The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body. It is responsible for connecting the spinal cord to the skin and muscles of the limbs in the body. Any inflammation, irritation, and compression in this area may produce a painful outcome. Issues resulting from the compromise of this vital nerve are called sciatica.
Sciatica pain varies from person to person. Usually, sciatica only affects one part of the body. Some people might experience mild or achy sensations, while other people can feel excruciating pain. As a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor, Dr. Pete Tsiglieris has taken cases involving sciatica pain. Some of his clients with sciatica pains reported the following symptoms associated with this condition:
When the affected person sits for long periods, the pain and discomfort from this condition can worsen over time. Sitting for long periods can add more pressure on the sciatic nerve, which leads to inflammation, irritation, and compression in the nerve. Leading a sedentary life can result in dire consequences, including sciatica pains.
Another activity that might add to this condition is a misalignment in the upper cervical spine's bones or the neck area. This misalignment can arise from poor posture. For example, when you hold your head at a lower angle for long periods instead of adjusting your phone or monitor at eye level, you are most likely to strain your neck and spine. This pressure can lead to the sciatic nerve's irritation, and you might end up with sciatica pains.
You might think that neck issues are not connected to the lower spine, where the sciatic nerve lies. In many cases, the underlying problem can be found elsewhere. Issues upper cervical spine, even a tiny misalignment, can lead to debilitating issues, including sciatica.
Upper cervical chiropractic is a niche that focuses on the neck area of the spine. Here at Advanced Spinal Care, we employ gentle, safe, and accurate techniques in correcting any misalignments in the upper cervical spine, leading to better healing and pain relief.
If you or someone you know is looking for a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor for sciatica pain, give us a call (650) 595-0500. You can also set an appointment or consult with Dr. Tsiglieris by filling out this form.
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