People who need migraine relief in Redwood City often complain about headaches. Tension headache is considered one of the most common types of head ailments among adults. While it is not as intense as a migraine, it is still distressful and disrupts one’s career and personal life.

Individuals who suffer from tension headaches describe it as having a tight, wide, and thick rubber band around the head. It is also likened to wearing undersized hats that put so much pressure and discomfort. No wonder people call it “hatband headaches”. 

Tension headaches come and go, but it can be as frequent as 15 times a month, even more. Lack of sleep, stress, and poor posture are the top three causes of tension headaches. 

Root Cause of Tension Headaches

While any person might experience a headache after a long, stressful day at work or for being up all night, there are deeper issues or causes for this type of head pain.   A misalignment in the upper cervical spine is an often unnoticed yet serious cause of headaches. In fact, most individuals who ask for help in finding migraine relief in Redwood City found out that upper cervical spine misalignment was the culprit behind their intense suffering.

Inside the base of our skull, we can find two cylindrical bones called the atlas and the axis.  These two topmost bones are part of the 7-set vertebrae that make up the upper cervical spine region. When they are misaligned due to trauma or any other reason, it sets off a chain of problems that leads to pain and discomfort. Misalignment of the upper cervical spine has been associated with migraines and tension headaches. 

Tension Headache and Migraine Relief in Redwood City

Thanks to upper cervical chiropractic, tension headaches and migraines need not become perennial health problems. When a chiropractor restores the C1 and C2 bones in their right angle and position, blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from the brain smoothly. This enables the brain to send signals and transfer the nutrients needed for proper body functioning.

After several adjustments, a person with tension headache and migraine will notice the gradual lessening of pain and symptoms reduction. To know more about spine adjustments that help relieve headaches and migraines, visit Advanced Spinal Care. Please contact us today, and we would be glad to help you meet your health goals.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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There is a silent scourge that afflicts hundreds if not thousands of people all over the United States. It is a condition that poses a serious health concern to people, many of whom may not even know that they have it. 

Called Post-Concussion Syndrome or PCS, it starts as a simple headache followed by dizziness, fatigue, and irritability.  Some may even experience these other symptoms:

From Concussion to Post-Concussion Syndrome

To better understand PCS, it is necessary first to know what a concussion is. People who visit an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City learn that a concussion is a mild trauma to the brain. They also understand that it may be caused by a blow, a fall, or any other injurious impact that could either make a person lose consciousness or not at all.

It comes as no surprise that professional boxers, football players, mixed martial arts fighters, and other athletes engaged in hard contact sports are diagnosed with PCS. However, anybody can sustain this head trauma due to a car accident, a slip or a fall, or any other untoward incident that involves a direct hit on the head.

A person with a concussion is said to have PCS when his or her symptoms last longer than the expected period for recovery.  A concussion’s symptoms could last for several days up to about three months. Anything beyond three months is already considered a post-concussion syndrome.

How to Avoid PCS

By seeking advice from an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, one can know how to avoid this potentially serious condition easily. To protect oneself from harmful trauma to the head that leads to a concussion or even PCS:

Relief for Post-Concussion Syndrome

However, the reality is, we can’t always avoid accidents. Unexpected things happen, and we get hurt during a sporting event or even when we’re just innocently walking on the street. 

But even if we get hurt, the good news is that we can always visit an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City.  A bump on the head might already be causing a headache for several days, something that we need to pay attention to. Perhaps you already have some of the PCS symptoms and have been experiencing them for quite some time.  There is not a moment more to waste.  Today is the best time to consult with an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City. At Advanced Spinal Care, you can experience a gentle and precise adjustment of the upper cervical spine that helps promote pain relief and healing from post-concussion syndrome and other health problems.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

Post-Concussion Syndrome, upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Our upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City knows the high risks involved with concussions. Many people still believe that you need to be unconscious to have a concussion, which is wrong. The truth is that people may experience concussions even without them realizing it. Most people would ignore any new or old head or neck trauma they suffered. However, your past trauma connects to any new symptoms you may be experiencing today.  

What Are Concussions?

The definition of concussions is traumatic injuries of the brain. They occur when a person gets violently shaken or receives a blow to the head. Concussions can happen from injuries from contact sports or car accidents. When the head experiences getting jerked frantically, the neck also becomes affected. Imagine how a whip moves as it gets used, and when that same motion also happens to the neck, whiplash is what happens. Concussions and whiplash can affect the way the brain functions.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Concussion?

A person with a concussion may experience any of the following symptoms: 

Concussion And An Effective Care Option

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned earlier regularly for a time, you might be having post-concussion syndrome. It means your concussion is continuing to cause more problems. Therefore, you will need to have it taken care of properly by an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is an excellent option since it is a form of care that focuses on keeping the upper cervical spine aligned and healthy. A concussion can cause a misalignment in any of the top two bones – the atlas and axis vertebrae – of the upper neck. Therefore, a misaligned bone in this area of the neck can be causing your various symptoms. 

Upper cervical chiropractors use an accurate, non-invasive, and gentle method of adjusting misalignments with utmost care and precision. When the bones move back into place naturally, the body usually heals without any added stress or pressure. Many patients see various symptoms of their concussions improve significantly or even go away completely. Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, CA, we will take care of you. Call us at (650) 595-0500 or send us a message. here.

Upper Cervical in Redwood City offers a unique form of care for patients who had neck or head trauma. Have you or anyone you know suffered from an accident lately? Events that may include the following:

These incidents have long term repercussions. They can evolve into what's called post-concussion syndrome. Also, it is essential to seek proper care to counter the long-lasting effects of this condition.

What is Post-concussion Syndrome? 

Post-concussion syndrome is an intricate disorder that often comes after an injury. It has the following symptoms:

If you experience any of these symptoms after an accident, they often persist longer than they should if left untreated. Therefore, seek medical care as soon as possible. You can also seek help from an upper cervical chiropractor. Why?

Effects of an Upper Cervical Misalignment

In many cases, accidents that involve the head or neck cause a misalignment in the upper bones of the spine. When the C1 (atlas) or C2 (axis) vertebra moves out of alignment, it puts the brainstem under pressure and stress. Thus, it would lead to a variety of symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome. Therefore, by correcting the misalignment, patients get significant relief and restoration of their normal healthy body. Upper cervical in Redwood City does just that.

Getting Natural and Safe Care for Post-Concussion Syndrome

Numerous patients experience significant improvement in their overall health after just one adjustment from an upper cervical chiropractor. Upper cervical chiropractic care is natural, safe, and offers long-lasting relief from post-concussion syndrome. 

Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, CA, we help develop an effective plan of care that may involve adjustments once or twice a month. It may depend on the severity of your condition or situation. We give an upper cervical spine adjustment only when needed.

Upper cervical care encourages the misaligned bone to move back in place naturally, which leads to longer-lasting adjustments. As a result, our patients enjoy lasting relief from pain and many of their health problems.Call our office at (650) 595-0500 or send us an email to set a consultation with us.

Every NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City helps patients with various types of headaches find relief. Tension headaches are widespread among adults. At least 80% of people experienced at least one tension headache in their lifetime. This type of problem feels like a band is slowly tightening around your head. So what can trigger tension headaches in people? Here are some common triggers:

Notice that the conditions on the list are things that almost everybody feels at one point or another. Some people might even argue that these four things happen regularly a few times a week. 

Anyway, here are a few ways you can take care of your tension headaches:

The Link between Your Neck and Headaches

When the tightening band around your neck feels so familiar, you may also know about the extremely tense or tender neck muscles. Why do these things happen together? It means your headaches have a close connection to your neck. Issues with the neck often connect to many kinds of headaches. Within your neck is the uppermost vertebra of your spine, the atlas (C1) bone. It protects and houses the brainstem, an essential component of the central nervous system, which maintains the proper sending of correct signals to the brain and body. 

Therefore, if a misalignment occurs in this critical part of the neck, it causes various health issues. First, it exerts unusual stress and pressure on the brainstem and the rest of the spinal cord, causing muscle spasms. Second, a disruption in the flow of healthy blood happens, causing dysfunction in the nervous system. These factors would contribute to causing neck pain, tension headaches, or migraines.

At Advanced Spinal Care, our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City uses an effective and gentle technique. He can identify atlas misalignments, which may be what’s causing a patient’s tension headaches. NUCCA is a non-invasive and unique method that leads to the proper restoration of the body’s optimum function. Correcting misalignments of the atlas releases the tension and pressure on the brainstem and spinal cord. As a result, proper body-brain communication within the nervous system gets restored.Call our office today at (650) 595-0500, so we can find the root cause of your tension headaches. You can also contact us here.

Every migraine chiropractor in Redwood City helps patients get headache relief naturally. According to a report by The News-Press, almost 20 percent of chronic headaches have to do with problems related to the neck. It may be a real shocker for many people. This particular kind of headache is called a cervicogenic headache. Also, not only is the neck involved but posture as well. Many headaches, including migraine headaches, cause burning pain due to sensitive structures within the neck, becoming pinched, strained, or out of position. 

What’s Causing Your Neck Issues?

There is a high possibility that your activities contribute to your neck problems. Your daily routines and actions included. For instance, if you sit in front of your work station for prolonged periods, you can damage your neck due to poor posture. How so? Likely, your keyboard, chair, monitor, and desk are not ergonomically optimized. You may also neglect to remember taking a break every 30 minutes from staring at your computer monitor.

When you’re at home, there is also the tendency to binge-watch your favorite shows or do movie marathons. Whenever you use your tablet or phone, you crane your neck downward at an awkward angle without realizing it. Combinations of these things contribute to damaging the neck, more than most people realize.

Keeping Your Neck Healthy with a Migraine Chiropractor in Redwood City 

Do your best to improve your posture. Doing so will help reduce your headaches and even migraines. Remember to be conscious of keeping the proper posture at home or work. Whenever you use your phone, tablets, or other hand-held gadgets, keep it propped on a stand and positioned well so that you are not leaning down awkwardly for prolonged periods. Also, keep an ergonomically focused workstation. Furthermore, take at least one minute of break time from sitting too long daily, and do some stretches.

Another crucial step that can help you is to visit us here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California. We use a gentle and precise technique called upper cervical chiropractic that allows the bones of the neck to realign correctly. In many cases, this could be what you may need to get relief from headaches due to neck problems.Call us at (650) 595-0500 or send us a short message to start receiving our unique form of care.

Every Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor combats various types of headaches. One of the less recognized causes of headaches is concussions. Every year, there are millions of concussions caused by sports-related injuries reported in the United States. In particular, there are about 1.6 to 4 million of these concussions reported each year. However, contact sports are not the only culprit for the cases of concussions. Studies have shown that cheerleading is one of the top reasons for injuries reported for women's sports.

Due to these statistics, the sports commission made sure there is a better measure of safety. Many precautions included mandatory safety certifications, increased safety training, floor mats, and more restrictions when circumstances were less than ideal. 

Concussions and TBI

Concussions or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a significant cause of disability and death in the United States. An average of 155 individuals in the US has died each day due to injuries caused by TBI. Those who survived a concussion or TBI faced continuously with adverse effects known to last several days or the rest of their lives. 

TBI happens due to a blow, a bump, or a jolt to the head. It can disrupt the normal function of the brain. Bear in mind that not all bumps or blows to the head can result in a TBI. The severity of a TBI can range from mild (a short change in consciousness of mental status) or severe (extended periods of unconsciousness or memory loss after a head injury). A majority of the TBI’s that happen each year are just mild concussions.  

Symptoms of Concussions:

Concussions may often go unnoticed, but they can show a lot of symptoms. Here are some of the more common ones:

Concussions and Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

If your loved ones suffered injuries or concussions, please make sure they get the proper care. Concussions can lead to future health complications and also increase the risk of severe conditions like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, seizures, bipolar disorder, memory loss, and other neurological dysfunctions. However, time alone cannot heal this type of injury. People who suffer from concussions need a check-up as soon as possible, especially when they show any of the above symptoms.

Our Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor can help you. Upper cervical chiropractic care concentrates on making sure that the top two bones, the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae, are correctly aligned. Head or neck injuries are among the leading causes of misalignments in the spine's upper cervical area. 

By accurately and carefully realigning these fundamental structures of the neck, the body enjoys the opportunity to heal correctly. It has often resulted in a complete reversal of the symptoms, as mentioned earlier, most notably chronic headaches.

Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic helps patients get headache relief. A medical condition or an injury usually causes the unexpected arrival of headaches. When you get headaches as a result of these factors, they are called secondary headaches.

For many people, medications for headaches give no relief. Meanwhile,  they even cause more severe problems to appear on others. Some people have more issues because some medications contain caffeine, and too much of it can bring on headaches. 

What Causes Secondary Headaches?

A secondary headache is a warning sign of a condition that may hurt the pain-sensitive nerves of the head. Here is a list of the usual and not so typical reasons behind secondary headaches

Relief for Secondary Headaches Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic

It’s crucial to determine the real source of the problem to help people who suffer from secondary headaches find relief. Thanks to Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic, numerous patients have already experienced long-lasting headache relief.

Any misalignment on the top vertebra of the neck can affect the proper communication between the brainstem, the brain, and the body. In addition, even a misalignment as tiny as ¼ millimeter can obstruct the functions of the nervous system. Even worse, several complications may arise if this is the case. If these conditions apply to your particular situation, then it means the injury or disease responsible for your secondary headaches might come as a result of this structural imbalance in your upper cervical area.

Come and visit Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California to address the root cause of your headaches. Our upper cervical chiropractor will gently adjust your misaligned vertebra into its proper position. Thus, realignment will start restoring adequate communication between your body and brain. As a result, it will enable your body to heal naturally and get long-lasting natural relief from headaches, be it chronic or secondary.Therefore, do not hesitate to set an appointment with us to fix your misalignment. You can also call our office at (650) 595-0500, or answer our online contact form.


Whiplash often results in the onset of chronic headaches, making people ask the help of a California upper cervical chiropractor. The pain can hit shortly after the trauma or a few months or years later. How can you know if a head injury will lead to headaches? Know the health of your neck.

The Role of the Neck in Whiplash

Sad to say, most cases of whiplash are either uncared for or undetected. Why is this the case? Many patients do not know that an accident such as a car crash or sports mishap can damage the neck. Most people downplay their injury and think there is no reason to see a California upper cervical chiropractor. 

The truth is that suffering from whiplash, even from a minor accident, can misalign the C1 and C2 vertebrae of your upper neck. These bones are like no other bones in the spine, as they are very mobile. They are the vertebrae that allow the head to move in different ranges of motion. However, they are vulnerable to misalignment.

Other Causes of Whiplash Injuries

Getting in a car accident is not the only method to acquire whiplash. These events can also cause whiplash causes:

Care for Headaches Due to Whiplash

Once whiplash occurs, it is essential to have a California upper cervical chiropractor examine your spine. This is very important, regardless if the accident you had was only minor or whether headaches have developed.Advanced Spinal Care targets the C1 and C2 vertebrae to help patients heal the damage caused by any injury. We employ the NUCCA method of upper cervical chiropractic for patients. It is safe and gentle, and adjustments are long-lasting. As a result, the body has more time to heal from impairment. To learn more about our method, schedule a consultation with us today.


I’ve been in practice as a chiropractor for headache near Redwood City, CA, for years now. I am fully aware of the difficulty in dealing with headaches, especially when they happen repeatedly. 

Many people experience chronic headaches daily, or at least a few times a week. And unbeknownst to many, the term headache encompasses several types:

Cluster Headaches: This type of headache is sporadic. It brings extreme pain, as well as tearing and redness of the eyes. Sufferers also experience sweatiness and runny nose. 

Tension Headaches: Tension headaches are the most common type. It brings a throbbing and pressure-like feeling in the head. In most cases, neck pain is also prevalent. 

Cervicogenic Headaches: These headaches happen frequently. When they strike, the person affected also feels a sense of stiffness in the neck. 

Migraines: Unlike the other headache types on this list, migraines are a neurological issue. Head pain is just one of the many symptoms, along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, and odors. Auras are also a symptom where the sufferer experiences other visual disturbances. 

Finding Headache Relief Through Proper Spinal Alignment 

Researchers also discovered that headaches are neurovascular, which involve both the vascular and nervous systems. These are linked to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and blood to and from the brain.

For this entire system to work smoothly, the C1 and C2 vertebrae need to be in proper alignment. And once they move out of the correct position, chronic headaches may ensue.  

But here in my clinic, Advanced Spinal Care, I correct these misalignments through upper cervical chiropractic care. I use gentle, precise, and low-pressure methods to alleviate headache pain for the long-term. I’ve been successful in helping my patients, making me a respected chiropractor for headache near Redwood City, CA. 
If you need more information, you may call me at (650) 595-0500 or contact me online.

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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