More and more people seek headache relief in Redwood City, CA. The number one culprit is tension headaches. Tension headaches create mild to moderate pain in the head. The feeling can be compared to a tight band around your forehead. This type of headache usually occurs with tightness in the neck. People who sit for a long time (especially during work) often have weak extensors and suffer from tension headaches. Extensors keep the head from moving too far forward.

According to a recent study, those who suffered from tension headaches had muscles in the neck and shoulders that were 26% weaker than neck muscles in people without the condition. Researchers also saw strength imbalances in the set of muscles that hold the head straight. Previous studies have found that the use of computers, laptops, and smartphones contributes to neck muscle weakness.

For these reasons, strengthening the neck muscles can be a remedy to tension headaches. However, tension headaches will likely persist unless you address the foundation of the muscular structure. How do you do this? 

A Natural Remedy for Tension Headaches

To find remedies for tension headaches, it is very important to understand how the spine functions. The spine protects the delicate spinal cord since it relays messages to and from the brain about the things happening to the body. If the topmost bone of the spine – the atlas (C1 vertebra) – moves out of place, the spinal cord and brainstem will be under pressure. It will impact the muscles in this area negatively. This can result in faulty signals being sent to the brain, weakness in neck muscles, and tension headaches.A study involved 47 patients who had non-migraine type headaches, and each of them received an atlas adjustment facilitated by an upper cervical chiropractor. The patients experienced less severe headache pain and fewer headache attacks by an average of 75% four months later. I also see similar results with my patients here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California. Send me an email or call (650) 595-0500 to schedule an appointment with me.

According to a recent study, those who suffered from tension headaches had muscles in the neck and shoulders that were 26% weaker than neck muscles in people without the condition. Researchers also saw strength imbalances in the set of muscles that hold the head straight. Previous studies have found that the use of computers, laptops, and smartphones contributes to neck muscle weakness.

For these reasons, strengthening the neck muscles can be a remedy to tension headaches. However, tension headaches will likely persist unless you address the foundation of the muscular structure. How do you do this? 


A staggering 38 million people suffer from migraines across the United States, including men, women, and children. This figure shows just how common migraines have become. Some people mistakenly believe that migraines are just bad headaches, but migraines are much more than headaches. The truth is that headaches can be absent from migraines.

A terrible headache may be its hallmark, but migraines involve other symptoms:

  1. Aura – An aura is a visual disturbance, such as seeing flashing lights. This is experienced by about 25% of people with migraines.
  2. Mood changes – Mood shifts can occur either before or after a migraine attack and can cause a person to feel unfocused, anxious, or depressed.
  3. Nausea or vomiting – Since migraines are neurological and involve the brain, they can bring about dizziness and nausea.
  4. Extreme sensitivity to sound, light, and odor – People who live with migraines prefer to rest in a cold, dark, and quiet room to survive a migraine attack.

Migraines are Linked to Neck Alignment

There are many avenues out there that migraine sufferers can try to get relief. Standard treatment options include a combination of medications to alleviate various symptoms. It’s sad to say, but most of these options are either a short-lived solution or ineffective in providing the needed relief.

Alternatively, upper cervical chiropractic concentrates on getting to the root cause of migraines. The natural technique ensures the proper alignment of the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae. These are the topmost vertebrae in the neck, just underneath the base of the skull.  They can impact the body’s blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, and the normal function of the nervous system. When any of these factors are not functioning properly, migraine episodes can come about.

At Advanced Spinal Care, we use a gentle yet extremely precise method for correcting atlas misalignments.  Once adjustments are made and healthy spinal alignment is achieved, the body can bring back its normal function. The brain can translate signals appropriately through the spinal cord and nerves, and the healing process can begin.  Just like in most of our patients, this means the end of health conditions such as migraines. Schedule an appointment in our treatment clinic in Redwood City for your migraine headaches.


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Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches Relief

If you suffer from persistent headaches, one of the remedies you most likely do to relieve pain is to take over-the-counter pain medications regularly. While it does the job, it can start a cycle of pain and pills that gets worse and worse over time. Little do people know, medication overuse can cause even more problems as headaches are one of the side effects of using pain relievers.

Medication overuse is a global concern. According to the WHO (the World Health Organization), about 2% of the world population is experiencing rebound headaches from taking too many painkillers. What makes the problem harder to stop is the difficulty to set apart a rebound headache from a regular one as they share the same characteristics. Most people have no idea that rebound headaches can happen, so they continue reaching for the pill bottle. Those who suffer from tension headaches and migraines are the most likely to end up getting stuck in a pattern of medication overuse headaches.

Overcoming Headaches in Redwood City, California

If you are seeking a migraine headache treatment clinic in Redwood City that provides drug-free, natural relief, you’ve come to the right place. Many headaches and migraines can be attributed to a misalignment in the upper cervical spine. A misalignment of the atlas, the topmost vertebra of the spine, can result in the following:

All of these conditions lead to headaches. The key to ending the issue is addressing the underlying cause instead of just covering over symptoms with medication that may do more harm than good.

At Advanced Spinal Care, our focus is on giving gentle and specific adjustments to the atlas vertebra. We use scientific diagnostic imaging and other tests to determine, down to fractions of a degree, the type of every patient's atlas misalignment. Once the atlas gets adjusted and returns to its correct alignment, only occasional adjustments are necessary to keep the spine healthy. For many headache sufferers, this could mean fewer and less intense headaches or even a complete elimination of the condition. This saves you a ton of money over buying expensive and short-lasting pain relievers regularly.

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Headaches are a pain in the neck – literally. An article released in The News-Press, estimates that 20% of chronic headache conditions are caused by problems in the neck. The article was written by a physical therapist who went on to describe how something such as bad posture could pinch nerves in the neck and result in a headache.

Poor posture is more damaging than it may seem. Headaches are just one of the problems that can develop from poor posture. Herniated discs, scoliosis, and even the poor function of your internal organs can sometimes be attributed to poor posture. Listed below are some suggestions for improving your posture at work and at home.

Upper Cervical Care Relieves Neck Aches and Headaches

If practicing good posture is not alleviating your neck aches or headaches, you might have a deeper issue that needs to be seen by a professional. Things like poor posture, trips and falls, and sports injuries can cause the uppermost vertebrae of the spine to move out of place. When this happens, nerves can be pinched, muscles become tense in an attempt to support the weakened area, and headaches can develop. Here at Advanced Spinal Care, in Redwood City, California, we do a careful analysis of each patient’s situation to see if upper cervical chiropractic care could be beneficial for them. If we detect a misalignment in the upper cervical vertebrae, we use a gentle technique to move the bones back to their correct alignment. Many patients experience great relief from their headaches and neck aches after receiving our care.

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managing-chronic-migraines-in-redwood-city-californiaHow do you know if you are suffering from chronic migraines? You may have chronic migraines if the following characteristics describe you:

Understandably, people who are suffering from chronic migraines can often miss out on multiple events in their life. Everyday life occasions like school, work, and social time with family and friends are all affected. Upwards of 4 million people are diagnosed with chronic migraines, with women in the majority of those diagnosed. That is an immense number of people whose lives are being disrupted on a daily basis. What options are available for helping with this widespread problem?

What Doctors Suggest for Migraines

Primary care physicians or neurologists usually recommend that patients keep a journal of their headaches, including foods they ate and what they did prior to and after a migraine attack. By including all these details, it can become relatively clear what may be triggering and even causing the migraines. A few of the things that should be included in these types of journals are weather conditions, temperature, food and beverages consumed, and stress levels.

Oftentimes there are prescription drugs that can be used for treating the pain caused by migraines. The problem is that medications will many times also include unwanted side effects that could lead to more headaches when taken too frequently. As natural remedies have become more popular, people have begun to search for a more holistic approach to coping with migraine pain.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic’s Impact on Chronic Migraine Symptoms

A connection has been clearly established between a misalignment in the upper neck and migraine headaches. If you do have a misalignment in the vertebrae of your neck and you are suffering from chronic migraines, this could be the answer you have been looking for. Here’s why it works. The C1 and C2 vertebrae have the job of protecting the brainstem, which is important maintaining proper communication to and from the brain and body. When these bones are out of alignment, this delicate system no longer works well. Dysfunctions with communication, blood flow, and cerebrospinal fluid flow occur. All of these issues make for a perfect storm for migraines to happen. As soon as the misalignment is corrected using our gentle method, the body can begin to heal and once again return to optimal function. In many cases, this is enough to combat migraine pain with lasting results. If you’d like to know more about how upper cervical chiropractic care can serve you, contact us for a free consultation.

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what-is-the-difference-between-a-headache-and-a-migraineHaving a severe headache does not necessarily mean that you are experiencing a migraine. There different types of headaches that produce different levels and types of pain. In this article, we will discuss some of the more definitive signs of a migraine headache.


An estimated 28 million US residents get migraines, according to the National Headache Foundation. Among those affected, most are women. This type of headache can be so excruciating that it interrupts a person’s ability to function in daily life. Here is a list of several migraine symptoms:

Certain foods may trigger migraines. For example, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine have been known to trigger migraines in some people. Other culprits are skipping a meal, getting too little sleep, using tobacco or being stressed. The question is, what can be done for relief from migraines?

Care Options

Generally, the first place people turn to is their doctor, who normally prescribes a pain medication to take upon migraine onset. The problem is that many of these medications come with harmful side-effects, and they only manage the symptoms without resolving the underlying problem.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for Migraines

Upper Cervical Chiropractors have a thorough knowledge of the how the spinal structure directly impacts the effectiveness of the central nervous system and how this may be a key to the origin of migraines in their patients. The upper neck is composed of the atlas and axis, two vertebra that house the brainstem. Any misalignment to this area can cause upsets to the brainstem, disrupting vital signals for the brain and body’s connection, causing migraine symptoms. With specialized training in this unique part of the spine, upper cervical chiropractors can correct these types of alignment issues with precision and very little pressure. Many patients report that their migraines become less frequent and milder, and some patients even report that their migraines have stopped completely.


  1. Ferri, Fred MD. Ferri’s Clinical Advisor, 2012 ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2012.

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headache-types-and-how-to-cope-with-the-painHeadaches are one of the most common health complaints worldwide and there are many headache types. In the United States alone, as many as 14 percent of the population (around 45 million people) have chronic headache conditions, according to the National Headache Foundation. Headaches rank as the number one reason people call in sick to work or school. As many as 157 million days are missed yearly due to head pain. This negatively impacts productivity and education. But what kind of headache do you actually suffer from?

Types of Different Headaches

It can be hard to tell one kind of headache from another. Here is a brief list of some common headaches:

Why Do Headaches Happen?

Headaches happen when something in the body is not right. A connection has been seen between headaches and a misaligned bone in the top part of the neck. Correcting this misalignment often leads to relief of headaches. Upper cervical chiropractors are specially trained to do this. A gentle adjustment is often all that is needed to help those suffering from headaches.

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headaches-and-accidents-how-are-they-relatedHeadaches seem to follow traumatic events. Is it just a coincidence or is there a reason for it? If you have recently gone through some sort of trauma -- a car accident, a sporting injury, a serious fall, a blow to the head or neck, or a similar event -- you may find yourself suffering from headaches just a short time later. Some people feel like this is just a natural part of getting injured and eventually the headaches will go away. This is not true. You do not need to suffer from headaches repeatedly. In fact, they may be doing more damage than you even realize. However, help is available.

Headaches Linked to Head and Neck Trauma

If your head injury was serious enough to cause a concussion, you can have lingering problems from it. The head is situated at the top of the neck where the C1 vertebra is located. The C1 allows the head to have a great range of motion while it also protects the delicate brainstem. Even a mild blow to the head can cause the C1 bone to move out of place. If this occurs, the misalignment can put stress on the brainstem and cause it to malfunction and begin sending improper signals to the brain about what is going on in your body. A misalignment here can also act as a hindrance to the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid getting to and leaving the brain. This may be the reason you are beginning to experience those headaches after walking away without a scratch from that accident two weeks or even two years ago. The damage may have been done inside.

Natural Relief for Headaches

Visiting an upper cervical chiropractor can be the first step toward finding headache relief. We use a low-force correction that does not require us to pop or crack the neck or spine. Rather, we coax the bones back into their original position and allow them to move back into place on their own. This often results in relief in or even an elimination of headaches.

relief-for-migraines-that-actually-worksA common misconception about migraines is they are just really bad headaches. While a headache is one of the symptoms of a migraine, common headaches can often be resolved by drinking some water to ward off dehydration or getting a good night’s rest. Migraines are much more complicated. It can take days or even weeks until you feel like you have actually recovered from a migraine and are back on your feet.

Causes of Migraines

The exact cause of migraines remains a mystery among the medical community in general. Many people are desperately searching for an answer to this debilitating condition. Many theories abound and much research is still being done. One thing is agreed upon, however. Migraines are neurological in nature, indicating both the vascular system and the nervous system are involved. This is important to remember when seeking care for your migraines.

The Neck -- How Does It Relate to Migraines?

To understand better how migraines may develop, we need to get a better look at how the head and neck are connected. The head sits on top of the neck. The skull has a small opening at its base where the brainstem and spinal cord pass through. The atlas is the C1 vertebra and is located at the very top of the spine. If the atlas happens to shift out of place due to a blow to the head or neck, it can cause the head to tilt, throwing off the delicate balance system in this area of the body. This puts the brainstem under pressure and can compromise the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid -- a perfect scenario for migraines to develop.

Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we use a gentle method to realign the bones of the upper cervical spine. We do not have to pop or crack the neck to get positive results. Rather, we encourage the bones to realign themselves more naturally, leading to a longer-lasting adjustment. Our patients often report seeing a decrease in their migraines after only a few visits.

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migraines-chemical-imbalances-play-a-roleMigraines are becoming more and more common. Whether it is the fast pace of life or the amount of stress people are dealing with, migraines are on the rise. They are the third most prevalent illness worldwide. Migraines often begin during puberty. They affect women 3 times more often than men, and as many as 39 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with migraines.

Seeking care from your family physician may result in a number of tests being conducted to see why your migraines are occurring. The physician might suggest trying an over-the-counter medication or might give you a prescription for something stronger. However, the current trend is for people to seek more natural means for caring for their health problems, migraines included, so as to avoid the dangerous side effects of medications.

Migraines Result from Chemical Imbalances

Scanning the brains of those who experience migraines has revealed some interesting information. Australian researchers discovered that patients who have migraines also have an increased amount of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in their brains in comparison with the brains of those who do not have migraines. GABA is responsible for how the brain understands and processes pain by hindering the nervous system. This information can help to determine who might experience migraines versus who might not; however, it does nothing to solve the existing problem. To do that, we need to examine the underlying issue.

Relief for Migraines the Natural Way

An underlying cause of migraines has been linked to a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine. A tiny misalignment, even as small as ¼ of a millimeter, can result in the brainstem not functioning as it should. It puts the brainstem under stress, causing it to send improper signals to the brain. In addition, the arteries can also be affected and might not deliver the proper flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. This can lead to migraines.

Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we use a gentle method to encourage the misaligned bones to move back into place. This often results in relief for those with migraines.

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NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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