Back pain ranks as the leading cause of disability in the world. As many as 4 out of 5 people will suffer from back pain in one way or another. Back pain can be chronic and debilitating, making every day a struggle. What used to be ordinary tasks become challenging to perform and often result in more pain. Let’s discuss some of the things you can easily do to ease your back pain, and how a chiropractic doctor for back pain based in Redwood City, CA can help you achieve it.

Steps to Relieve Back Pain

Here are some simple things to help you alleviate your back pain:

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Resolves Back Pain

Keeping your back in its best shape is the number one way to maintain your overall healthy body. Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we work on maintaining the proper alignment of the uppermost bones of the neck. Misalignment in this area is often the reason for back pain in many people. We adjust the bones to return to their correct positions, resulting in a decrease or elimination of back pain.

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Sciatica flare-ups can give so much discomfort to people suffering from them. It happens when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated, leading to burning or pins and needles pain from the lower back down through the back of the leg. Performing the simplest tasks can be challenging.

One way to reduce the severity of the pain or decrease the frequency of episodes is through light exercises. Five exercises can help sciatica sufferers:

  1. Yoga
  2. Water aerobics
  3. Daily stretching
  4. Stationary Biking
  5. Self-Trigger Point Therapy

Having strong spinal and core muscles helps in preventing sciatica pain. These exercises accompanied with a treatment that addresses the root cause of sciatica can get rid of your pain completely.

How Sciatica Is Linked to the Neck

Your spinal cord relays signals to and from your brain. Your nerves connect to your spinal cord and brain. When the uppermost bone in your spine (also known as atlas) gets out of its position, it creates a variety of compensations in the rest of the spine. These compensations can lead to muscle spasms, postural imbalance, and pain.

Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is highly skilled in NUCCA – a gentle chiropractic approach that focuses on correcting atlas misalignments. Our method does not involve any cracking or twisting of the neck. By realigning the atlas, pressure is reduced on the spinal cord and proper signals are sent to and from the brain, eventually creating a pain-free and balanced posture. Less muscle tension also results in even hips and a reduction or complete alleviation of sciatica symptoms.

In a case study, a 45-year-old woman who had sciatica down both legs had reported improvements after only one month of atlas chiropractic care. Her left leg sciatica was resolved, and her right leg sciatica had improved by 60%. After six months of care, her right leg sciatica had recovered by 98%.

Looking for a chiropractic doctor for back pain in Redwood City? Call us to schedule a consultation and get on the road to relief from your sciatica.


1. Sciatica: Of all the nerve - Harvard Health [Internet]. Harvard Health. 2016 [cited 21 March 2016]. Available from:

2. Alibhoy N. Resolution of Fibromyalgia Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study. J Upper Cerv Chiro Res [Internet]. 2011 [cited 21 March 2016];2011(June):39-44. Available from:

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finding-relief-for-sciatic-nerve-painPain along the sciatic nerve can range from being constant or acutely related to certain movements. The general experience is radiating pain from the low back to the gluteus muscles, hamstrings and even to the calves, due to pressure placed on the sciatic nerve. Unfortunately, this is a common enough predicament that as many as 4 out of 10 people will deal with sciatic nerve pain in their lifetime.

Here are number of relief options commonly provided for sciatic nerve issues:

While these are popular ways to manage the pain, they do not necessarily provide lasting results. Similarly, prescription pain killers wear off and do not deal with the source of the issue. Since the relief options normally used are only temporary, many people have begun to look elsewhere. Natural solutions have become more and more popular among sciatic nerve sufferers, not only to discover what is at the bottom of their pain but to resolve it permanently.

Low Back Pain Gone with a Mild Neck Adjustment

The sciatic nerve is a compilation of many small nerves composing one large nerve that runs from the low back. At the lower end of the spine, the nerves extend out to the legs, hence the radiating pain people experience all the way down the body. The only way to become free from pain for the long term is to find out what is irritating the nerve. More often, the issue is not in the lower spine. Considering the great capacity the lower spine has to help with extra pressure, it often ends up compensating for problems along other areas of the spine.

One of the more likely areas is the atlas, an extremely mobile vertebra at the uppermost part of the spine. This vertebra actually cradles the skull and allows it to move side to side. This is important to know because this wide range predisposes it to misalign and cause issues that affect the rest of the back. One of the side effects can be extra weight bearing for the sciatic nerve in the lower back.

To help with this condition, the people who are most skilled in caring for this specific vertebra are upper cervical chiropractors. They are trained to assess and locate any misalignments and administer gentle, non-invasive adjustments for lasting relief for their patients. An adjustment to the atlas could be the very answer to becoming pain free from sciatic nerve pain.


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back-pain-who-is-at-greatest-risk-and-can-anything-helpBack pain. Almost everyone has had some type of experience with it. It can be excruciating and chronic for some sufferers, while others only have back pain occasionally and are able to carry on their normal daily routines. Back pain may come about after lifting something heavy or after a simple trip and fall. In some cases, it begins with no obvious cause and gradually gets worse over time.

Who’s at Risk for Back Pain?

Back pain does not discriminate. Anyone at any age can find themselves suffering from back pain. There are some things that may put you at greater risk for having back pain:

The Surprising Underlying Cause of Back Pain

It may sound odd, but back pain can often be related to a problem of the upper cervical spine, particularly the top two bones of the neck, the C1 and C2 vertebrae. If these bones are misaligned, they can cause the rest of the body to compensate for the problem.  Your head may tilt forward, along with your hips and shoulders. This leads to abnormal muscle spasms and tension in your lower and middle back. Signals going to the brain about what is happening in the body can be compromised as well.

Correcting the misalignment by using a gentle method, instead of popping or cracking the neck or spine, can lead to healing and restoration of normal alignment. This often alleviates the stress being put on the muscles of the back, leading to relief of back pain.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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low-back-pain-a-common-cause-of-discomfortDid you realize as many as 80 percent of people experience some type of back pain at some point in their lives? Back pain is a common reason for missed days of work due to injury on the job. Back pain affects people of all walks of life. Men, women, and children suffer from back pain. It affects the young and old. It doesn’t matter what your nationality or work environment is. Anyone and everyone can get back pain.

What Causes Low Back Pain?

A variety of things can be to blame for low back pain. Some injuries can heal up quickly and others are more chronic and degenerative conditions. Here are just a few reasons for back pain.

Keeping Your Spine Healthy to Avoid Low Back Pain

Interestingly, the top ones of the spine are as important or maybe even more important than the lower back area when it comes to coping with low back pain. When you think of the spine, imagine it as a whole unit, not a top and a bottom. It all works together. Oftentimes, if a misalignment is present in the top of the neck, the lower back will begin to hurt because it is twisting and compensating for the problem up above. Abnormal spinal cord tension is created, in addition to a disturbance of the signals going to and coming from the brain. Muscle tension on one side of the body may be tighter than the other side. The head becomes tilted, causing the shoulders and hips to become unlevel and triggering low back pain.

Upper cervical chiropractors use a gentle method to realign the top bones of the neck, often leading to a reprieve from low back pain. This is done without the need to crack or pop the neck. It is a mild, yet effective method.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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back-pain-tips-for-alleviating-itAlmost everyone has had some sort of back pain in their life. From dull and achy constant pain to sharp and stabbing pain making it hard to move, back pain can really impact your life. Is there anything you can do to help alleviate or even avoid it?

Tips for Back Pain Relief

Your sleeping position. There are certain ways of sleeping that can either contribute to back pain or help relieve it. The absolute worst way to sleep is on your stomach. This results in your neck and spine being in an awkward position because the head is forced to be turned to one side for a long time.

The best way to sleep is to lie flat on your back with a proper pillow supporting the curve of your neck. This reduces the pressure from the top of your spine to the lower back.

Side sleeping comes somewhere in the middle of really bad and really good. If you sleep best on your side, it is important for you to put a pillow between your knees. This helps relieve stress on your lower back and keeps the spine in proper alignment.

Exercise. Exercise is very important to alleviate back pain. If you must sit for long periods of time for work, the back is under constant stress, and back pain may occur. Doing something you enjoy will help you keep with it. Some suggestions are Pilates, swimming, bike riding, or walking. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you do something. Just be sure not to overdo it. Take things slowly, especially when you are beginning.

Keeping Your Spine Healthy to Reduce Back Pain

Another good suggestion to keep the spine healthy is to have appointments regularly at your local upper cervical chiropractic office. The pain you are experiencing may be due to a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine, particularly the top two bones. If a misalignment occurs here, the entire back compensates by twisting and moving, affecting and irritating the tissue and muscles of the back. By correcting these issues, back pain may improve or go away completely.

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low-back-pain-where-does-it-originate-and-can-it-be-helpedLow back pain can be distressing and uncomfortable, even intruding on your everyday life. If the pain radiates through the hips, buttocks, and down the back of your leg, you probably are suffering from sciatica. The sciatic nerve is about the size of the small finger, making it the largest nerve in the entire body. It is made up of nerve roots that come from the spinal cord in the low back.

Low back pain due to sciatica can be blamed on a problem with the discs of the low back, putting stress on the sciatic nerve. It can also be attributed to arthritis in the low back and bone spurs. For sciatica, the focus is usually on relieving the symptoms and doing particular exercises to relieve the pain. Some people resort to anti-inflammatories or use ice on the sore spots. This is good to provide temporary relief; however, for a lasting solution, the root cause must be addressed.

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help Low Back Pain

You may not even realize it, but if your upper neck is out of alignment, you may begin to notice more problems with low back pain and sciatica. This is because the alignment of these bones determines the posture for the rest of the spine. The atlas (C1) is located at the top of the neck and supports your head. If it moves out of place, even slightly, the entire spine compensates by twisting and shifting. This leads to spasms and unequal muscle tension and will eventually cause issues with the muscles and bones of the lower back.

Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we use a method that is precise and gentle to realign the upper neck bones. We are not required to pop or crack the neck or spine to get positive results. Rather, the bones realign more naturally, allowing the muscles to heal and the pressure on the vertebrae of the low back to be relieved. This often leads to a reduction in the symptoms of low back pain and sciatica.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefSciatica is known to cause lower back pain that is often felt in the hips and may travel down the back of the leg into the foot. It is due to an irritation or pinching of the spinal nerve roots in the lower region of the back. Many people visit their family physician for help in caring for sciatica. This usually results in a suggestion of an over-the-counter or prescription medication. While this may give some temporary relief, unless the underlying reason for sciatica is addressed, it will probably continue to occur.

Keeping the Muscles Stretched Can Relieve Sciatica

By stretching the muscles using simple exercises, sciatica may improve. Here are some good exercises to try. Please, always consult with your doctor or chiropractor before trying these.

Each exercise should be held for 30 seconds and then rest and repeat in three sets one time a day.

Sciatica Helped Through Spinal Care

Another important step, if you suffer from sciatica, is to visit us here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California. We can help determine if the cause of sciatica has to do with a misalignment of the bones of the upper neck and explain why this can cause lower back pain. We can then work to correct this problem and aid in giving you some relief from sciatica.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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self-manipulation, neck pain, neck ache, back pain, back acheThe term self-manipulation refers to when you try to crack or pop the bones of your neck back into place. Have you ever felt like you would feel much better if a certain area of your neck or back would just pop? In order to do that, have you ever tried to pop or crack it yourself or asked a friend to give you a hug from behind to do so? Let’s look at why it is not a good idea and how you can find real, safe relief.

Proof of the Danger of Self-Manipulation

A woman who was used to cracking her own neck suddenly started to feel ill. She had a severe headache, along with neck and shoulder pain, and a general feeling of being unwell. Thankfully, she sought medical attention, and it was discovered, after a battery of tests, she had a blood clot that could have killed her. This was caused by a tear in the vertebral artery and was brought about by self-manipulation. This proves just how serious self-manipulation can be, and we warn you to please not attempt it.

An Alternative to Self-Manipulation

If you feel as if you need to have your back or neck cracked, the best place to start is to visit us here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California. This is especially important if you have any of the following symptoms:

We use a method that is both safe and gentle to help our patients realign their spines without popping or cracking them. They often see relief in just a few visits.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefWhen one is suffering from pain in his lower back, he most likely assumes the pain originates in that area. Therefore, it may be surprising to learn the pain may actually begin with a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine, particularly the C1 and C2 vertebrae. Let’s take a closer look at how this develops.

The Effect of Upper Cervical Misalignments on Back Pain

When one has a misalignment of either the atlas (C1) or axis (C2) bones, the spine shifts out of its normal position to compensate for it, negatively impacting the muscles of the entire back. The pelvic area may shift and cause one hip to become higher than the other. One leg then becomes shorter than the other, leading to pain in the lower back.  The pain will more-than-likely be one-sided and may be felt in one hip only. The longer this situation is allowed to remain, the more problems ensue. The way a person walks can be affected, resulting in pain in the feet and/or legs, sprains, and knee problems.

Finding Help for Lower Back Pain

Many people cope with this type of pain by reaching for the nearest bottle of pills. True, this may help cover up the symptoms on a temporary basis, allowing a person to make it through the day. However, if one is seeking long-term, natural care, it is a good idea to come see us here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California.

We examine our patients to find the exact location of the misalignment and them we work to correct the problem using a gentle method. We do not have to crack or pop the spine to get results. The technique used encourages the bones of the neck to move back into place naturally, causing long lasting relief.

The story of Nora Sue can show how helpful upper cervical care can be. She suffered from back pain so bad that she was required to use a cane for 6 years. Within 3 months of receiving upper cervical care, she was able to get around without it. Our patients report similar results.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 595-0500
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