pain and other muscular aches and pains, we can help. Our office is located at 643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208, Redwood City, CA 94063, and we're open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 

You can visit our Contact Us page for the full clinic schedule and information on the services we offer. Don't hesitate to call us at (650) 595-0500 if you have questions about NUCCA chiropractic in Redwood City, our other services, or would like an appointment!


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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neck, facial pain, upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

Some people may not think it’s possible, but some patients who complain about facial pain may deal with a neck problem. An upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City is no stranger to cases wherein facial problems stem from neck issues, particularly trigeminal neuralgia, and are often accompanied by other symptoms.

Your facial pain can be due to several causes. But one of the most common is referred pain from the neck. Trigeminal neuralgia can also trigger bouts of extreme facial pain that may feel like it will never end. Your upper cervical bones, or the top two bones in your neck, may put undue pressure on the nerves and blood vessels passing through them. This pressure may be due to bone misalignment.

If you’ve been suffering from severe facial pain due to trigeminal neuralgia, you may be too familiar with the toll it can take on your quality of life. The pain it brings can make even the simplest tasks extremely uncomfortable.


The trigeminal nerve connects your face and neck

There are several reasons why neck issues and facial pain might be connected. First, they share a common nerve supply – the trigeminal nerve. This nerve supplies both the face and the neck. So, an issue with the trigeminal nerve can lead to pain in the face and the neck. This nerve is crucial in sending pain, touch, and temperature signals from your face to your brain. 

Additionally, the muscles in the face and neck are also interconnected. This means that if there is an issue with the muscles in the neck, it can lead to muscle tension in the face – and vice versa. Finally, poor posture can lead to both neck pain and facial pain. Sitting or standing with poor posture puts unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints, leading to pain.

So as it turns out, there is a strong link between your facial pain and neck problems. Many facial pain cases handled by an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City stem from misalignments in the C1 and C2 vertebrae—the top two bones in your neck. 

These misalignments can put undue pressure on your trigeminal nerve, resulting in facial pain, numbness, tingling, and other related symptoms.

neck, facial pain, upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

Seek help from an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

Let’s set things straight facial pain from trigeminal neuralgia is no fun, and perhaps the best way to free you from the pain and discomfort is by tackling one of its most overlooked sources, a misalignment in your spine.

Dr. Pete Tsiglieris, a reputable upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, has over 25 years of experience correcting misalignments in the top two bones of the spine to help relieve patients of their pain and suffering. These misalignments can happen for several reasons, including car accidents, falls, sporting injuries, poor posture, or repetitive movements.

When these bones are out of alignment, it can bring pressure and stress on your nerves and cause various problems, including trigeminal neuralgia and facial pain. But with gentle upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, these misalignments can be corrected, relieving your nerve from stress and pressure and providing long-term relief from your pain. Experience the benefits of upper cervical care firsthand by booking an appointment online or calling our office at (650) 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

neck alignment, Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Not many people pay attention to an achy neck, believing it’s a minor health concern. Some also shrug it off quickly until they notice additional problems like migraines, Meniere’s disease, and diplopia. Are you familiar with these cervical spine misalignment complications? If not, our brief discussion below might be able to shed light on them. Also, you might find it extra helpful to read on to learn how you can potentially avoid these issues with the help of Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic. 


Neck pain and migraines may result from poor cervical spine alignment. The misaligned bones cause muscle tension in the neck which can affect fluid flow to the head and –to an extent– the neighboring nervous system tissues. Unfortunately, migraine attacks can lead to many symptoms, including throbbing headaches, fatigue, vision problems, and anxiety. 


Clinically speaking, diplopia refers to double vision. It can sometimes stem from cervical subluxation because the increased muscle tension in the neck affects some sensory nerves. The imbalance in the neck can affect the transmission of signals to and from the brain and the eyes, causing you to see two images instead of one. 

Meniere’s Disease

Several people turn to Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic because of Meniere’s disease. This vestibular disorder develops primarily because of poor fluid drainage, an issue widely associated with neurovascular compression and neck bone misalignments. It causes vertigo attacks, hearing problems, and ear congestion.

neck alignment, Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Get Help from a Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic Doctor

The next time you experience neck pain without an apparent cause, we strongly suggest looking into Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Chances are, the pain you experience stems from neck bones that shift away from the body’s central axis. These bones might be tugging on your neck muscles, compromising the overall structure of your spinal column, and leaving you at risk of the problems we discussed above. Take better care of your body with the help of our natural approach to healing. Find out if you have neck bone misalignments through Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic. You may reach our office at (650) 595-0500 or through our web form. We also encourage you to visit the Advanced Spinal Care office at 643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208 Redwood City, CA.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

chronic pain, NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City

Many patients turn to NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City because of neck pain. And notably, most of these people are unaware of why they experience pain and barely experience relief even after taking pain medication or trying other remedies. Understanding this concern, we thought of tackling the common causes of chronic neck pain. Hopefully, you can better manage your pain after learning about these health mishaps.

Excessive mobile gadget use

As per the latest statistics, the average American spends around 3 hours and 43 minutes on their mobile phone or tablet. Notably, most individuals view their phones or mobile gadget with their heads tilted at a certain angle. Studies explain that this puts pressure on the uppermost neck bones because of gravity's effect on the head's weight. As you keep your head tilted to a specific angle for a few minutes or hours, your neck bones suffer more and more. It can also stiffen your neck muscles and joints. 

Repetitive motion injuries 

Countless people develop neck pain, especially those who engage in repetitive activities like working at the assembly line, demolishing structures, and using vibrating equipment. The repetitive movements they perform leave them highly susceptible to minor injuries. 

Stress-related injuries

Neck pain is a relatively common consequence of stress. Studies explain that stress causes the muscles to tense up. It can also aggravate neck pain-causing conditions like arthritis. 

Previous neck and head trauma

Unknown to many, neck pain can sometimes stem from previously sustained neck and head trauma. Notably, this is a common reason behind the neck discomfort felt by patients seeking NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City. Traumatic injuries cause the uppermost neck bones to shift. Unfortunately, the postural misalignment that stems from this can set off various problems that can aggravate neck pain. These factors include: 


You Should Try NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City 

Thankfully, even if you suffer from severe neck pain, you can rely on NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City to help you work around your situation. A NUCCA doctor will help you carefully adjust your displaced C1 and C2 bones to reduce the pain and discomfort you experience along the cervical spine. 

If you would like to take advantage of this technique, we suggest scheduling your appointment for a quick assessment of your condition. Come to our practice at Advanced Spinal Care, and we can help you plan how to move forward with your situation. You may book your visit by sending us a message or calling (650) 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

neck injury, migraine relief in Redwood City

If you've been seeking migraine relief in Redwood City, you may want to think back to a day wherein you suffered from any form of neck injury in the past that might be causing your migraine episodes. Unfortunately, some repercussions of an injury endured in the past can manifest after months or even years from the day it occurs.


The connection between neck injuries and migraines

Sometimes, minor unwanted accidents can lead you to hurt your neck area. Due to the mindset that it's just a minor incident, sadly, these types of injuries are not appropriately addressed, and symptoms are left ignored. It's worth noting that sometimes migraines can result from neglecting minor neck injuries.

This debilitating condition can cause you to miss work, school, or perhaps an important event and can severely interfere with your daily tasks. Taking medications can instantly make you forget about the pain and discomfort. Still, finding the primary cause of your neck pain and migraine is always better than finding a more efficient and lasting migraine relief in Redwood City.

Sometimes neck injuries can lead to bone misalignments in your upper cervical spine that eventually brings migraine-related symptoms, including severe headaches and painful throbbing that usually comes with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. An upper cervical chiropractic doctor can help correct the misalignments in your upper cervical spine.


Upper cervical care for a neck injury and migraine relief in Redwood City

If you suddenly experience migraines from unknown causes, it probably has something to do with an upper cervical spine misalignment from an unaddressed neck injury. A trained and experienced upper cervical chiropractic doctor can help gently manipulate and correct your bones' alignment.

Your upper cervical doctor can locate and correct minor misalignments in the neck from accidents and trauma. However, sometimes, even the slightest misalignment can cause considerable damage to the entire body due to its effects on the central nervous system.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a safe and gentle technique to help you manage the uncomfortable symptoms caused by a neck injury and migraine. The process is customized and tailored fit to fit every patient's needs. 

Upper cervical chiropractic care can bring patients longer-lasting neck pain and migraine relief in Redwood City. In addition, you are guaranteed only to experience its positive effects on the body. Once your chiropractic doctor corrects your bone misalignments, your body begins to recover from the damage and conditions, such as neck pain or migraines.

Get started with your upper cervical chiropractic care by calling us at (650) 595-0500 or visiting our website to fill out the online contact form.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

ice, heat, NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Whiplash remains one of the leading injuries in the USA, with over three million reported cases per year. It can stem from various traumatic incidents like a rear-end car accident or a head-to-head collision during a sporting event. It’s also one of the many reasons patients seek our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City. 

Interestingly, some people affected by a whiplash injury debate whether to use ice or heat to cope with the pain. So, as your trusted source of neck pain relief in the city, we thought of explaining how both options work.


Ice and Heat Therapy for Whiplash Relief

Anyone who experienced a minor injury that resulted in pain or inflammation knows how helpful ice and heat therapies are in providing relief. Hence, the question is, which whiplash relief option is better? 

Studies note that ice therapy makes an excellent source of neck pain relief during the first few days of the injury. Notably, cooling the injured body parts such as your cervical spine can help soothe painful muscles and reduce tissue inflammation. So, you might find it helpful to apply a cold compress on your achy neck a few times a day (for up to four days). Then, once the aching and tenderness disappears, we suggest switching to a hot compress. The heat helps speed up oxygen uptake, consequently stimulating faster tissue healing.


A NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City Can Help With Recurring Neck Pain

Besides the heat and cold therapy, people with mild to severe whiplash injuries seek NUCCA care. That’s because the adjustments provided by a NUCCA doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieries aim to fix misalignments in the cervical spine that may be keeping your body from healing completely. 

NUCCA chiropractic has gained massive popularity in the health and wellness niche as it offers a holistic path to addressing chronic and problematic symptoms like neck pain. If you previously sustained an injury to your neck or head, it may be a good idea to speak with our NUCCA doctor to know if you should start receiving atlas bone adjustments. 

Got more questions about your whiplash injury and how you can eliminate your chronic neck pain with NUCCA care? We got the answers! Call (650) 595-0500 or leave us a message through the Advanced Spinal Care website form.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

neck pain, upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

At some point, you have likely complained about neck pain. This is a common condition, and the causes may vary from simple to severe and complicated. If you experience neck pain frequently, you may warrant a visit to an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City to find long-term care.

More often than not, neck pain always puts more stress and pressure on the spine. Also, repetitive motion injury, or when you repeatedly move your neck the same way, leads to chronic neck pain. This is due to the overuse of muscles, joints, or tendons on the affected part.


What Causes Repetitive Motion Injuries?

There are different factors at play, and you may be unaware that your daily habits might be contributing to the neck pain that can eventually affect your everyday life. Watch out for these causes, and we encourage you to make adjustments to prevent or progress your neck pain as early as possible. If you suspect that any of these causes contribute to your chronic neck pain, discuss the most sustainable care regimen with your upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City to manage your symptoms and eliminate them.


Signs of Repetitive Motion Injuries

There are symptoms of repetitive motion injuries; they can be mild to severe and even gradually progress, causing more discomfort than before. Check for signs like:


Correcting the Cause of Neck Pain

If making changes to your habits that may likely be causing neck pain did not make a difference, there could be an undetected misalignment of the topmost bone of your spine located in your neck area. That vertebra, your atlas (C1), is the most movable bone of the entire spine responsible for carrying the weight of your head. This same bone also protects your brainstem, responsible for sending signals to your brain. 

An upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City can diagnose a misalignment and plan the best course of action to get complete relief.


Finding the best Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

Advanced Spinal Care provides the best upper cervical techniques and methods to help manage neck pain and other conditions caused by a misalignment in your upper cervical spine.

If you are not familiar with our methods, you can book a complimentary consultation by calling us at (650) 595-0500 or filling out this contact form.

Your safety and comfort are our top priority, and we will make sure your visit with us will always be a pleasant experience.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

concussion,  NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

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Many people try Redwood City CA upper cervical chiropractic because of a throbbing neck. They experience pain and discomfort when they wake up. Some suspect they sleep in an awkward angle and position, while others have poor quality pillows or pre-existing neck injuries. Let’s look at the most common causes of neck pain while sleeping and how you can overcome them with upper cervical chiropractic adjustments.


Leading Causes of Neck Pain While Sleeping

Neck pain is a relatively common complaint among patients visiting the ER or scheduling a trip to our practice at Advanced Spinal Care. As it turns out, it comes with several potential triggers – including those related to your sleeping habits. Here are a few examples: 

Awkward sleeping positions

Certain sleeping positions can put immense pressure on the cervical spine, specifically the topmost neckbones – C1 and C2 bones. That’s why experts recommend sleeping on the side or back.  

Too soft or firm pillows

The firmness of your pillows can affect your neck’s curvature when you lay on the bed. Sleep specialists also share that it’s crucial to find beddings suited for your preferred sleeping position. 

Pre-existing health problems

Degenerative disc diseases like osteoarthritis and previous neck trauma can severely impact sleep quality.

We strongly suggest trying Redwood City CA upper cervical chiropractic to check your neck bone alignment if you have any of the two. Chances are, your recurring neck ache stems from postural misalignments in the cervical spine.


Overcome Sleep-Related Neck Pain with Redwood City CA Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Most neck pain cases, especially those stemming from the triggers we listed above, do not require emergency intervention. Instead, patients like you can tap into natural and non-invasive procedures like upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. 

Essentially, Redwood City CA Upper Cervical Chiropractic involves detecting and correcting postural imbalances in the neck. As we have shared in previous discussions, even the slightest change in the neck alignment can cause health problems ranging from recurring neck pain to chronic vertigo attacks. 

So, if you frequently wake up to a painful cervical spine, we suggest getting your C1 and C2 bones checked. This will help you determine if your neck bones have shifted away from their normal alignment and if upper cervical care applies to your situation. 

Grab your opportunity to eliminate neck pain with the help of Advanced Spinal Care. Feel free to leave us your messages online or call our team at (650) 595-0500 to schedule your chiropractic session. 


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

concussion,  NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

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People rarely think about the joints in the spinal column when they hear about arthritis. That’s because many assume that arthritis only affects the joints in the knees or hands. Unfortunately, statistics reveal that about 28 percent of women and 30 percent of men in the USA have spinal arthritis. It’s also a leading concern of patients who visit a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor. So, how exactly does this disorder affect the body, and how can an upper cervical doctor like Dr. Tsiglieris help?


Spinal Arthritis: Its Possible Causes

Our Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor has met with several patients with spinal arthritis over the years. Most of these patients are seniors with pre-existing spinal disorders like slipped discs and osteoporosis. Additionally, these people either have ankylosing spondylitis or osteoarthritis. Here’s a closer look at the two:

Ankylosing spondylitis

People diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis have inflamed spinal joints. It can limit movement and cause the joints, ligaments, and muscles to stiffen. Additionally, it can lead to vertebral bone fusion – a condition that can reduce the spine’s flexibility and compromise your body posture. 


This type of spinal arthritis stems from the excessive wear and tear of the spinal joints. It can also develop due to repetitive strenuous activities like carrying heavy objects or using large pieces of machinery. 

Notably, some patients who seek a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor for arthritis relief have rare forms of the disorder such as: 


Manage Spinal Arthritis Better with a Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractor

So, how does upper cervical care fit into the picture? How can neck adjustments relieve patients with mild to severe spinal arthritis? The answer lies in the key mechanisms of the technique: 

When combined, these three main benefits of upper cervical chiropractic can help the body cope better from the many types of spinal arthritis. 

Want to start managing your spinal arthritis better? Feel free to discuss your arthritis symptoms with us during your appointment. Call (650) 595-0500 or schedule your neck bone assessment today!


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Countless patients feel completely baffled when they hear their doctors tell them that they have cervical arthritis. Chances are, you share the same sentiment. Unfortunately, neck arthritis is a widespread problem that affects 85 percent of seniors in the USA. Dr. Tsiglieris, our certified NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City, has worked on many neck arthritis cases. So, we decided to write about this health condition and how you can relieve it.


Neck Arthritis and Why it Causes Pain

Doctors and researchers refer to neck arthritis in different ways. Some call it cervical spondylosis, while others refer to it as degenerative osteoarthritis or cervical osteoarthritis. Neck arthritis is a progressive condition that can leave a lasting impact on the body. 

Studies note that the blunt force on the neck due to car accidents or neck trauma contributes to the development of cervical arthritis. The bone shifting triggers joint inflammation and eventually bone overgrowth (bone spurs). The abnormal bone tissue growth can press on the surrounding tissues and nerves, causing excruciating and persistent neck pain.


Neck Pain Relief After Adjustments by a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City

Naturally, if you want to relieve pain caused by neck arthritis or prevent it from developing, you must ensure that you have a well-balanced cervical spine. And, what better way to do that than seeking the help of a NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City?

NUCCA cervical care offers hope for people who suffer from neck pain because of cervical arthritis or cervical subluxation. This chiropractic technique helps revert the misaligned neck bone. The adjustments aim to help your body heal so you can finally eliminate neck pain or relieve cervical osteoarthritis. 

Our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City commits to helping patients with neck arthritis experience relief. Find out more about how we help our patients by requesting a consultation or calling us at (650) 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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