Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefLower back pain is very common. It seems as if almost everyone has a bout of it at one time or another. In some cases, it may lead to sciatica – pain that radiates from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and down one leg. The cause of this is the sciatic nerve, one of the largest in the body, being irritated or pinched. In recent years, it has been noted that approximately $80 billion is spent on medicine, gadgets, support belts, shoe inserts, and similar items to relieve lower back pain.

It may sound a little strange, but may cases of lower back pain are connected to a misalignment of the bones of the upper neck. The C1 and C2 vertebrae are quite different from the other vertebrae of the spine. They are able to move freely without interlocking joints. While this is good when it comes to the range of motion for the neck and head, it also puts them at risk for being able to move out of place easily. A misalignment at this vital location can cause the rest of the spine to compensate by shifting and readjusting. A common result is lower back pain because this is where the greatest compensations take place. No matter what is done to the lower back, unless the underlying cause in the neck is addressed, pain levels may not improve, or pain may stop but then return.

Finding Natural Relief for Lower Back Pain in Redwood City, California

At our upper cervical chiropractic practice, we recognize that a healthy upper cervical spine is vital to the overall health of our patients. We look closely at one’s posture to see just how the head is aligned with the rest of the body, and we also use specialized x-rays to help us find the exact location of the problem in the neck. Once this is determined, we use a very gentle amount of pressure to a specific area of the neck to help the bones to realign on their own. Once the head is realigned over the spine, muscle tension and nerve irritation can clear up. This is often all that is needed to help patients find some relief from lower back pain. Some see it go away completely.
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To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief, Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefSciatica is an irritation of the sciatic nerve located in the lower region of the back. It is known for:

It may seem strange, but the actual cause of sciatica may be located much higher in the spine. In fact, it can be due to a misalignment of the upper neck. The entire spine works as a unit. Therefore, a problem in one area can affect another area.

The top bones of the neck – the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) – are easily misaligned due to their range of motion. It only takes a misalignment of ¼ of a millimeter to throw off the entire balance of the spine affecting the shoulders, hips, lower back, and overall posture. This may create an irritation with the sciatic nerve located near the hips. The best way to correct this problem is to address the underlying misalignment.

Caring for Sciatica Naturally

Medication is often the go-to answer for pain relief. While this may offer some comfort to the one suffering, it is not the end-all answer. Medication may also be accompanied by unwanted side effects and is not helpful in every case. To deal effectively with the pain of sciatica, one must address the root cause.

Advanced Spinal Care, we first examine the neck to find out whether or not the problem is being caused by a misalignment in this sensitive area. If so, we use a gentle method that encourages the bones to move back into place without popping or cracking the spine or neck. Once the adjustment is provided, the body begins to repair the damage. This may correct the irritation that was being put on the sciatic nerve and can decrease or even eliminate the pain of sciatica.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury, Disc Herniation, Disc Herniation Relief Posture, Proper Posture, Back Pain, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache, Lower Back Pain, Lower Back Pain ReliefIt used to be that people suffering with back pain and achy joints could point their finger at changes in the weather.  Changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure have long been blamed for aggravating these conditions, but a study of 1,350 back pain and arthritis patients showed no association between their pain and the weather conditions.

For the many millions of Americans dealing with back pain, that might not be good news since it leaves some unanswered questions as to why the pain persists.  The most common treatment options for people with back pain start with over the counter mediations, usually pain killers and anti-inflammatories.  These might help to take the edge off the pain, but the fact still remains that the underlying reason why the pain is there in the first place never gets addressed by the use of medications, whether over the counter or prescription.

Back Pain and Your Spine

When you have back pain, it can be caused by several structures.  When people say "my back hurts," it can be a problem with the vertebrae of the spine or the soft tissues that support the spine.  Regardless of the source of pain, it is important to correct the root cause of the problem so that it doesn't persist.

Your spine is designed to provide protection for your spinal cord as well as all of the nerves that branch off of it.  While it might not seem feasible at first, many cases of back pain originate at the very top of the neck.  The entire spine is connected like links in a chain.  When the top of the chain is not in proper alignment, it affects everything else below it.  The atlas vertebra, which sits at the very top of the neck, has the most range of motion of the entire spine.  This makes it particularly vulnerable to misaligning, and can cause a domino effect of compensations down the rest of the back.  Upper cervical chiropractic is a way that many people are correcting their back pain problems at the cause.  By addressing the top link in the chain, everything beneath it is allowed to return back to normal, reducing stubborn, chronic back pain so you can get back to living life.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injury,Many people believe that back pain is just a part of aging and if they ignore it and go on it may go away. Or they may feel that they will wait until it gets a lot worse before they deal with the situation. Both of these thoughts are dangerous to a person’s health and well-being. Before discussing what to do about back pain, let’s take a look at why it may be occurring.


Where to Find Help for Back Pain

It is vital for anyone experiencing back pain to seek immediate care, even if it seems minor. As the condition worsens, it becomes harder to repair. Most back pain conditions progress over time, but if they are caught early, they may not have to continue.

It may surprise someone to learn that the source of back pain often has to do with some kind of trauma to the head or neck. The body compensates for such trauma often leading to back pain or other health conditions.

As an upper cervical chiropractor, I work with my patients to find and then correct misalignments of the upper neck using a gentle procedure that does not require me to pop or force the spine into place. This is often all that is required to see the end of the debilitating effects of back pain.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Back Pain, Sciatica, Sciatic, Back AcheSome search for years to find what they would consider to be the perfect job. You know the kind we’re talking about. The office job with a nice chair, desk, and computer. Maybe there is even a window with a view. You clock in at 9, out at 5, and have plenty of vacation time.

In reality, very few people have the exact job described above. But even if you work 60 hours per week in a tiny cubical with 2 days of vacation time, the fact is that your comfy office chair may not be so great for your back. That’s because sitting for long periods of time consecutively just is not good for your spine.

High-Risk Careers

You may think of high-risk careers as just including ‘blue collar’ jobs. But the fact is that statistics show the frequency of injury for those who spend long hours in a chair and type on a keyboard most of the day.

So what can you do to keep your spine properly aligned? Well, you may be able to change your work environment to some degree depending on your employer. There are a number of ergonomic solutions. Plus, taking regular breaks is a good plan (again, assuming your employer is okay with that).

But what if back pain has already set in? Maybe your wrist is starting to feel the strain of constant typing. Then it is time to see an upper cervical chiropractor. Why?

The feeling in your back or even wrist may actually relate to a misalignment of the top two vertebrae in the neck. Such a misalignment is common for people who sit all day at work. It can also be caused by holding the head at an angle to view a computer screen for long periods of time.

Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Redwood City, California is an upper cervical chiropractor who is specially trained to diagnose and correct just such misalignments. Since a C1 or C2 misalignment can place pressure on the brainstem and cause all sorts of other problems, now is the time to get examined.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

Back Pain, Sciatica, Sciatic, Back AcheThat Pain in Your Sciatic Nerve

We live in a world with enough technology and medical advancements that you don't need to go on living with that pain in your sciatic nerve. You can just take a pill, and all the pain will go away within a matter of moments. That doesn't mean the underlying issue that is causing that pain will go away; it just means you won't feel it anymore.

Of course, since that medication would not be addressing the underlying issue, your Sciatica would flare up again. But you would still have that bottle of pills to help relieve your pain again, until it comes back. The cycle will continue until you do something to make it go away, and that something is to entrust your care to someone who knows how to get to the underlying cause of your pain.

Now, that person will never give you a bottle of pills, rather than will address the underlying cause of the problem by examining your upper cervical spine. That's because an upper cervical chiropractor—a doctor of chiropractic who only focuses on aligning the top two vertebrae in the spine—is focused on partnering with, to help you regain full mobility.

When your upper cervical chiropractor partners with you, they are doing so for your benefit. One thing they might do is to give you a list of exercises you can do at home that will help you in the healing process. It is important, though, that you only do those exercises on this list that your upper cervical chiropractor says are safe:

Sciatica Stretches

This is not a full list of exercises you can do to reduce the pain of sciatica, but we want to give your upper cervical chiropractor a chance to tell you which exercises he or say are the best for you.

Whichever exercises you do, you will want to do three sets, once a day. Hold each of these stretches for 30 second and then return your leg to its resting position. This will help you warm up your muscle, as well as it reduces the pain of your sciatica. Stretching is also always good for increasing range of motion and joint lubrication, as well as delivering nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

All three of these stretches should be held for 30 seconds and then you should return your legs to a resting position, Make sure to do three sets, once a day. This will warm up your muscles and minimize the pain caused by your Sciatica. Stretching also increases your range of motion, lubricates your joints, and delivers nutrients and oxygen to your muscles.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

Back Pain, Sciatica, Sciatic, Back AcheUnderstanding Sciatica

If you suffer from pain in your lower back that extends down through your buttock, one of your legs, and possibly into your foot, then you suffer from Sciatica. That pain is caused by something irritating either your sciatic nerve or one of its five nerve roots.

Not only is this nerve the longest nerve in your body, but you have two of them. Each of them is attached to your lumbar spine, which is the lower part of your spine, by five nerve roots. Each Sciatic Nerve, then, branches into two at the knee.

Symptoms of Sciatica

When a person suffers from Sciatica, the pain is never isolated to just one place. It can be felt any place along the path of the Sciatic nerve and is often accompanied by either a “pin and needles” feeling, numbness, loss of bladder control, or muscular weakness. Sometimes, pain from Sciatica can feel like an electric shock along the nerve.

No matter how the pain of Sciatica manifests itself, it can range from a dull ache to an intense pain. You will usually feel it either when you're sitting, coughing, or sneezing. And no matter where the pain manifests itself the most, you will most likely also feel a pain in your lower back.

Identifying the Causes of Sciatica

As we said at the beginning of this blog, Sciatica is caused by something irritating the Sciatic nerve. That thing that's irritating that nerve  can be a list of several different things, thus making Sciatica a symptom of a deeper health issue.

So, what's the cause of your Sciatica. Well, there is no way to tell just by reading a blog, but here's a list of several things that may be causing that irritation against your Sciatic Nerve:

Though, another type of injury that can also lead to Sciatica is one to the spine or neck. That can be the result of poor posture placing pressure on the neck, which then places pressure of on the discs of the lower back.

The Path of Healing beyond Sciatica

Though, no matter what the cause of your Sciatic pain is, upper cervical chiropractic can be beneficial for you. This type of chiropractic is gentle and specific type of chiropractic that focuses on keeping the top two vertebrae in the neck aligned. The alignment of those top two bones in your upper neck vertebrae, or upper cervical spine, is important because it affects your brain's ability to communicate with your body.

If those two bones in your upper neck are out of alignment by only ¼ of a millimeter, it can place enough pressure on the brainstem to hinder that communication process. It will also mean that with the slightest of misalignments in those two bones, the rest of your spine will also become twisted, thus leading to all sorts of potential health complications.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

Whiplash, Car Accident, Neck MusclesMillions of Whiplash Sufferers

Every year, 2,000,000 people in the U.S. suffer from whiplash due to auto accidents. Just to explain what happens to the neck, the ligaments are extended beyond their normal limits, thus cause the vertebrae that support the neck to become sprained or torn. That stretching of those ligaments forces that vertebrae out of their normal position.

Though, what many people do not consider is that whiplash can happen at low-speed impacts of as slow as five MPH. This type of neck injury most often occurs when a person's vehicle is rear-ended by another vehicle at six to 12 MPH. This is not a high enough speed to cause any property damage to the car itself, but it is a high enough speed to cause a neck injury.

Causes of Whiplash

Though, this type of injury does not require a vehicle to be involved at all. It may be the result of other injuries, such as those listed below

The Bottom Line of Whiplash

While it's easy to think that all you will need to do is ice your neck and back, it is important to note that while we do encourage you to ice those areas where you feel the pain, they are limited to reducing any inflammation to the injured area. It is important not to only rely on ice because research shows whiplash can be the underlying cause of various health issues including dizziness, speech problems, throat problems, and even hearing loss.

Though, whiplash responds positively to a specific and gentle type of chiropractic known as upper cervical chiropractic, which focuses on aligning the top two vertebrae in the neck. It is important to align those two bones because they are situated at the base of the brainstem, which is the main venue through which the brain communicates with the body. An upper cervical chiropractor will examine the upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments and make the necessary adjustments, so as to restore the brain's ability to communicate with the body.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

Back Pain, Herniated Disc, TinglingSigns of Herniated Discs

Sometimes a person can feel tingling throughout their body that is so intense it might feel like their arm or leg is constantly asleep. Other times, that tingling sensation is so slight that a person may only feel it when they lightly press their thumb against one of their fingers and rub it. That tingling, whether it is drastic or slight, may be your body trying to tell you there's a herniated disc in your spine.

Along with the tingling, there are various other signs of what may also be referred to as a slipped disc

Herniated Disc Symptoms

What is a
Herniated Disc?

Now, we're sure you want to know exactly what is going on in your back, and why it's manifesting itself as tingling in part of your body. There are discs between each of your vertebra, which are a gel like substance that keep the bones from grinding against each other. Those discs can shift out of place, which is why this injury may also be called a slipped disc, causing pain, nerve irritation and other symptoms.

Various factors may cause that herniated disc to become inflamed and leave the person in excruciating pain. That pain may lead to temporary paralysis of the musculoskeletal structure, and other severe symptoms.

How do you Address a Herniated Disc?

The most important first step when it comes to relieving pressure from a herniated disc is to get the normal balance restored to the spine. When more weight is being distributed to one side of your spine compared to the other it will frequently lead to more irritation of the discs, joints, nerves, muscles etc. and upper cervical chiropractor is uniquely trained in identifying misalignments between the head, neck and spine. These upper neck misalignments can frequently be the underlying cause of postural dysfunction, uneven weight distribution and chronic pain including herniated discs. It is critically important to have a thorough evaluation performed of your head, neck and lower spine including your pelvis to determine where the underlying issue is beginning and how best to address the pain from the herniated disc.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

Sciatica, Sciatic Never, Back PainUnderstanding Sciatica

Your Sciatic nerve, which extends from your lower back down through your legs, is the largest nerve in your body. You have two of them, and each one is connected to your spine by five spinal nerve roots. Sciatica occurs when there is a pressure or irritation against your sciatic nerve or one of its nerve roots.

Sufferers often describe their pain as a burning, searing, or sharp sensation. Though, they may also feel a pressure, numbness, tingling or prickling sensation that radiates down the leg. The pain usually increases when sitting or standing still, it is constant, and it only occurs in the leg with the damaged Sciatic Nerve. Here is a list of the types of pain a person will feel:

Sciatica Pain

While most cases of Sciatica are mild, two signs that it is due to a serious injury are when the person suffering has an inability to control their bowel or bladder, or when there is a progressive weakness or loss of sensation in the leg.

Sciatica Relief

If you suffer from Sciatica, no matter where the pain occurs and regardless of the severity of the pain, you don't need to continue to suffer. We understand the quality of your life has diminished because of your inability to get through a day pain free.

A frequent but underappreciated cause of sciatica begins with your spinal alignment. When accidents and injuries occur to your head, neck or spine the connective tissue that holds this spine in place including muscles, ligaments, tendons etc. are torn leading to a weakness and a breakdown of the normal alignment of the spine. This misalignment pattern frequently begins with a head and neck come together. This is the most vulnerable area of the spinal column. The heavy head resting on a small bone. If misalignment occurs here the entire spinal column will compensate in order to keep the brain and a balanced and level position. One of the most common compensations that develop is in the pelvis. The pelvis will tilt and twist. This tilting and twisting can lead to sciatica, lower back pain and other problems.

Frequently someone suffering from sciatica will use physical therapy, general chiropractic treatments, injections and even surgery to the local area to attempt to address the problem. However if the root cause of the sciatica is beginning in a different area of the spinal column, then regardless of how much localized treatment you have it will never resolve the true cause of the problem. This can lead to frustration, increase expense and unnecessary suffering.

Right now, the best thing you can do to find relief from your pain is to seek out the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. They will examine your upper neck vertebrae and the rest of your spinal column to determine the best course of action.

To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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(650) 595-0500
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