We’ve all been there at some point. We've all gone through the experience of that tingling and numbing sensation in some parts of our bodies. You may think they are normal, especially when you fall asleep on your arms. However, when the numbness and tingling persist, it's vital to address them right at their roots. For all you know, they may be a product of something more serious. 

What's Behind that Tingling Feeling?

The following are the familiar sources of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Watch out for these so that you will know the best course of action to aid your problem. 

  1. Wrist fracture
  2. Diabetes
  3. Fluid retention
  4. Obesity
  5. Repetitive hand motions

How Does Chiropractic Get to the Source of Tingling?

Reaching out to an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City is one of the safest and natural solutions you can do to aid the tingling. A NUCCA chiropractor can examine your upper cervical spine to spot a misalignment that might be the root of the weird sensation you feel. 

Here at Advanced Spinal Care, we have Dr. Pete, a certified upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, who can get to the root cause of your problem. He employs NUCCA chiropractic care, a gentle and precise method to correct your upper cervical spine issues. The objective is to give you the best chiropractic care you deserve. 

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Pete today. Call us at (650) 595-0500 or fill out this form. We also have informative blogs to help you learn more about what we do and how we can help you. We would be happy to help you restore your health. 

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

tingling, upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Numbness and tingling sensations are a way for your body to tell you that something needs to be fixed.  Our bodies are so intricately designed that they have built-in sensors when sick, tired, hungry, cold, hot, or need rest.  Tingling and numbness are part of that sensor network that alerts us to a possible threat to our health or life itself. Some people who seek NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City complain about numbness and tingling. 

Causes of Numbness and Tingling

There are many reasons why people experience tingling and numbness.  Here are a few known causes that you should know about:

Deficiency in Vitamin B1, B6, B12, E, and Niacin may cause malfunctions in the nerves. Any disturbance in the nerves typically results in tingling and numbness. Individuals who search for a trusted NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City struggle with numbness. They are surprised to learn that nutritional deficiencies can cause many health problems.

Nerves are very sensitive components of the nervous system. They are like very fine wires that carry chemical and electrical signals from the brain, all of which are important for the body to function. When a nerve is compressed or injured, it sends a distress signal in the form of pain. In other cases, it causes numbness because the compression hampers the flow of signals. A pinched nerve cannot let these chemical and electrical signals pass through, which then produces the numb feeling.

A disease that affects the kidney, liver, or health problems related to vascular damage is systemic. These conditions affect an entire region or even the whole body. Inflammation, connective tissue problems, and chronic pain are the most common signs of systemic disease. 

Diabetes is a health condition that occurs when the body’s own immune system destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, and it is vital for controlling glucose or sugar in the blood. When glucose is not in control, it leads to many problems like high blood pressure, weakening of the eyesight, weight problems, increased thirst, and hunger, to name a few.  It also has a serious impact on the nerves, leading to numbness and tingling.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic for Numbness and Tingling

At Advanced Spinal Care, people learn that upper cervical chiropractic helps fix nerve issues that lead to tingling and numbness.  When the atlas bone (C1) and the axis bone (C2) are adjusted and restored to their proper alignment, the brain signals flow better to the brainstem and onwards throughout the spinal cord. This correct channeling of brain signals or impulses is key to health and mobility. Using upper cervical chiropractic, the cylindrical C1 and C2 bones are aligned better to protect the brainstem and allow free movement of the head and neck. To know more about this natural technique to relieve pain, tingling, and numbness, visit our office today or send us a message.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

When you feel symptoms of numbness and tingling, it could indicate a more serious condition. It is an excellent policy to have a check-up to avoid further complications or worse case scenarios. Feeling these sensations are signals from your body that something is not 100 percent alright.

Consider seeing a Redwood City chiropractor that practices upper cervical care. A check-up goes a long way. Besides, getting a clean bill of health, it gives you the peace of mind that you always deserve.

Conditions Linked to Numbness and Tingling

Here are a few conditions linked to numbness and tingling. 

With this condition, the warning signs are the result of restricted blood flow. Rashes, hay fever, and GI bleeding are other symptoms. 

It is a spinal condition incurred due to aging. It may occur prematurely due to dehydration. Bone spurs and osteoarthritis are the other conditions that may happen along with cervical spondylosis. 

This condition is one of the more frequent causes of numbness and tingling in the extremities. Neuropathy involves numbness and tingling that starts from the feet and travels up the leg. High blood sugar can damage nerve fibers. The early symptoms can also include blood vessel problems, urinary issues, and digestive problems. 

It is a rare and chronic blood disorder where complications result from an overproduction of platelets. Vision problems, light-headedness, and headaches are often additional symptoms. This condition is common to women aged 50 and older. 

Get Relief from Numbness and Tingling

Consult a Redwood City chiropractor that practices upper cervical care if you feel numbness and tingling. Instead of ignoring the symptoms, an examination conducted by an upper cervical chiropractor is one of the best ways to check if there is an underlying misalignment that could be causing the problems.

If this is the case, a gentle bone adjustment in the upper part of your neck may be just what could give you a head start towards the road to recovery.Upper cervical chiropractic care determines whether you have a neck misalignment and realign it. Many patients have already seen positive results after only one adjustment. Start your recovery and get that peace of mind.

As a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City, CA, I’ve been looking at the leading causes of numbness and tingling among my patients. Of course, we know that these symptoms are signals stating that something is wrong in the body. The root cause, however, is often not identified right away. 

Why Tingling and Numbness May Occur

There are several reasons why tingling and numbness may occur:

Natural Relief for Tingling and Numbness

Another reason for tingling and numbness is a misalignment of the uppermost bones in the neck known as the C1 and C2 vertebrae. These bones are responsible for protecting the brainstem from damage. 

Once a misalignment happens, the brainstem experiences pressure that it should not have. This undue pressure then causes numbness and tingling throughout the body. 

But this is a problem that upper cervical chiropractic care can fix. Here at Advanced Spinal Care, I use gentle and precise techniques to bring these bones back to alignment and stop the tingling or numb sensation. To those in search of a chiropractor for sciatica and leg pain near Redwood City, you may call me at (650) 595-0500 or fill out my online contact form. 

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 or you can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
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