Children are adorable tiny humans who are both full of love and energy. One second you’re watching them nap like the angels they are; next thing you know, they are bouncing off walls. While letting kids play helps with their skills and brain development, every parent and guardian must take extra precautions to avoid possible falls, accidents, and injuries that can cause concussions in children. If a concussion occurs, call your child’s pediatrician right away for a thorough examination. This will help rule out urgent health concerns.
Additionally, we suggest consulting with an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City. Afterall, the force of a concussion can cause misalignments in the upper cervical spine. These misalignments, even subtle ones, may disrupt communication between your child’s brain and body, normal blood flow to the brain and cerebrospinal fluid flow.
Traumatic brain injury is the single largest cause of emergency room visits among adolescents, and 80-90 percent of these visits are non-threatening and mild concussions. However, it is essential to know that even mild brain injuries can alter brain functions and bring long-lasting effects. Concussions can also take place even if the child does not lose consciousness.
Symptoms such as tiredness, dizziness, or feeling off-balance, short-term forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, remembering, or thinking, headaches, nausea and vomiting, moodiness, and changes in sleep patterns may show up immediately or days after the initial trauma. Also, do note that not all of the said symptoms have to be present for you to know if a concussion has occurred.
If you noticed any of the symptoms mentioned, let the child rest and avoid chances for another concussion. Then, for an additional and reliable safety measure, visit an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City to do more tests and for your peace of mind. A chiropractic doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris will examine if your child’s C1 or C2 vertebra have misaligned.
Our Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City uses safe, natural, and gentle methods for both adults and children. The adjustments done will help the bones of the neck move back into place. This will help the body to heal, and your child can start feeling relief from post-concussion symptoms.
Suppose your child has suffered from a traumatic fall or accident in the head and you are ready to consult an Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Redwood City, visit Advanced Spinal Care located. You can also book your appointments online by filling out a form.
Children are adorable tiny humans who are both full of love and energy. One second you’re watching them nap like the angels they are; next thing you know, they are bouncing off walls. While letting kids play helps with their skills and brain development, every parent and guardian must take extra precautions to avoid possible falls, accidents, and injuries that can cause concussions in children. If a concussion occurs, consult with an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City to examine your child.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the number one cause of emergency room visits among adolescents, and 80-90 percent of these visits are non-threatening and mild concussions. However, it is essential to know that even mild brain injuries can alter brain functions and bring long-lasting effects. Concussions can also take place even if the child does not lose consciousness.
Should a rough play or sports result in falling or bumping the head, parents and guardians must watch out for symptoms that can help determine if the child is suffering from a concussion. Symptoms such as tiredness, dizziness, or feeling off-balance, short-term forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, remembering, or thinking, headaches, nausea and vomiting, moodiness, and changes in sleep patterns may show up immediately or days after the initial trauma. Also, you should know that not all of the said symptoms have to be present for you to tell a concussion has occurred.
If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned, let the child rest and avoid another concussion. Then, for an additional and reliable safety measure, visit an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City to do more tests and for your peace of mind.
The doctor of chiropractic will examine if your child’s C1 or C2 vertebra has misaligned. If this has occurred, the brainstem may be under stress and sending improper signals to the brain, leading to concussion symptoms.
Our upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City uses safe, natural, and gentle methods for adults and children. The adjustments will help the bones of the neck move back into alignment. This allows the body to heal, and your child can start feeling relief from post-concussion symptoms.
Bring a child suffering from a concussion to an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City. Visit Advanced Spinal Care located at 643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208 Redwood City, CA 94063, and you can also book your appointments here.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at