Back Pain, Sciatica, Sciatic, Back AcheThat Pain in Your Sciatic Nerve

We live in a world with enough technology and medical advancements that you don't need to go on living with that pain in your sciatic nerve. You can just take a pill, and all the pain will go away within a matter of moments. That doesn't mean the underlying issue that is causing that pain will go away; it just means you won't feel it anymore.

Of course, since that medication would not be addressing the underlying issue, your Sciatica would flare up again. But you would still have that bottle of pills to help relieve your pain again, until it comes back. The cycle will continue until you do something to make it go away, and that something is to entrust your care to someone who knows how to get to the underlying cause of your pain.

Now, that person will never give you a bottle of pills, rather than will address the underlying cause of the problem by examining your upper cervical spine. That's because an upper cervical chiropractor—a doctor of chiropractic who only focuses on aligning the top two vertebrae in the spine—is focused on partnering with, to help you regain full mobility.

When your upper cervical chiropractor partners with you, they are doing so for your benefit. One thing they might do is to give you a list of exercises you can do at home that will help you in the healing process. It is important, though, that you only do those exercises on this list that your upper cervical chiropractor says are safe:

Sciatica Stretches

This is not a full list of exercises you can do to reduce the pain of sciatica, but we want to give your upper cervical chiropractor a chance to tell you which exercises he or say are the best for you.

Whichever exercises you do, you will want to do three sets, once a day. Hold each of these stretches for 30 second and then return your leg to its resting position. This will help you warm up your muscle, as well as it reduces the pain of your sciatica. Stretching is also always good for increasing range of motion and joint lubrication, as well as delivering nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

All three of these stretches should be held for 30 seconds and then you should return your legs to a resting position, Make sure to do three sets, once a day. This will warm up your muscles and minimize the pain caused by your Sciatica. Stretching also increases your range of motion, lubricates your joints, and delivers nutrients and oxygen to your muscles.

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Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Back Pain, Sciatica, Sciatic, Back AcheUnderstanding Sciatica

If you suffer from pain in your lower back that extends down through your buttock, one of your legs, and possibly into your foot, then you suffer from Sciatica. That pain is caused by something irritating either your sciatic nerve or one of its five nerve roots.

Not only is this nerve the longest nerve in your body, but you have two of them. Each of them is attached to your lumbar spine, which is the lower part of your spine, by five nerve roots. Each Sciatic Nerve, then, branches into two at the knee.

Symptoms of Sciatica

When a person suffers from Sciatica, the pain is never isolated to just one place. It can be felt any place along the path of the Sciatic nerve and is often accompanied by either a “pin and needles” feeling, numbness, loss of bladder control, or muscular weakness. Sometimes, pain from Sciatica can feel like an electric shock along the nerve.

No matter how the pain of Sciatica manifests itself, it can range from a dull ache to an intense pain. You will usually feel it either when you're sitting, coughing, or sneezing. And no matter where the pain manifests itself the most, you will most likely also feel a pain in your lower back.

Identifying the Causes of Sciatica

As we said at the beginning of this blog, Sciatica is caused by something irritating the Sciatic nerve. That thing that's irritating that nerve  can be a list of several different things, thus making Sciatica a symptom of a deeper health issue.

So, what's the cause of your Sciatica. Well, there is no way to tell just by reading a blog, but here's a list of several things that may be causing that irritation against your Sciatic Nerve:

Though, another type of injury that can also lead to Sciatica is one to the spine or neck. That can be the result of poor posture placing pressure on the neck, which then places pressure of on the discs of the lower back.

The Path of Healing beyond Sciatica

Though, no matter what the cause of your Sciatic pain is, upper cervical chiropractic can be beneficial for you. This type of chiropractic is gentle and specific type of chiropractic that focuses on keeping the top two vertebrae in the neck aligned. The alignment of those top two bones in your upper neck vertebrae, or upper cervical spine, is important because it affects your brain's ability to communicate with your body.

If those two bones in your upper neck are out of alignment by only ¼ of a millimeter, it can place enough pressure on the brainstem to hinder that communication process. It will also mean that with the slightest of misalignments in those two bones, the rest of your spine will also become twisted, thus leading to all sorts of potential health complications.

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Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Migraines, Headaches, MS, Mulitple SclerosisMigraines and Multiple Sclerosis

Last week, we explored the commonalities between migraines and multiple sclerosis by looking at research conducted by Dr. Raymond Damadian. We understand that you might be thinking that while one is a debilitating but temporary condition, the other is one that affects a person's entire body.

Well, think of it this way, if there are two earthquakes in the same area, and the first one is a 3.0 and the second is a 6.0, you have to assume the same fault line is most likely the source of both earthquakes. The fact that migraines are temporary and multiple sclerosis is a much more severe condition is irrelevant, but what is relevant is that they're both neurological disorders.

Still not convinced? Let's take a look at another case study....

Research by the Upper Cervical Research Foundation

For those who might still be skeptical of the connection between MS and Migraines, the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (UCRF) conducted some research with MRI machine. They also published a paper on their findings called “Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow Patterns and Velocities of Migraine Subjects Following an Atlas Correction.” The reported the following:

"Results of a case study describing a subject diagnosed with migraine headache (without aura) reveal compelling results.  The subject was evaluated using the protocol of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (upper cervical) to determine the presence of an Atlas misalignment. After Atlas correction, a follow-up PC MR Study demonstrated changes in cerebral venous outflow. A change in vessel outflow pattern from a jugular to the paravertebral plexus route was discerned. Venous flow rate and vessel pulsatility decreased as well as cerebrospinal flow rate across the Atlas (C-1) vertebra. Most significantly, the imaging procedure measured a distinct decrease in intracranial compliance. The subject obtained relief from migraine headache pain consistent to maintenance of his Atlas correction by the end of thirty days. The PC MR exam continued to show improvement of the hemodynamic parameters measured over the 16-week study period consistent to maintenance of Atlas alignment."

The Bottom Line

In layman's terms, the cause of the problem can frequently be fixed by using a specific and gentle form of chiropractic called upper cervical chiropractic. When misalignments are corrected in the upper neck it begins to alleviate pressure on the brainstem by one or both of those top two bones in the vertebrae pressing irritating it. That will lead to the ability of vital fluids, such as cerebrospinal fluid and cerebral blood, to flow to and from the brain without hindrance.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Migraines, Headaches, MS, Mulitple SchlerosisThe Commonalities of Migraines and Multiple Sclerosis

Over the next two weeks, we'll look at a couple of case studies that reveal the connection between Migraine headaches and Multiple Sclerosis. We'll also talk in each blog about how you there is also a common method for finding healing from both of these neurological disorders.

The research behind their commonalities is so evident that it shows explanation as to why there are correlations between those who suffer from MS and those who suffer from Migraines. The other interesting revelation is that people who suffer from one or the other condition both respond well to a gentle and specific method of chiropractic called upper cervical chiropractic.

Research by Dr. Damadian

In the first study, by viewing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which lubricates the brain and spinal cord, of randomly patients with MS in real time Raymond V. Damadian and his team conducted ground breaking research. In a paper reporting the findings of their research called “The Possible Role of Cranio-Cervical Trauma and Abnormal CSF Hydrodynamics in the Genesis of Multiple Sclerosis," Dr. Damadian wrote, “These new observations have uncovered biomechanical barriers that appear to give rise to multiple sclerosis, and, even more excitingly, these barriers may be therapeutically addressable."

Basically, what that means is misalignments in the neck negatively affect the flow of various fluids to and from the brain. These changes are the likely cause of Multiple Sclerosis, as well as those changes are also the cause of migraines.

All of that means that since there is a common cause to those two symptoms, there is also a common cure. Though, the medical industry has ingrained society into thinking their only option is to continue to take medication that will give them a few moments of relief.

A Common Cause?

Whether you are suffering from migraines, multiple sclerosis or both is extremely important that you get a thorough evaluation of your upper neck by a doctor who has received specialized postgraduate training in the upper cervical spine. Dr. Pete Tsiglieris has received this training and has been able to help many multiple sclerosis and migraine sufferers address a common underlying cause by correcting misalignments in the upper neck.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Whiplash, Car Accident, Neck MusclesMillions of Whiplash Sufferers

Every year, 2,000,000 people in the U.S. suffer from whiplash due to auto accidents. Just to explain what happens to the neck, the ligaments are extended beyond their normal limits, thus cause the vertebrae that support the neck to become sprained or torn. That stretching of those ligaments forces that vertebrae out of their normal position.

Though, what many people do not consider is that whiplash can happen at low-speed impacts of as slow as five MPH. This type of neck injury most often occurs when a person's vehicle is rear-ended by another vehicle at six to 12 MPH. This is not a high enough speed to cause any property damage to the car itself, but it is a high enough speed to cause a neck injury.

Causes of Whiplash

Though, this type of injury does not require a vehicle to be involved at all. It may be the result of other injuries, such as those listed below

The Bottom Line of Whiplash

While it's easy to think that all you will need to do is ice your neck and back, it is important to note that while we do encourage you to ice those areas where you feel the pain, they are limited to reducing any inflammation to the injured area. It is important not to only rely on ice because research shows whiplash can be the underlying cause of various health issues including dizziness, speech problems, throat problems, and even hearing loss.

Though, whiplash responds positively to a specific and gentle type of chiropractic known as upper cervical chiropractic, which focuses on aligning the top two vertebrae in the neck. It is important to align those two bones because they are situated at the base of the brainstem, which is the main venue through which the brain communicates with the body. An upper cervical chiropractor will examine the upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments and make the necessary adjustments, so as to restore the brain's ability to communicate with the body.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Neck Pain, Neck Surgery, Neck Injury, Natural ReliefAnother look at Neck Surgery

In last week's blog, we looked at some of the possible complications that may result from neck surgery. We wanted to make you aware of a few more complications, as well as to make you aware of an alternative to this type of surgery.

If you haven't had a chance to read that blog yet, you should be aware that because the neck is one of the more fragile parts of the body neck surgery comes with a higher risk of complications. Those risks can cause complications that could cause you need to more surgery or could even change the quality of your life for the worse. Let's look at a few more of those complications.

Possible Complications of Neck Surgery

A risk of any type of surgery is always infection due to exposure to bacteria the body cannot fight. It's very important to treat such a complication right away, as untreated infections could lead to further complications. Though, that means it's important to watch for signs of possible infections, even after the surgery, which can often be seen through weakness in the body or complications walking or talking.

Damage to Nerves
Unfortunately, not only is this a risk that every patient faces, but surgeons are unable to determine which patients are more prone to suffer from nerve damage. Damage to the nerves can lead to more pain after the surgery than was experienced before, and some people experience ongoing tingling and numbing sensations in those areas where the surgery was performed. A second surgery will be in order if nerve damage does occur during neck surgery.

The type of surgery that has the highest risk of causing nerve damage to the spine is cervical spinal fusion surgery. That's because of the location of this type of surgery in relation to the spinal cord. This type of nerve damage can cause more pain, weakness, loss of feeling or sensation, or even paralysis of the arms and legs.

Avoiding Complications of Surgery

Now, we understand surgery isn't always avoidable, but when it is, there is an alternative that won't come with those high complications. People are just so accustomed to taking the easy way out, but what appears to be the easy way can often come with the most consequences.

The key to recovering from any neck injury is to get to the underlying cause so that the neck can properly heal. Head and neck injuries will frequently lead to misalignments in the upper neck. These misalignments will lead to changes in posture, muscle tone, nerve flow and more. Restoring normal alignment in the upper neck is commonly the first step to truly recovering your health and life.


For that reason, we want to make you aware of a much safer alternative.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Neck Pain, Neck Surgery, Neck Injury, Natural ReliefKnowing Neck Surgery Facts

If your doctor ever diagnosed you with the narrowing of the blood vessels, severe osteoarthritis, or thyroid problems, then there is a chance they may have also said neck surgery is an option. Yes, it is an option, but just because something is an option doesn't make it the best option or even a good option.

Now, you should be aware that the neck is much more fragile than the shoulder or the knee, as well as many other parts of the body, so performing neck surgery comes with very high risks. It's important to know the risks because complications in neck surgery can change your life. And not for the better!

In order to help you make the best decision for yourself, over the next two weeks we'll look at those risks. We'll also offer an alternative to you, which will allow you to go on living your life risk free and pain free.

All about Neck Surgery Risks

Dysfunctional Complications - The loss of sex drive or other sexual problems is a very significant risk of this type of surgery. Dysfunctional problems due to this type of surgery may also lead to complications with one's bladder or bowels.

Medical Complications - There is always the risk of damage to the spinal cord, which may cause blood clots, a heart attack, stroke, or possibly death during surgery.

Abnormal Bleeding - Some people experience excessive or abnormal bleeding after the surgery. A medical transfusion is often administered, so more serious medical complications, including the possibility of death, do not occur.

A Neck Surgery Alternative

Of course, you're taking a risk when you take a walk down the street or eat an ice cream cone. Life is full of risks, and there may be times when neck surgery is unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we should take risks we don't need to take. Neck surgery should be a last resort, not an option of convenience.

Luckily, upper cervical chiropractic is a gentle and specific type of chiropractic, meaning there is no cracking or popping of the spine, that offers many people an alternative to such a risky type of surgery. This method focuses on spinal correction and has a very high success rate at offering people relief from neck pain, so they can avoid neck or back surgery.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Back Pain, Sciatica, SciaticWell . . . we have good news and we have bad news. That is if you suffer from pain in your lower back that shoots through your hips and buttock down through one of your legs. That pain is a pretty good sign that you may be suffering from Sciatica. That's the bad news, but the good news is that pain doesn't need to continue. You can do something to overcome that pain, but so many people simply choose to live with that pain.

What is Sciatica?

First, you're probably wondering what is causing that pain in your lower back down through your leg and why it's only affecting one side of your body. There is pressure being placed on your Sciatic nerve, which extends from your lumbar spine down through your leg. You only feel pain on one side of your body because you have two of those nerve, and you feel the pain on the side of your body that that particular nerve is feeling the pressure.

Since your Sciatic Nerve controls numerous muscles in your back, knees, and lower legs, it is important that people who suffer from Sciatica take the right steps to deal with the underlying cause of their pain. Failing to deal with it now can cause it to become numbness, tingling, muscle atrophy, or even foot drop later.

Sciatica Approaches

Of course, the question is one of the proper way to care for Sciatica. It's important that you allow a chiropractor to examine your spine for any misalignments. For instance a misalignment of only ¼ of a millimeter in the upper neck vertebrae can lead to all sorts of health complications throughout the body. That’s why an upper cervical chiropractor is uniquely trained to address misalignments in the position of the head, neck, spine, pelvis all the way down to the feet. Although your pain may be starting in your lower back and going down your leg the underlying cause may be starting all the way at the top of your spine where your head and neck come together. Our heads are very heavy weighing between 10 to 14 pounds and when the head is not properly positioned on top of the neck due to accidents and injuries the entire spine will have to shift in order to adapt to the position of the head. This can frequently lead to long-standing problems in the lower back and pelvis that are never properly addressed.

Though, while it is important to get your neck evaluated, we also understand that your appointment may not be for several days. You don't want to have to suffer until Monday or whenever your appointment is, and we don't want you to suffer. So, here are some tips of what you can do to find temporary relief until your visit to the chiropractor.

Temporary Sciatica Relief

Now, it is important that you not rely on your home exercises for complete relief. Make sure you keep and go to that appointment, so your upper cervical chiropractor can evaluate your upper neck and spine for any postural problems that may be causing your Sciatica.

To find a Doctor in your area go to or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Shoulder Pain, NUCCA, Upper Cervical, ChiropractorThat Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can mean different things to different people. It can mean your shoulder and arm are numb or they feel weak. It can mean you feel tingling and that you're experiencing a loss of strength in them.

Though, while there are several things that can lead to a weak shoulder, knowing what type of pain you have can help determine what is causing your shoulder pain. Listed below are some of those things that may be causing your shoulder pain.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain and Nerve Damage

While that shoulder pain can be due to damage to the shoulder itself, it can also be due to problems in the neck that cause nerve irritation. Those nerves extend from the lower part of the neck and extend through the arm down to the hand, so nerve damage in the neck can have an impact on the shoulder and arm. That means problem in the shoulder, arm, and hands may originate in the neck.

Though, in order to discover whether or not that pain in your arms, hands, or shoulders originated in your neck, you will need to entrust your care to an upper cervical chiropractor. They will examine upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments the may have resulted in nerve damage.

If they determine there is a postural misalignment, they will take a three dimensional X-ray, so as to get the best perspective possible of your spine. Then, they will determine the best way possible to realign your spine so as to remove that nerve damage.

Many times, patients will find relief from pain and improved nerve function after only the first adjustment. It doesn't always happen that way, but the more in alignment the neck comes with the body, the more the patient will find find healing.

Upper cervical chiropractors are able to accomplish this without your popping, cracking or twisting of the spine associated with general chiropractic and other manipulative treatment because of the precision with which they work.

There are many individuals that feel relief from pain and improved nerve function almost as soon as they are placed back into normal alignment. For others this relief may take longer. Once proper alignment has been reached the upper cervical chiropractor can show the individual some things that they can do to help stay in alignment.

How Is Your Shoulder Problem Affecting Your Life?

When shoulder weakness or pain is involved even walking can be painful. Also when a shoulder is in pain simple things like eating and drinking can become miserable. In addition to these things when there is a shoulder problem every movement we make can cause the pain to increase and the injury to become worse.

Shoulder weakness and pain may also start to interfere with sleeping habits. Every movement while sleeping can be painful and cause trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Not being properly rested through the day will cause problems of its own. Shoulder problems are really something that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

To find a Doctor in your area go to or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

Kid, Head Injury, Neck InjuryTwo Case Studies on Neck Injuries

In this blog we'll look at a couple of case studies of children who suffered traumatic brain injuries or mild spinal cord injuries published by upper cervical chiropractor Dr. Erin Elster. The first case study she reported is of an eight year old boy who hit his head when he fell on a school playground. We'll then look at a six year old boy who sustained an injury from a television falling off of a cabinet and hitting him on the head.

Playgrounds and Neck Injuries

In Elster's first study, she reported that the arms and legs of the boy who fell on the school playground tingled, and he was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. This led to loss of bowel control, which lasted for the next six months until his mother brought him in to Dr. Elster for an examination of his upper neck vertebrae.

During a digital infrared imaging and radiographic diagnostic, it was determined that he had sustained an injury to the upper neck. The severity of the impact of the fall most likely caused the displacement of his skull from his upper neck. This most likely led to the spinal cord injury, which then led to the injury to his bowels. His initial adjustment restored his bowels to normal activity.

Televisions and Neck Injuries

In the case study of the boy who sustained the impact of the television that fell, he was lying on the floor when it fell on him. It fell on his face causing multiple fractures around his eye. Multiple reconstructive surgeries to his eye socket and sinuses followed this diagnoses.

After his surgeries and the fractures healed, his mother noticed behavioral changes in her son. He also suffered from double vision and continuous headaches. They consulted with numerous physicians and neurologists, all of whom determined the injuries were permanent and there was nothing they could do to reverse them.

Though, an examination by Dr. Elster revealed that the boy had sustained an upper neck injury, which was most likely due to the accident he suffered months earlier. It only took a few weeks of care before the double vision and headaches were completely gone.

The Upper Cervical Results

Both of these case studies reveal that whether your child is playing with friends or just sitting and watching television, there is always that chance of them sustaining and injury to their upper neck. We know you want your kid to be able to be a kid, and we want your kid to be a kid. But it's difficult to be a kid when you suffer from health related issues that can be easily resolved by correcting any misalignments in your upper neck.

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Want to hear from people like you? Check out our reviews here.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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