Fibromyalgia is a real pain in the neck. Literally. This disorder causes widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue that affects an estimated 6.4 percent of Americans. Sadly, even though it's quite common in the country, the diagnostic process remains tricky. This leaves many patients clueless about how they can achieve sustainable fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City.

Understanding this concern, our team thought of explaining how fibromyalgia diagnosis actually works. Additionally, we rounded up the key factors that hinder patients from getting the help they need.


Diagnosis and Influencing Factors

As common as it is, fibromyalgia is rather difficult to diagnose, even for medical experts. This mostly happens because of the following factors:

Sometimes patients need to wait for months or years for doctors to rule out every potential cause of debilitating symptoms like body stiffness and chronic fatigue. But thankfully, once a patient receives an official diagnosis, it becomes easier to find a practical relief option.


Upper Cervical Care for Fibromyalgia Relief in Redwood City

Besides physical therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture, several patients seek fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City, CA, through upper cervical care. With the help of Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care, you can address postural problems in your topmost neck and minimize the risks of debilitating fibromyalgia flare-ups.  

If you have fibromyalgia, we want to help you. We offer customized chiropractic care to help our patients enjoy lasting fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City. Dr. Tsiglieris uses the NUCCA chiropractic adjustment technique, which has been shown in scientific studies to reduce pain levels for fibromyalgia patients. This means fewer flare-ups and better management of your symptoms! In addition to reducing your pain levels, chiropractic care can also improve your health and well-being.

Don't wait any longer—contact us today for an appointment with Dr. Tsiglieris at Advanced Spinal Care, and we will give you the best care plan for fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City. All you have to do is phone us at (650) 595-0500 or send us a filled-out online form so we can schedule your consultation right away.


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 fibromyalgia chiropractor in Redwood City

We, people, are generally hooked with our daily routines and try our best to keep up with our responsibilities but disregard our health issues as a result. The time we are ready to talk about our health is when we finally decide to visit a doctor.

All this time, you’ve been suspecting you might have fibromyalgia, and you just need a doctor to say it to your face. Read further if you are looking for a fibromyalgia chiropractor in Redwood City.

The Search for the Right Fibromyalgia Relief

Misdiagnosis arises from the lack of communication between patients and doctors. It's tiring enough to suffer health illnesses and invisible symptoms like body pain. The buildup of anxiety in putting the pain into words is another, and not being listened to when needed only makes the symptoms flare up.

People who suffer from “invisible” conditions like fibromyalgia struggle to find words that can describe their pain. Luckily, professionals who deliver specific and more natural care methods are trained to render a holistic approach.

If you visit a fibromyalgia chiropractor in Redwood City, it could save you a lot of time and effort.

Why it Makes Sense to Visit a Fibromyalgia Chiropractor in Redwood City

One of the main causes of fibromyalgia is spinal misalignment, particularly the upper portion known as the C1 and C2. These two are supposed to hold the skull and help in the blood flow and signal communication between the brain and body. With misalignment in that area, dysfunction in flow of blood and brain signal causes the pain symptoms often associated with fibromyalgia.

With the growing evidence of misdiagnosis that resulted from miscommunication and side effects of medications for pain symptoms, a modern scientific approach gives us hope.

Receiving a holistic health care service is a guaranteed factor for upper cervical chiropractic. Every detail of a patient’s neck misalignment is important for well-curated pain management.

For more detailed information regarding your condition and how to free the body from debilitating fibromyalgia symptoms, contact or visit our fibromyalgia chiropractor in Redwood City.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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Without a doubt, living with fibromyalgia can come with plenty of ups and downs. You might have to cope with several problems during a flare-up, including widespread muscular pain, tiredness, and sleeping difficulties. In addition, without an effective Redwood City fibromyalgia relief, you might experience physical, mental and emotional stress each time your symptoms appear. 

Unfortunately, most fibromyalgia patients wait up to 5 years to get an official medical diagnosis. This is primarily because of the complexity of the disorder. If you suspect having this pain disorder, we recommend paying close attention to your symptoms, especially your tender points. Many doctors use this symptom as a diagnostic criterion to help them narrow down the sources of a patient’s symptoms. 

Where The 18 FM Tender Points Are Located

Back in the 1990s, the American Rheumatology College identified the 18 tender points of chronic fatigue. Physicians used to refer to these painful points in the body to determine whether a patient has fibromyalgia. Today, doctors no longer use these FM tender points as much as other diagnostic indicators, but learning about them can still help you find a suitable option for Redwood City fibromyalgia relief. 

Below are the cluster sites of the 18 tender body parts that fibromyalgia patients complain about:

We suggest consulting a doctor if you notice tenderness or soreness in any area and experience other chronic fatigue symptoms such as depression, fatigue, brain fog, migraine, and tiredness. Getting a timely diagnosis can be a game-changer for you because it will allow you to tap into remedies like upper cervical care as soon as possible. 

A Redwood City Fibromyalgia Relief Option That Works

Case studies reveal that fibromyalgia has a strong connection with upper neck bone alignment. When the upper neck bones shift even by the smallest fraction, they can hurt nerve roots and the brainstem. Consequently, this results in miscommunication between your brain and other parts. It also causes increased pain sensitivity – a critical factor that worsens the symptoms of patients who get diagnosed with chronic fatigue. 

If you have fibromyalgia, we suggest scheduling a consultation with an upper cervical doctor. This will help you determine how far your neck bones have shifted; then, you can begin receiving precise upper cervical adjustments for Redwood City fibromyalgia relief.

Book your appointment with Advanced Spinal Care to learn more about this natural and holistic option for fibromyalgia relief.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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Hundreds of patients come to a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic clinic seeking help for fibromyalgia. It’s a pain disorder that triggers musculoskeletal pain plus a long list of other problems, including neck pain and sleepless nights.

Sadly, when you experience neck pain and sleeping difficulty because of fibromyalgia, it becomes harder to manage the condition. But why do these two symptoms happen? How do they connect to fibromyalgia? Let’s learn more about them here.

Quick Facts About Sleeping Problems Due to Fibromyalgia

Dr. Pete Tsiglieris, our Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic doctor, emphasize the need for good quality sleep when managing fibromyalgia. It helps the body heal and curbs the intensity of the attacks. Sadly, it remains one of the most common complaints of our fibromyalgia patients. Here’s a list of quick facts on fibromyalgia and sleep: 

Neck Pain and Fibromyalgia 

Neck pain can cause extreme discomfort, whether lying on a bed or walking out the streets. If you have fibromyalgia, chances are you also have neck stiffness or soreness.

Studies explain that this problem stems from a slight misalignment of the neck bones. The impeded flow of fluids like cerebrospinal fluid and blood into the brain and the pressure on the brainstem contribute to the fibromyalgia condition and triggers neck pain. Until you get your upper cervical bones restored, your symptoms like neck stiffness, musculoskeletal pain, and sleeping problems will most likely persist. 

Visit Our Redwood City Upper Cervical Chiropractic Office

Neckbone misalignment can result from various things, including accidents, physical abuse, contact sports, and even poor body posture. If you suspect having this spinal problem, it may help to seek upper cervical chiropractic care. 

Advanced Spinal Care is the go-to Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic clinic for many patients who experience mild to severe fibromyalgia symptoms. 

If you also have this disorder, we can help you by providing gentle and precise upper cervical bone adjustments. Contact us through our online form. You may also talk to our team directly at (650) 595-0500 for your inquiries.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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Fibromyalgia or FM often comes hand in hand with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It causes debilitating effects and aggravates other fibromyalgia symptoms such as hypersensitivity to pain, neck stiffness, fibro-fog, and sleep difficulty.

Unfortunately, it also tends to drag on for days, even when you are well-rested. To manage such a symptom effectively, you’ll need to find fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City. Find out more about it in our short discussion below. 

How to Know If You Have CFS

Chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis can be tricky, mostly due to the lack of a well-defined and standard test for it. Instead, physicians rely on checking the symptoms and running a few tests to confirm their diagnosis. To ensure accurate results, make sure to provide as much detail as you can. Some of the signs that you might have chronic fatigue syndrome are as follows: 

If you have any of these indicators, you might have chronic fatigue syndrome caused by fibromyalgia. Once you confirm the results, you can start exploring your options for fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City.

CFS and Fibromyalgia Relief in Redwood City

If you get diagnosed with fibromyalgia and experience chronic fatigue, finding fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City becomes more critical. Otherwise, it becomes harder to cope with your condition.

You can start by engaging in physical activities or seeking assistance from a psychologist. It's also essential to get enough nutrition from the food you eat. As much as possible, it would help if you stayed away from food products that may cause irritation or swelling. Some of these include those you're allergic to and items containing excessive sodium or preservatives.

It’s also helpful to receive upper cervical care as it addresses spine misalignment, a factor that can trigger the onset of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Even if you only have a small degree of bone misalignment along your neck, your brainstem tends to suffer greatly. As a result, your brain receives the wrong signals, and your body ends up experiencing various CFS and fibromyalgia symptoms.  
Start correcting your neck alignment today and see the difference with your fibromyalgia symptoms. Soon enough, you can see massive changes in your condition. Please schedule a consultation or contact us for your queries. You may reach us online via our website form or through the phone at 650-595-0500.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

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the-risk-factors-of-fibromyalgia-symptoms-and-natural-care-optionsWhen you have fibromyalgia, pain is not your only symptom. This article will expand on the different representations of fibromyalgia, discuss a few of the common risk factors, and share a natural method of treatment that is unknown to most people.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

When suffering with fibromyalgia, these are some of the experiences you may be having:

There has been much research revealing a connection with many of these issues, to a breakdown in the body’s ability to process pain signals. This is why what would normally be moderate pain feels unusually more intense, as if the body were in the midst of an emergency situation.

Some people get fibromyalgia without any indications prior to its development. So what are some things that put a person at a higher risk of developing fibromyalgia?

What Puts You at Risk for Fibromyalgia

Here are a few factors that can mean a higher chance of a person getting this condition:

Natural Care for Fibromyalgia in Redwood City, California

Upper cervical chiropractic care has helped many patients who suffer from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. This type of chiropractic care focuses on the C1 and C2 vertebrae, which are key players in the health of brainstem function and optimal blood flow to the brain. Misalignments are a very common problem in this part of the spine, especially for anyone who has had a head or neck injury such as whiplash from a car accident, a sports injury, or any other kind of trauma that jars the head and neck. If a trauma like this happened prior to the development of fibromyalgia, then fixing the actual injury can result in major progress with the symptoms.



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opioids-could-prevent-full-recovery-for-fibromyalgia-patientsFibromyalgia is a chronic condition that affects the entire body, immersing it in pain and other symptoms. It is very common to be prescribed opioids by a primary care physician for pain management for this condition. New research on chronic pain sufferers found evidence that this form of treatment may actually have negative effects in the long run.

The study followed about 13,000 older vets and watched their pain levels for 12 months. Over time, researchers observed that the severity of pain appeared to slowly decrease when patients were not taking opioids.

What Better Options Are There for Treating Fibromyalgia?

A few factors to recognize about the study was that not all of the participants had fibromyalgia, and there are times that dulling pain with medications is required to complete some necessary tasks. However, for a permanent solution for chronic pain, the research does show us that medication for the pain, especially when over used, can impede improvement. The question is, are there natural solutions for chronic pain management?

We recommend upper cervical chiropractic care, particularly if you have had a head or neck injury prior to your chronic pain. If the upper cervical spine shifts out of alignment, this can cause confusion within the body and brain’s communication of pain signals. The reason for this is that the uppermost vertebrae, the C1 and C2, encase the brainstem and protect the junction in which the spinal cord and brain meet.

At Advanced Spinal Care, we administer the NUCCA technique to examine, locate, and then gently correct these kinds of misalignments. The gentlest adjustment provides lasting corrections, which means more time for healing of the damage caused by the spinal disturbance. After this type of correction, many patients in studies show a lower intensity in pain levels and other fibromyalgia symptoms.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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symptoms-and-solutions-for-post-concussion-syndromeOne of the most common ways that soccer players get concussions (and later experience post-concussion syndrome) is when they are attempting to use their head to redirect a ball but their head collides with another player instead. Concussions are one of the most dangerous injuries that occur to youth, and they happen more frequently to those in contact sports. Concussions can have the following symptoms:

Symptoms do not always happen right away. It could take days or even months before experiencing signs of a concussion. Parents may notice slight changes in personality, perhaps academics take a slow dive, or their child may seem far more lethargic than usual. Most commonly, a doctor will diagnose a concussion based on from symptoms shared by the patient, despite balance and cognitive tests that have been developed for early detection. When symptoms persist for months after the initial concussion, post-concussion syndrome may be diagnosed.

Treatment for concussions is usually to rest, stay out of the game, and wait for symptoms to subside. Many players, feel they are not getting answers or sufficient treatment options for their concussions. Standing by, waiting for symptoms to go away while their sports careers possibly pass them by has caused many to seek other types of care.

Upper cervical chiropractic care has proven to bring continued relief for many concussion sufferers. At Advanced Spinal Care, we believe there is hope to get players back in the game by eliminating symptoms at the root cause within the upper spine. As specialists in spinal care, we will determine the type of adjustment needed based upon the trauma and misalignment of the upper vertebrae. Correcting problems in this area calms the nerves in the back and neck and restores proper function to the brainstem that is housed inside the upper two vertebrae of the spine. This can alleviate the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome and help athletes get back on their feet again.



  1. Riara FP, Ford MA. Sports-related concussions in youth: improving the science, changing the culture. National Academics Press. 4 Feb 2014. Web. Accessed on 26 August 2015. <>.
  2. Elster E. Head Injury / Post Concussion syndrome. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. Web. Accessed on 26 August 2015. <>.

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is-there-hope-for-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-sufferersYes, there is hope, and it is centered around recent research that may be the answer to the incapacitating fatigue and other symptoms associated with Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

If you are suffering, you may also be experiencing:

There is much more to chronic fatigue than just being tired. If you are struggling you know that you can’t just sleep off this tiredness and other symptoms and you may feel like it’s taking over your life and there is no hope to be relieved from this extreme exhaustion.

Alleviating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through Specialized Care

Recent research points to head and neck trauma from your past as a possible cause of CFS. This is due to the fact that after head and neck trauma such as whiplash injuries and concussions, the body’s ability to regulate blood and cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is changed. The flow to, through, and from the brain may be impeded by the lingering effects of these injuries leading to symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

One recent study took a close look at brain perfusion. This is a measurement of the amount of blood and cerebrospinal fluid that is going into and leaving the brain. The result of the study revealed that people with CFS had reduced brain perfusion compared to those without it. Their brain perfusion was significantly and consistently reduced.

So how can this be corrected and is that enough to help with chronic fatigue symptoms?

A specialized form of chiropractic called NUCCA has seen much success in helping CFS patients find relief and it may be due to the changes in brain perfusion that happen after this unique type of care.

By examining the upper neck for misalignments with specialized x-rays and then correcting them, the pressure is relieved from the brainstem. This allows blood flow to become regulated and has been seen to alleviate the symptoms of chronic fatigue. It has been noted that sleep issues can also be helped by correcting upper neck misalignments. It often only takes a couple of adjustments to start seeing positive results.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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fibromyalgia-and-migraines-whats-the-connectionFibromyalgia and migraines often go hand in hand. This has to do with the way the body is functioning behind the scenes. Along with migraines, those with fibromyalgia also experience moodiness, sleeplessness, and other similar issues.

Why do migraines and fibromyalgia occur together? Recent research indicates that people with both migraines and fibromyalgia have an increased level of cerebrospinal fluid compared to those without these conditions. This means if you have fibromyalgia and migraines, you have an increase in your pain response due to central sensitization.

Fibromyalgia and Central Sensitization

Central sensitization is connected to the nervous system and how it responds to stimuli. When central sensitization kicks in, it causes the body to go into hyperdrive and become super sensitive to pain. The signals coming to the brain via the brainstem are relaying the message that the body is experiencing a lot of pain, when, in fact, it is experiencing very little pain or none at all, leading to fibromyalgia.

When central sensitization occurs, it means the brainstem is malfunctioning for some reason. It may have to do with a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine. The atlas and axis bones (the C1 and C2 vertebrae, respectively) are intended to protect the brainstem. However, if they misalign, they may actually put the brainstem under stress, making it not work properly. It only takes a misalignment of ¼ of a millimeter to wreak havoc on the entire body because of its connection to the brainstem.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Can Help

Upper cervical chiropractors have specific training that helps us to identify where these misalignments are located. Once this is determined, we use a special technique allowing us to encourage the bones to move back into place without the use of force. We do not have to resort to popping or cracking the neck to get positive results. Once the misalignment is corrected, the body can begin healing itself from the damage done by the misaligned bones. This often results in a reduction or elimination of the symptoms of fibromyalgia and migraines.

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NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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