Every NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City helps patients with various types of headaches find relief. Tension headaches are widespread among adults. At least 80% of people experienced at least one tension headache in their lifetime. This type of problem feels like a band is slowly tightening around your head. So what can trigger tension headaches in people? Here are some common triggers:

Notice that the conditions on the list are things that almost everybody feels at one point or another. Some people might even argue that these four things happen regularly a few times a week. 

Anyway, here are a few ways you can take care of your tension headaches:

The Link between Your Neck and Headaches

When the tightening band around your neck feels so familiar, you may also know about the extremely tense or tender neck muscles. Why do these things happen together? It means your headaches have a close connection to your neck. Issues with the neck often connect to many kinds of headaches. Within your neck is the uppermost vertebra of your spine, the atlas (C1) bone. It protects and houses the brainstem, an essential component of the central nervous system, which maintains the proper sending of correct signals to the brain and body. 

Therefore, if a misalignment occurs in this critical part of the neck, it causes various health issues. First, it exerts unusual stress and pressure on the brainstem and the rest of the spinal cord, causing muscle spasms. Second, a disruption in the flow of healthy blood happens, causing dysfunction in the nervous system. These factors would contribute to causing neck pain, tension headaches, or migraines.

At Advanced Spinal Care, our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City uses an effective and gentle technique. He can identify atlas misalignments, which may be what’s causing a patient’s tension headaches. NUCCA is a non-invasive and unique method that leads to the proper restoration of the body’s optimum function. Correcting misalignments of the atlas releases the tension and pressure on the brainstem and spinal cord. As a result, proper body-brain communication within the nervous system gets restored.Call our office today at (650) 595-0500, so we can find the root cause of your tension headaches. You can also contact us here.

Every migraine chiropractor in Redwood City helps patients get headache relief naturally. According to a report by The News-Press, almost 20 percent of chronic headaches have to do with problems related to the neck. It may be a real shocker for many people. This particular kind of headache is called a cervicogenic headache. Also, not only is the neck involved but posture as well. Many headaches, including migraine headaches, cause burning pain due to sensitive structures within the neck, becoming pinched, strained, or out of position. 

What’s Causing Your Neck Issues?

There is a high possibility that your activities contribute to your neck problems. Your daily routines and actions included. For instance, if you sit in front of your work station for prolonged periods, you can damage your neck due to poor posture. How so? Likely, your keyboard, chair, monitor, and desk are not ergonomically optimized. You may also neglect to remember taking a break every 30 minutes from staring at your computer monitor.

When you’re at home, there is also the tendency to binge-watch your favorite shows or do movie marathons. Whenever you use your tablet or phone, you crane your neck downward at an awkward angle without realizing it. Combinations of these things contribute to damaging the neck, more than most people realize.

Keeping Your Neck Healthy with a Migraine Chiropractor in Redwood City 

Do your best to improve your posture. Doing so will help reduce your headaches and even migraines. Remember to be conscious of keeping the proper posture at home or work. Whenever you use your phone, tablets, or other hand-held gadgets, keep it propped on a stand and positioned well so that you are not leaning down awkwardly for prolonged periods. Also, keep an ergonomically focused workstation. Furthermore, take at least one minute of break time from sitting too long daily, and do some stretches.

Another crucial step that can help you is to visit us here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California. We use a gentle and precise technique called upper cervical chiropractic that allows the bones of the neck to realign correctly. In many cases, this could be what you may need to get relief from headaches due to neck problems.Call us at (650) 595-0500 or send us a short message to start receiving our unique form of care.

Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic helps patients get headache relief. A medical condition or an injury usually causes the unexpected arrival of headaches. When you get headaches as a result of these factors, they are called secondary headaches.

For many people, medications for headaches give no relief. Meanwhile,  they even cause more severe problems to appear on others. Some people have more issues because some medications contain caffeine, and too much of it can bring on headaches. 

What Causes Secondary Headaches?

A secondary headache is a warning sign of a condition that may hurt the pain-sensitive nerves of the head. Here is a list of the usual and not so typical reasons behind secondary headaches

Relief for Secondary Headaches Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic

It’s crucial to determine the real source of the problem to help people who suffer from secondary headaches find relief. Thanks to Redwood City upper cervical chiropractic, numerous patients have already experienced long-lasting headache relief.

Any misalignment on the top vertebra of the neck can affect the proper communication between the brainstem, the brain, and the body. In addition, even a misalignment as tiny as ¼ millimeter can obstruct the functions of the nervous system. Even worse, several complications may arise if this is the case. If these conditions apply to your particular situation, then it means the injury or disease responsible for your secondary headaches might come as a result of this structural imbalance in your upper cervical area.

Come and visit Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California to address the root cause of your headaches. Our upper cervical chiropractor will gently adjust your misaligned vertebra into its proper position. Thus, realignment will start restoring adequate communication between your body and brain. As a result, it will enable your body to heal naturally and get long-lasting natural relief from headaches, be it chronic or secondary.Therefore, do not hesitate to set an appointment with us to fix your misalignment. You can also call our office at (650) 595-0500, or answer our online contact form.

Migraine attacks are not just headaches. It is a mixture of neurological symptoms that can make an individual incapacitated for days. The experience is intense before the actual headache, and even long after it has come to pass. 

In the news, there is talk of a new injection developed to try and treat migraines. This new drug injection targets a protein in the body called CGRP.  CGRP stands for calcitonin gene-related peptide. CGRP plays a role in how blood vessels in the brain expand, and even though scientists don’t completely understand how the protein links to migraines, they know that CGRP levels increase significantly during a migraine attack.  This new drug injection focuses and aims to block CGRP activity to stop migraines.  

The unfortunate part about this, and other treatments that involve long-term medication use, is that the underlying cause of the migraines remains unaddressed. 

Upper Cervical Care is a Natural and Safe Migraine Care

There is always hope and healing available for those who suffer from migraines. Consider spending time to talk with an upper cervical doctor and get migraine relief using a natural and safe way. It has shown long-term relief many times for various patients.

Upper cervical chiropractic corrects the root cause of migraines. Studies found out that for many people who experience migraines, the underlying reason for them is the misalignment of the atlas (C2) and axis (C2) vertebrae. Misalignment of these bones gives abnormal pressure to the brainstem, which hinders the normal blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid stream to and from the brain. As a result, it is a major contributing factor that forms migraines. 

Once the misalignment in the upper cervical spine is found and corrected, the body returns to its normal state. This means a return to a good quality of life that is free from the crippling effects of migraines.



Whiplash often results in the onset of chronic headaches, making people ask the help of a California upper cervical chiropractor. The pain can hit shortly after the trauma or a few months or years later. How can you know if a head injury will lead to headaches? Know the health of your neck.

The Role of the Neck in Whiplash

Sad to say, most cases of whiplash are either uncared for or undetected. Why is this the case? Many patients do not know that an accident such as a car crash or sports mishap can damage the neck. Most people downplay their injury and think there is no reason to see a California upper cervical chiropractor. 

The truth is that suffering from whiplash, even from a minor accident, can misalign the C1 and C2 vertebrae of your upper neck. These bones are like no other bones in the spine, as they are very mobile. They are the vertebrae that allow the head to move in different ranges of motion. However, they are vulnerable to misalignment.

Other Causes of Whiplash Injuries

Getting in a car accident is not the only method to acquire whiplash. These events can also cause whiplash causes:

Care for Headaches Due to Whiplash

Once whiplash occurs, it is essential to have a California upper cervical chiropractor examine your spine. This is very important, regardless if the accident you had was only minor or whether headaches have developed.Advanced Spinal Care targets the C1 and C2 vertebrae to help patients heal the damage caused by any injury. We employ the NUCCA method of upper cervical chiropractic for patients. It is safe and gentle, and adjustments are long-lasting. As a result, the body has more time to heal from impairment. To learn more about our method, schedule a consultation with us today.


I’ve been in practice as a chiropractor for headache near Redwood City, CA, for years now. I am fully aware of the difficulty in dealing with headaches, especially when they happen repeatedly. 

Many people experience chronic headaches daily, or at least a few times a week. And unbeknownst to many, the term headache encompasses several types:

Cluster Headaches: This type of headache is sporadic. It brings extreme pain, as well as tearing and redness of the eyes. Sufferers also experience sweatiness and runny nose. 

Tension Headaches: Tension headaches are the most common type. It brings a throbbing and pressure-like feeling in the head. In most cases, neck pain is also prevalent. 

Cervicogenic Headaches: These headaches happen frequently. When they strike, the person affected also feels a sense of stiffness in the neck. 

Migraines: Unlike the other headache types on this list, migraines are a neurological issue. Head pain is just one of the many symptoms, along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, and odors. Auras are also a symptom where the sufferer experiences other visual disturbances. 

Finding Headache Relief Through Proper Spinal Alignment 

Researchers also discovered that headaches are neurovascular, which involve both the vascular and nervous systems. These are linked to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and blood to and from the brain.

For this entire system to work smoothly, the C1 and C2 vertebrae need to be in proper alignment. And once they move out of the correct position, chronic headaches may ensue.  

But here in my clinic, Advanced Spinal Care, I correct these misalignments through upper cervical chiropractic care. I use gentle, precise, and low-pressure methods to alleviate headache pain for the long-term. I’ve been successful in helping my patients, making me a respected chiropractor for headache near Redwood City, CA. 
If you need more information, you may call me at (650) 595-0500 or contact me online.


As a California migraine chiropractor based in Redwood City, I’ve come across numerous migraine cases. To put things in perspective, the United States alone has 39 million migraine sufferers. In addition, women are usually three times more likely have a migraine diagnosis than their male counterparts. 

Migraines also affect financial aspects of life. In the U.S., annual costs for migraine relief procedures are at $36 billion, leading to 113 million workdays missed. That is equivalent to a staggering $13 billion in lost work productivity. 

Workplace lighting as a migraine trigger

Studies point to fluorescent lighting as a possible trigger for migraines. Since one of the primary symptoms of such episodes is sensitivity to light, too much exposure may easily trigger an attack.

Talk to your company about other types of lighting in your work area. You might not be the only one who is affected by fluorescent lights. Opt for natural light from windows as much as possible. If removing the fluorescent lights is not an option, you could turn on just one light switch in a room that has three or four light switches, and add extra light by using lamps with other kinds of bulbs.  

The natural relief option for migraine pain

While several forms of medication may have varying levels of success for migraines, there are more natural options to consider. One way to provide natural relief for migraines is through upper cervical chiropractic care. A possible root cause of migraines is a misalignment on the C1 and C2 vertebrae, the top two bones in the neck. Upper cervical chiropractic care corrects any misalignments of the C1 and C2 vertebrae. By doing so, some people’s migraines are decreased or completely eliminated.

As a chiropractor in practice for years now, I’ve developed an expertise in determining the exact spots of these misalignments. Here in my clinic, Advanced Spinal Care, I use a technique called NUCCA, which doesn’t involve forceful methods to move the vertebrae back in place. I use a gentle technique that is precise and accurate.So if you’re in search of a California migraine chiropractor based in Redwood City, my clinic’s doors are open for you. Use the website contact form, or give me a call at (650) 595-0500.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 or you can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

Learn how injuries from sports and other types of accidents may lead to migraines and how our migraine chiropractic clinic in Redwood City, CA can help you in getting relief.

Explaining Trauma-Triggered Migraines

This type of migraine occurs following a mild injury to the head or neck, mostly from sports injuries and simple falls. It can cause a momentary disruption in your brain function. This is very common in young adults and even children. 

Trauma-triggered migraines can bring on these symptoms:

The symptoms may last for 1 to 10 minutes after the injury and can persist anywhere from 3 to 24 hours. Sometimes the symptoms stay indefinitely and are called post-traumatic attacks. They are common in sporting athletes playing soccer, volleyball, wrestling, and football.

What Are Post-Traumatic Migraines?

They are migraines that develop after the primary trauma and continue for an extended amount of time. They can bring migraine headaches and daily tension. A study observed 29 people with post-traumatic headaches due to a mild sporting injury. They displayed the following symptoms:

Some of them were incapable of exercising and participating in sports activities due to the severity of their headaches. The question now is, what can be done to relieve this type of migraine?

Natural and Effective Relief for Post-Traumatic Migraines

Many studies have established that trauma to the head and neck may result in migraine headaches. This stems from the fact that the tissue responsible for keeping the spine in place can tear during an impact. It leads to the locking of the spine into a strained position, usually starting in the two uppermost vertebrae of the neck – the atlas and axis. The brainstem is just within this region and can come under stress due to the atlas or axis misalignment. This disrupts three main functions: blood flow, nerve communication, and cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from the brain. All of these can cause a migraine.

Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we are well-trained to locate and correct spinal misalignments. Once patients receive an adjustment and the bones are back in normal alignment, they often notice an improvement in their condition. 

References:Haas D, Lourie H. Trauma-triggered migraine: an explanation for common neurological attacks after mild head injury. J Neurosurg. 1988; 68:181-188


A staggering 38 million people suffer from migraines across the United States, including men, women, and children. This figure shows just how common migraines have become. Some people mistakenly believe that migraines are just bad headaches, but migraines are much more than headaches. The truth is that headaches can be absent from migraines.

A terrible headache may be its hallmark, but migraines involve other symptoms:

  1. Aura – An aura is a visual disturbance, such as seeing flashing lights. This is experienced by about 25% of people with migraines.
  2. Mood changes – Mood shifts can occur either before or after a migraine attack and can cause a person to feel unfocused, anxious, or depressed.
  3. Nausea or vomiting – Since migraines are neurological and involve the brain, they can bring about dizziness and nausea.
  4. Extreme sensitivity to sound, light, and odor – People who live with migraines prefer to rest in a cold, dark, and quiet room to survive a migraine attack.

Migraines are Linked to Neck Alignment

There are many avenues out there that migraine sufferers can try to get relief. Standard treatment options include a combination of medications to alleviate various symptoms. It’s sad to say, but most of these options are either a short-lived solution or ineffective in providing the needed relief.

Alternatively, upper cervical chiropractic concentrates on getting to the root cause of migraines. The natural technique ensures the proper alignment of the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae. These are the topmost vertebrae in the neck, just underneath the base of the skull.  They can impact the body’s blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, and the normal function of the nervous system. When any of these factors are not functioning properly, migraine episodes can come about.

At Advanced Spinal Care, we use a gentle yet extremely precise method for correcting atlas misalignments.  Once adjustments are made and healthy spinal alignment is achieved, the body can bring back its normal function. The brain can translate signals appropriately through the spinal cord and nerves, and the healing process can begin.  Just like in most of our patients, this means the end of health conditions such as migraines. Schedule an appointment in our treatment clinic in Redwood City for your migraine headaches.



To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.


Several studies in the past have revealed the connection between migraines and multiple sclerosis (MS). Doctors and researchers have established that these two conditions can share the same root cause, and a common resolution was noted in helping patients with both disorders.

Similarities Between Migraines and Multiple Sclerosis

Dr. Raymond Damadian, the inventor of the MRI scanner, conducted several studies that examined the brains of patients during an MRI. Together with his team of researchers, they inspected the flow of cerebrospinal fluid – a lubricant of the brain and spinal cord. They discovered that biochemical barriers bring about migraines and multiple sclerosis. What’s even more exciting, they found out that these barriers could be removed, resulting in a reduction of migraine and MS symptoms.

This revelation implies that the presence of a misalignment in the upper bones of the neck may put undue stress on the brainstem, leading to an obstruction in nerve communication, cerebral spinal fluid flow, and blood flow to and from the brain.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Can Heal Migraines and MS

People who are suffering from migraines and MS caused by an upper neck misalignment can benefit from upper cervical chiropractic care. This specific type of chiropractic care realigns the top bones of the upper cervical spine, without popping or cracking the bones. It utilizes a gentle technique to encourage the neck vertebrae to return into correct alignment. Its adjustments are precise and accurate, leading to a natural and longer-lasting adjustment. Many patients have responded well to upper cervical chiropractic care, sharing a reduction in frequency and severity of both their migraine and MS symptoms. Some have also reported complete remission.

If your MS or migraines have been taking their toll on your health and happy life, visit us at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California or schedule a consultation with us to learn how we can help you with either of these conditions.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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(650) 595-0500
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