Getting ready for your precious one can be overwhelming. Likely, you have not even had the time to rest fully. Our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City urges pregnant moms to take the time to relax and breathe easy. Caring for your unborn child is essential, but taking care of you is also paramount.

Pregnancy Care Tips

  1. Sleep well

Dealing with nausea and morning sickness can leave you feeling exhausted and run-down. Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep so your body can recharge. 

  1. Go easy on the treats

Most moms think that being pregnant gives them a free pass to all the sugary concoctions their hearts desire. We would not want you to develop pregnancy-related diabetes as a result of your sweet indulgence.

  1. Eat healthily. 

You are not just eating for yourself now. You are eating for two. Now is the best time to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Keep your internal systems in tip-top shape by supplying them with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  

  1. Move. 

Our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City recommends slow but sure movements to ward off any stiffness that can trigger body aches. Moving can also help your body get accustomed to the weight change. 

  1. Pause

We need you to take a breather. Incorporate it into your schedule. Those few precious moments will do wonders for you and your body.

  1. Go out. 

A change in scenery will do some good. Seeing fresh greens can be refreshing to the eyes and your body.

  1. Keep your doctor’s appointments. 

Your healthcare professional is the expert in keeping tabs on your progress. Your doctor can check your levels and confirm if everything is all right. If something needs to be addressed, that can be resolved immediately as well. 

Can I see a NUCCA chiropractor while pregnant?

You can certainly continue to get chiropractic care while you are pregnant. Our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City regularly interacts with pregnant women to make sure their bodies are fully aligned. 

Many things are going on inside your pregnant body as it makes room for your precious one. Your body becomes heavier as your baby gets bigger. Your spinal column does its best to take on the extra weight, but backaches and muscle cramps are some of the common complaints of pregnant women.

Getting regular chiropractic care helps make sure that all the bones and discs in your spinal column are aligned for the entire term of your pregnancy. Your internal systems continue to function at their optimal states if everything is in order.
Dr. Tsiglieris and our team can provide continuous care while you are pregnant. We can help check if your body is aligned correctly. In cases of misalignment, Dr. Tsiglieris may recommend safe approaches to realign your body. He uses the NUCCA approach, which is gentle and precise to keep you and your unborn child safe. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Tsiglieris today.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

pregnant, NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

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Unknown by many, every Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor can help mothers maintain a healthy pregnancy. Babies are precious. The joy and fulfillment they give to their mothers are priceless.

Soon-to-be-moms and mothers would want the best for their baby. Getting the right prenatal care is not only beneficial for the baby, but it also ensures a smooth and healthy delivery.

Here are three essential tips you can implement to help ensure that you and your baby’s health and wellness are in the best possible shape. 

#1 Pregnancy and Nutrition

Eating well with the proper diet is crucial to your baby’s health. There are certain types of food you need to avoid during pregnancy. There are also foods recommended by nutritionists and doctors to give you and your little angel the proper nourishment you both need. Food like fruits and vegetables are best for you. Always be hydrated and take your pregnancy vitamins.

#2 Pregnancy and Hygiene

Maintaining proper health by taking a bath regularly and washing your hands is essential. It helps reduce infections and sickness.

Always wash your hands:

#3 Pregnancy and Proper Care For Your Spine

During pregnancy, your body is going through a lot of hormonal, emotional, and physical changes. Manage your stress healthily. Do not overexert your body as you are in a delicate stage. As the baby grows, your internal organs shift to make room. 

The importance of a healthy and well-aligned spine is highly valuable during pregnancy. If your spine is out of alignment, you may experience some serious issues. An aligned spine also helps keep the birth canal open and ready while delivering the baby.

Safe Care of Your Spine During Pregnancy

Here at the Advanced Spinal Care, a Redwood City upper cervical chiropractor would never do any popping or cracking to your back, spine, or neck to get positive results. Instead, we focus on the top bones of the neck (the upper cervical spine). Upper cervical care is natural, precise, and gentle. We use this method to realign bones if they are misplaced. This procedure is safe for you and the baby. We ensure that your spine, an integral part of the central nervous system is in top shape, to help ensure your safe and healthy pregnancy. Call us at (650) 595-0500 or reach us online.

There are plenty of opinions out there for pregnant women on what they should be eating, whether they should exercise, and what precautions they should be taking to ensure their child is born healthy. It’s important to know that there are certain measures that can help to reduce the likelihood of complications during pregnancy or during the birth itself.

Common advice for expectant mothers is to avoid certain foods, but basic food hygiene is just as necessary when trying to avoid infections. This is why it is essential to wash fruits and vegetables under cold water with antimicrobial soap to lower the chances of food poisoning that could happen as a result of bacteria, toxins, parasites, and some molds. Other sources of food poisoning can happen due to cross contamination of raw and cooked food, so it’s highly recommended to keep food separate and thoroughly clean all your utensils.

Another important factor in keeping your baby safe is personal hygiene practices. Pregnant women are advised to wash their hands often, specifically after person-to-person contact, preparing food, and following other activities that could lead to infections, like gardening or changing diapers.

One area that is often overlooked regarding a woman’s body is the health of her spine. As the fetus grows, the woman’s body must adjust and grow to accommodate the baby’s increasing size. This process requires the organs to move around (and towards the end a bloated feeling and more aches and pains).

The benefits of an upper cervical chiropractor are that they can examine the woman’s upper neck to identify whether there is a misalignment in any of the vertebrae, and their adjustments are gentle, precise and safe for mother and baby. If there is a misalignment in the uppermost bones of the spine, it could interrupt proper brain communication between the brain and the body that occurs through the brainstem, which would lead to aches and pains and other health conditions.

Proper Alignment Throughout Pregnancy Allows for An Easier Birth

By adjusting the top two vertebrae (the C1 and C2 bones) into alignment, the spine is able to move back into the correct position, which also properly aligns the birthing canal, lowering the likelihood of complications during birth. If you are pregnant and would like to ensure that your spine and body are ready for your baby’s arrival, we would be glad to meet with you and tell you more about how we can help you.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.

Request a free consultation

if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
Redwood City, CA 94063
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Tue/Thur: 11:30am-5:00pm
Wed: Closed
Fri: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Sat: 9:00am-12:00pm
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