diet, chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City

Are you tired of waking up with that nagging back pain or dealing with the discomfort of sciatica that won't go away? If you're near Redwood City and looking for answers, you might be surprised to learn that what you put on your plate can significantly alleviate your back and leg pain. Read on as we share essential diet tips that can help you combat sciatica pain. Also, please keep reading to understand the role of our chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City in helping you get your life back.


The Connection Between Diet and Back Pain

When we think about back pain relief, our minds often jump to physical treatments like the adjustments you receive from our chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City. While these are all valuable options, we often overlook our daily diet's impact on our overall health, including our spine and nerves.

Inflammation is a primary culprit behind chronic back pain and sciatica. The food items we eat can either contribute to inflammation or help reduce it. Thankfully, making smart dietary choices can support your body's natural healing processes and lessen your pain.


Eat Your Veggies to Fight Back Pain

A mostly plant-based diet that includes foods like flax and chia seeds can help you avoid inflammation. Pair these with omega-3-rich coldwater fish like herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines, black cod, tuna, and trout for an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

Nutritionists suggest eating deeply colored fruits and vegetables because these are well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. If you're looking for food products that help reduce sciatica pain and are loaded with nutrition, try carrots, cherries, beets, berries, sweet potatoes, grapes, red wine, pomegranate, and watermelon.


Spices and Herbs to Season Generously

Herbs and spices are not only great for flavor but also rich in anti-inflammatory agents. Basil, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, rosemary, cucumbers, onions, oregano, and turmeric can help fight inflammation and reduce pain. Adding these to your meals can enhance their healing properties. Also, consider drinking healthy herb teas and true teas (green, oolong, and white) for additional benefits.


Healthy Fats and Green Goodness

Did you know that olive oil, green tea, and brightly colored fruits and vegetables can help reduce inflammation in cartilage in the spinal column? Studies note that these are quite handy in reducing the severity of back pain and muscle stiffness. When eating veggies, think "the greener, the better." Kale, spinach, and broccoli are all top choices for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Other good food options to curb your sciatica symptoms include cocoa, avocados, lean proteins and nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, and Brazil nuts).


Foods to Avoid

Many dietitians and nutritions recommend avoiding nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes, and peppers) if you suspect they might contribute to inflammation in your body. To find out if these vegetables affect you, eliminate them for two weeks and see if your symptoms improve.

You should also look into other processed foods, fast foods, and saturated fats, because these often trigger inflammation. This includes white bread, pasta, rice, sugary drinks and snacks, fried foods, and anything with partially hydrogenated oil, often found in products with a long shelf-life, such as crackers, chips, and pastries. Also, stay away from excessive caffeine and alcohol.


The Calcium Factor

Besides avoiding certain food products, you must also ensure you're getting enough of calcium and vitamin D. Take note that the bone is the body's storage reservoir for calcium. As you age, maintaining bone mass can become challenging, which can lead to conditions like osteopenia or osteoporosis, weakening the spinal bones. Calcium contributes to bone mass, helping you avoid these conditions.

However, you must take note that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends consuming no more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium a day from foods or supplements. Excessive amounts of calcium in the body can increase the risk for heart problems and atherosclerosis.

diet, chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City

A Unique Approach to Back Pain: Consulting a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City

While adjusting your diet can make a significant difference, it's important to remember that it's just one piece of the puzzle. Addressing neck misalignment is another crucial aspect that you should look into. Thankfully, that’s where a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City like Dr. Tsiglieris comes in.

Visiting a chiropractor near Redwood City can help you determine if your atlas is not properly aligned with the rest of the spine. Additionally, this will help you address the imbalance and help ease the pain that prevents you from living life to the fullest. So, if you haven’t looked into atlas bone misalignment as the root cause of your pain yet, we strongly recommend scheduling your appointment with Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City.


sciatica, exercise, chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City

How does your back pain or sciatica impact your daily routine, including work, household chores, or recreational activities? Have you had to make any significant lifestyle changes due to your discomfort? Did you ever have to give up exercising because your pain is unbearable? Well, here’s the good news: exercising with sciatica is possible, but you have to make sure you listen to your body. You can also try seeking help from a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City to make sure you address the root cause of your pain.

Sciatica is a common lower back problem causing pain, numbness, or burning sensations in the hips, buttocks, and legs. Despite the discomfort, exercise plays a vital role in managing sciatica symptoms. Here are eight sciatica exercises you can explore:

#1. Curl-Ups

#2. Superman Stretch

#3. Hip Raises

#4. Planking

#5. Side Plank

#6. Leg-Raises

#7. Piriformis Stretch

#8. Bird Dog

sciatica, exercise, chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City

How Can a Chiropractor for Sciatica and Leg Pain Near Redwood City Help?

A chiropractor, particularly those who practice Upper Cervical Care, can offer lasting relief by addressing misalignments in the upper cervical spine. Highlighting the connection between misalignment and sciatica, this method restores balance and alignment of your atlas and axis bones. If your pain persists after weeks of home remedy and exercise, you may need assistance from a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City, especially after accidents, injuries, or poor posture. Schedule a consultation with us to know if Upper Cervical Care suits your needs.


back pain, Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

Do you also complain about discomfort that starts or lingers on the lower part of your back? Have you ever wondered why your lower back aches even though you haven't engaged in strenuous activities? Do you ever feel like the root of your pain is a mystery with no apparent cause despite your efforts to identify it? Does your pain flare up at unexpected times, making it difficult to pinpoint what exactly sets it off? 

Have you ever wondered if there's a hidden factor contributing to your low back pain that you might not be aware of? An Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City is no stranger to attending to patients confused about the cause of their lower back pain. 

Low back pain is a prevalent issue, almost becoming a fact of life as you age. Reports indicate that 50% of adults over 60 experience lower backache, making it one of the leading reasons for doctor visits in this age group. Did you know that your upper neck area may be the reason for the pain in your lower back?


A Hidden Culprit

The upper cervical spine's atlas vertebra, positioned at the top, plays a crucial role in spine alignment. Misalignment can affect the entire spine, leading to uneven pressure and lower back muscle spasms. 

The spinal column, comprised of vertebrae, shock-absorbing discs, ligaments, and muscles, plays a crucial role in supporting the body. Key muscles, including the iliopsoas and paraspinal muscles, stabilize the spine. The spinal cord within the spinal column connects to the rest of the body's nerves, and any injury may compress spinal nerve roots, contributing to lower back pain.

You can explore Upper Cervical Chiropractic, which gently realigns the atlas and axis vertebrae, promoting natural healing and providing relief for lower back pain.

back pain, Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

Consult with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

If you're grappling with persistent lower back pain and searching for practical solutions, consider consulting with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City. This form of chiropractic care delves into the crucial relationship between the upper cervical spine and lower back discomfort. 

Misalignments in the upper cervical spine, often resulting from accidents, injuries, or prolonged poor posture, can contribute to lower back pain. Through precise adjustments, an Upper Cervical Chiropractor aims to restore proper balance and alignment to the bones in the upper part of the spine, consequently addressing underlying issues that may be causing lower back discomfort.

Seeking help from an Upper Cervical Chiropractor from our office could be a transformative step in your journey to understanding and alleviating the root cause of your lower back pain, providing a holistic approach to spinal health and overall well-being.


climbing stairs, back pain, Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you enjoy hikes or outdoor running? Or is sunset yoga the best way to end the week for you? But does your back pain prevent you from doing the things you love outdoors, and instead, you're forced to stay indoors on your couch or bed because of the severe discomfort? Do you ever feel like your back pain is holding you back from enjoying your life? 

Have you ever had to cancel a hiking plan you said yes to weeks ago because of back pain? Do you now avoid certain activities because you're afraid of making your back pain worse? Do you ever feel like your back pain is controlling you now? Unfortunately, some patients who consult with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City are no strangers to these scenarios. But did you know you can combat your back pain with physical activity, particularly climbing the stairs?


Climbing Stairs and Back Pain

Climbing stairs is a low-impact exercise that can help improve your posture and strengthen the lower back muscles. Strong lower back muscles can help support the spine and reduce pain.

A study found that climbing stairs was an effective and low-cost option for people with chronic low back pain. The study involved patients in the climbing group who were instructed to climb five different climbing routes. An activity of 10 sessions within eight weeks, at least once a week with a minimum duration of 1 hour, was mandatory. This study also showed that patients who engaged in regular climbing showed a reduction in the size of disc protrusion.

Hence, if your back pain stops you from enjoying the physical activities you used to do including regularly climbing stairs in your routine may help bring a positive impact on your condition and get you back on track.

climbing stairs, back pain, Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City

How an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City can help with back pain

A misaligned atlas and axis bones, which consist of your upper cervical spine, can significantly impact chronic back pain. When the bones in the upper neck area are not properly balanced and aligned, it can cause strain on the surrounding muscles and nerves, leading to persistent discomfort in the back. Accidents, injuries, and even poor posture can contribute to these misalignments. Unlike some minor aches and pains that might resolve on their own, upper cervical misalignments do not heal without proper intervention.

Seeking help from an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City is crucial in such cases. They are trained to diagnose and correct misalignments in the upper neck region, restoring the proper balance and alignment of the bones. Upper Cervical Care can alleviate the underlying issues causing back pain through gentle and precise adjustments, offering long-lasting relief. If you are experiencing chronic back pain, book a visit to our office, and we will do our best to help address the root cause of your discomfort and improve your overall well-being.


low back pain, Chiropractic Doctor for backpain based in Redwood City

Does a dull ache in your lower back accompany you throughout the day? Do you often feel a sharp stabbing sensation that prevents you from doing your daily routine? Living with low back pain can be a real struggle, but you might find yourself tempted to ignore it, especially if you're busy or if the discomfort seems manageable. But what happens if you let low back pain go unchecked for too long? Is it smart to call a Chiropractic Doctor for backpain based in Redwood City for help?


When Low Back Pain Lingers: Unmasking the Potential Complications

Ignoring low back pain isn't just about gritting your teeth and getting through the day. Over time, untreated pain can lead to a cascade of complications. Your body might start compensating for the discomfort, causing you to move differently. This can result in muscle imbalances, tightness, and potentially, even more pain.

If the cause of your back pain is a structural issue, like a herniated disc or spinal misalignment, neglecting it can cause the condition to worsen. This might lead to chronic pain, decreased mobility, or in severe cases, neurological issues due to nerve compression, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in your legs.


Neck Trauma and Low Back Pain: A Surprising Connection

Now, you might be wondering: "What does my neck have to do with my low back pain?" Surprisingly, a lot! Past neck trauma, like whiplash or even minor injuries, can cause shifts in your spine's alignment, including in your lower back. It's a ripple effect - an issue at one end of the spine can cause trouble at the other. This could be the hidden link between that old whiplash injury from years ago and the nagging low back pain you're experiencing now.


Why Consult with a Chiropractic Doctor for Backpain based in Redwood City?

At this point, you might also be asking: "Why should I see an upper cervical doctor for my low back pain?" Well, Upper Cervical Chiropractors like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care focus on correcting misalignments in the spine's upper region. These corrections can promote better overall spinal health and address those ripple effects we discussed earlier.

Dr. Tsiglieris uses precise, gentle techniques to adjust the cervical spine, which could help alleviate your low back pain. And it's not just about immediate relief; it's also about preventing further issues down the line.

low back pain, Chiropractic Doctor for backpain based in Redwood City

Taking Control: Don't Ignore Your Low Back Pain

Ignoring low back pain might seem like the easy option now, but it could potentially lead to more severe complications in the future. Understanding the connection between past neck trauma and current low back pain could be the first step towards finding effective relief.

Booking an appointment with an Upper Cervical doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris could be a game-changer. Remember, your body is interconnected, and addressing issues at the top of your spine might just be the key to relieving your low back pain. So, why not give it a shot? It's time to stop ignoring the pain and take proactive steps toward better spinal health.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 or you can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

summer heat, back pain, NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City

Who among us hasn't experienced the occasional twinge of back pain? It's no fun, is it? Now, imagine it's summer, and that mild, nagging discomfort suddenly intensifies. As the heat index rises, so does the pain in your back. Is it just a coincidence? Or can the summer heat really worsen back pain? Let's dive into this heated topic (pun intended)! As your trusted NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City office, Advanced Spinal Care hopes to provide you with everything you need to know about managing an achy back.


Summer Heat: A Culprit for Back Pain

Contrary to popular belief, there's a scientific explanation for your current health mishap. Notably, heat might play a role in increasing back pain. As the body's temperature rises, your blood vessels expand to allow more blood to flow near the surface of your skin in a bid to cool off. While this might sound harmless, it can lead to increased inflammation in already sensitive areas, including your back, leading to amplified pain.

Moreover, the soaring temperatures often trigger dehydration, a factor that not many consider when assessing their discomfort. When your body lacks enough fluids, it can result in muscle cramps, adding to the intensity of the back pain.


Taking the Pressure Off: The Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

The good news? There are solutions to help mitigate the heightened pain. One such remedy is visiting an Upper Cervical Chiropractic physician, especially those practicing the NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) technique. NUCCA chiropractors like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris specialize in the precise alignment of the neck, or the C1 and C2 bones, a crucial area that influences the entire central nervous system and the body's overall health.

summer heat, back pain, NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City

How NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City Can Alleviate Back Pain

If you're wondering why a neck adjustment would help with your low back pain, the answer lies in the interconnectedness of our body. Misalignments in your neck can affect various body parts, including your back. It's all linked. By correcting these misalignments, NUCCA doctors can often alleviate pain throughout the body, including that pesky back pain that seems to flare up when the weather gets hot.

So, does summer heat worsen back pain? It most certainly can! But with the right care and attention, there's no need for you to endure those summer months in discomfort. Seeking a NUCCA doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris for your low back pain can be a game-changer for you.

Not only will this help restore your spinal alignment, but also help boost your body’s ability to heal and recover from previous traumatic injuries. This will help you become pain-free and ready to enjoy the summer to the fullest. Who knows, you might just find the summer isn't the enemy after all!

Book your appointment with a trusted NUCCA Chiropractic doctor today!


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 or you can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Chiropractic doctor for back pain relief in Redwood City

Are you suffering from low back pain lately? How long has it been? Are you dealing with the pain and discomfort for days, weeks, or months? Are you frustrated trying every remedy you know, but nothing seems to work? Are you struggling to sleep or sit comfortably? Is your pain affecting your productivity? Do you feel like your constant discomfort is slowly taking over your life? Have you considered consulting with a chiropractic doctor for back pain based in Redwood City?

Low back pain is not uncommon. Some cases can go away on their own after some rest. But once the symptoms become overwhelming and start disrupting your daily routine, you must address the source before it stops you from enjoying your life. If you've tried different ways to ease your pain, yet it keeps coming back, you might not be dealing with the root cause of your pain.

Did you know that your low back pain can start from your neck? When there's a misalignment in the topmost bones of your spine located in your neck area, the pain can manifest in the lower back. This may sound surprising, but there's a connection between upper cervical misalignment and low back pain. Below are three (3) reasons why and what you can do about it.

#1. Your neck and back are connected

Your spine works together to provide stability and mobility for the body. However, when the topmost part of the spine is out of alignment, it can lead the rest of the spine bones to compensate for the misalignment, eventually affecting other areas, including the low back.

#2. Nerve pressure

The misaligned bones can put pressure on the nerves around the area, leading to pain and discomfort in the low back. Apart from the nerves, it can also affect the muscles and other tissues in the neck and back area, which can also contribute to low back pain.

#3. Posture and alignment

Your Upper Cervical spine helps keep your head upright, so when it becomes misaligned, your overall posture can suffer, leading to compensations throughout the entire body which can cause an imbalance in the rest of the spine to the back that can bring pain and discomfort.

Chiropractic doctor for back pain relief in Redwood City

Visit A Chiropractic Doctor For Back Pain Based In Redwood City

If you're fed up with unsuccessful attempts to ease your low back pain, it's time to shift your attention to your neck area. Get your Upper Cervical alignment checked as soon as possible to see if a misalignment in this area is the real reason for your low back pain.

You don't have to suffer any longer. By consulting with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor, your upper spine's proper alignment can be restored to relieve pressure on the nerves, tissues, and muscles contributing to your low back pain. Through a series of precise and gentle adjustments to the upper cervical spine, you can address the root cause of the problem instead of just dealing with the symptoms.

Upper Cervical Care can help you return to the life you want, make time for your hobbies again, and live life to the fullest. So don't let low back pain hold you back any longer! Schedule a visit to our office today!


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 or you can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

back pain, nutrition hacks, NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City

Are you having a hard time each day because of chronic back pain? Have you been taking excessive doses of painkillers just to get through the day? Are you worried that your recurring back pain problem will eventually take over your routine? Surely, regular visits to a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City can help turn your life around and manage chronic health problems like back pain. And you should know a few nutrition hacks to help maintain optimal health. Below are a few examples of tips that you can apply to your daily routine:

#1. Start by avoiding inflammatory food

Besides seeking regular adjustments and appointments with a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City, we always tell our patients to avoid or at least minimize consumption of inflammatory food products. Inflammation-causing food such as fried food, refined carbs, processed meats, sodas, sweetened drinks, and sodium-packed snacks can worsen your back pain. You should also avoid nightshade veggies like eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes. 

#2. Consider shifting to a plant-based diet 

Saying yes to greens, grains, and seeds can do much for your body, especially when your back constantly aches. Plant-based products help fight against inflammation and are an excellent addition to meals made from omega-3 cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon. 

#3. Eat food that can help boost calcium and vitamin D levels

A large fraction of people living with chronic back pain has compromised spine structure. Some of them develop these due to calcium and vitamin D deficiency. So, if you think you’re stuck in the same situation, you might want to modify your diet to accommodate your nutritional needs. A few examples of items you can explore include yogurt, leafy greens, cheese, tuna, sardines, beef liver, fortified orange juice, salmon, and cod liver oil.

back pain, nutrition hacks, NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City

Call a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City and Get Help for Your Back Pain

Now that you know a thing or two about nutrition hacks you can use to combat back pain, we hope you take advantage of them. You can use these to amplify the benefits of seeking a NUCCA doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris. Regular NUCCA Chiropractic adjustments can address spinal misalignments that prevent your back pain from getting better. Talk to Dr. Pete to learn how often you should come in for an adjustment or check-up so you don’t have to be trapped by recurring backaches.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

pilates, NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City

Several people seeking NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City for low back pain ask us about Pilates. “Does it work for back pain relief?” or “Is it safe for people with chronic low back pain?” are among the many questions we hear from our patients. So, is it really worth trying? Let’s help you learn more about Pilates and your alternative source of back pain relief.


Pilates for People with Achy Backs

Pilates is a well-known body-conditioning exercise that promotes improved health and releases muscle tension. It consists of precise movements done in a specific order. Some examples of these movements include pelvic tilting, lateral breathing, and cobra stretches. 

When done correctly, Pilates engages several muscles at once. While Pilates doesn’t look as intense as other forms of physical activities, many people swear by the benefits that they enjoy, including: 

Studies show that it also comes in handy in relieving back pain as it helps increase flexibility and tones various muscles needed to support proper posture. We strongly recommend including Pilates in your physical fitness routine and coordinating with a professional instructor to reap the benefits and keep your back pain and other symptoms at bay. 

Additionally, when you perform the exercises, listen to your body. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity of the activities to avoid putting excessive mechanical stress on your already irritated sciatic nerve.


Support Your Efforts with NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City

Besides exploring Pilates, we suggest keeping up with your scheduled visits to a NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City. Doing so will amplify your efforts in maintaining good posture and managing chronic symptoms like lower back pain. Our doctor of NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City is committed to helping you stay on track with your lower back pain care plan. This way, you can lead a healthy and pain-free life that allows you to enjoy things like running around with your kids, going on a trekking or hiking trip, staying physically active, and traveling the world. 

Reach out to us at Advanced Spinal Care to book your next appointment. We also encourage you to call us at (650) 595-0500 if you have questions about your current chiropractic care plan.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

As a doctor of NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City, Dr. Tsiglieris has met with several patients with low back pain. Notably, most of these individuals experience backaches due to a long list of health concerns, including cervical subluxation, facet joint osteoarthritis and degenerative disc diseases. Have you come across these medical terms? Did you recently get diagnosed with one of these conditions? 

If you’re like the hundreds of patients seeking the help of Dr. Tsiglieris, you likely have plenty of questions about low back pain too. Let’s help you ease your worries and expand your knowledge on common back pain-causing health conditions through our brief discussion.


Why The Lower Back Hurts

Facet Joint Osteoarthritis

The facet joints support the backside of the vertebral column. Sadly, sometimes, these connective structures can get inflamed because of arthritis. This can cause swelling or tenderness in the affected section of the spine, such as the lower back. Over time, the condition can cause the cartilage material between the vertebral bones to break down. Sadly, this results in excessive friction on the spinal column.   

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative discs are quite common among aging individuals. However, they can sometimes develop because of a previous traumatic injury such as a rear-end car collision. Studies note that disc degeneration can affect various spine sections, including the lumbar region. Doctors refer to this as lumbar degenerative disc disease. Notably, this health concern can put add-on mechanical stress on the back and trigger chronic backaches.

Cervical subluxation

As the go-to authority in NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City, Dr. Tsiglieris helps patients address neck bone misalignments as soon as possible. That’s because even the slightest changes in the upper neck bones can impact various sections of your spinal column, including the lower back.


NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City: Your Ultimate Choice for Lower Back Pain Relief

It can be extra challenging to handle chores or move around if you have any of the health problems listed above. Thankfully,  you can potentially manage your lower back pain with the help of NUCCA Chiropractic in Redwood City. Dr. Tsiglieris provides carefully planned neck bone adjustments to alleviate pressure in the neck and the rest of the spine. 

He also takes into consideration the structural discrepancies like the shape of the upper neck bones when providing the chiropractic adjustments. Doing so will help ensure that you get the best help for your achy back.

Find out more about how our NUCCA doctor can help you relieve back pain with the help of neck bone adjustments by dropping by our practice. You may also reach Advanced Spinal Care through our online contact form or telephone number (650) 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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(650) 595-0500
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