Meniere's disease, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Meniere's Disease is a rare condition affecting the inner ear and triggers a host of painful, bothersome, and uncomfortable symptoms. Some patients who need vertigo relief in Redwood City are dealing with Meniere's Disease. Apart from bouts of vertigo, this condition can also cause hearing loss, tinnitus, or a feeling of fullness in the ear. Sometimes patients describe feelings of motion sickness too.

This condition may be difficult to navigate, mainly because diagnosing it is already challenging. But once you get a proper diagnosis, you can focus on finding proper care and relief. Some healthcare providers prescribe motion sickness drugs to ease Meniere's disease symptoms and provide vertigo relief in Redwood City. 

Motion sickness medications can help reduce and manage the spinning sensations and ease the feelings of nausea and vomiting. And while they can work in managing other symptoms, they cannot provide lasting relief. Therefore, when you experience new episodes of Meniere's Disease, you may need to take another set of medications to bring you relief. However, taking medications also bring risks of side effects, mainly when you use them for a long time. 

You may benefit more when you find a more lasting resolution for your condition and its accompanying symptoms.


Upper Cervical Care and Meniere's Disease

Many patients are now open to seeking natural care for Meniere's Disease. Upper cervical chiropractic care is one natural way that brings promising results in managing Meniere's Disease symptoms. 

An upper cervical misalignment can trigger vertigo and other signs of Meniere's Disease. This is due to nerve irritation to the upper neck and inner ear. Misalignments can happen gradually through repetitive stress to the vertebra or after an injury or trauma endured in the neck or head.

Upper cervical chiropractic care can provide vertigo relief in Redwood City through a non-invasive and gentle movement of your topmost bones in the neck area. Your upper cervical spine consists of your C1 and C2 vertebra, which protect your brainstem. 

A misalignment in this area can also put undue pressure on your brainstem, disrupting communication between your brain and body. Sometimes distorted messages or wrong signals are transmitted, resulting in symptoms similar to Meniere's Disease, including vertigo.

Therefore, restoring the proper alignment and balance in your upper spine relieves the pressure from your nerves and brainstem. Eventually, your body will start its natural healing process. This procedure can also restore your nervous system's optimum performance and provide lasting relief for Meniere's Disease symptoms without needing motion sickness medicines and other medications.

Meniere's disease, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Call Advance Spinal Care For Lasting Vertigo Relief In Redwood City

If you're keen on exploring a non-invasive way to manage your Meniere's disease symptoms, visit Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advance Spinal Care. With over 25 years of chiropractic care experience, he's established a stellar reputation in caring for patients, including patients complaining about vertigo and other Meniere's disease symptoms.

To book your appointment you can book your appointment online. You are guaranteed to receive the best care from Dr. Pete and our team.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Digital dizziness or cybersickness seems like a made-up condition or symptom. But sadly, studies found that it does exist and causes many problems to the affected individuals. As your trusted NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City, Advanced Spinal Care hopes to shed light on cybersickness so you can better understand how it works and how you can control your situation better.


Tracing the Roots of Digital Dizziness

Nowadays, more and more people spend long hours looking at their gadgets like computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, or mobile phones. Some have no choice but to stick to the routine because of their job, while others get hooked on the latest web series, vlogs, blogs, and whatnot. 

If you are one of these individuals and have mild to severe symptoms like nausea, eyestrain, lingering eye movements, sweating, vertigo, and dizziness, you likely have developed cybersickness or digital dizziness. 

Studies explain that this condition stems from a visual-vestibular conflict that causes the transmission of mismatching signals to and from the brain, brainstem, and organs of balance. One example of such an event is when you browse your mobile device while on board a moving car or other forms of transportation. When the inner ear organs expect zero to minimal movements, but your eyes keep moving as you browse your things on your gadget, nauseating symptoms like vertigo and dizziness can kick in and ruin your day.

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

How to Manage Digital Motion Dizziness

Coping with digital dizziness is pretty straightforward. To start, you should consider ceasing or limiting activities that aggravate your symptoms. These include the following: 

You might also find it extra helpful to take motion sickness oral medications to help your vestibular and central nervous system cope during an episode. We also suggest consulting with a NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City. After all, studies have found that your posture affects your overall vestibular and nervous systems functions.


Get Help From A NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City

Regardless of their root causes, vertigo and dizziness can significantly affect your life. Thankfully, besides well-known oral medications and other known remedies, you can tap into NUCCA care to manage your health concern. We encourage you to visit us at  Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, CA, to meet our NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City. Feel free to book your consultation with Dr. Pete Tsiglieris by checking our contact page or calling our number (650) 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

osteoporosis, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Spinning sensations that occur frequently can turn your daily life nightmarish and frustrating. That’s why it pays to know as much as possible about the symptom. For starters, you might find it helpful to look into conditions that might aggravate or trigger an attack. One fine example is osteoporosis, a degenerative disease affecting up to 10 million adults in the US.

So, is it possible for osteoporosis to hinder you from achieving significant vertigo relief in Redwood City? Let’s look into the matter as we investigate their connection in our discussion below.


Vertigo and Osteoporosis 101

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning movement that occurs when the brain receives incorrect information about motion. This can be the by-product of a number of things, including ear problems, inner ear infections, anxiety, and more serious conditions like stroke or multiple sclerosis.

Osteoporosis, on the other hand, is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle due to decreased bone density. It's most common in women after menopause but can also affect men. The condition is often caused by aging combined with diet and lifestyle choices such as smoking or drinking alcohol excessively


The Connection

Osteoporosis can cause vertigo because as the bones become more brittle and break easier, there is more potential for vertebral subluxations to occur. This will cause an area of compression in one or more of your vertebrae, which can result in a change in nerve function and miscommunication between your brain and body. 

Additionally, studies note that osteoporosis can increase risks for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Notably, BPPV stems from displaced fragments of the otolith organ, an inner ear structure made of calcium carbonate crystals.

osteoporosis, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Major Factor that Plays a Great Role in the Connection

Several prominent factors can increase risks for both vertigo attacks and osteoporosis. A few examples of these include: 


The body naturally loses bone mass as you age due to hormonal changes and other factors. This makes you more susceptible to developing osteoporosis.


Women are at greater risk than men because they lose bone mass faster after menopause unless they take steps to avoid it (such as by taking calcium supplements).

Vitamin deficiencies

Lack of certain nutrients, like magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C, can affect your vestibular function and bone health.


NUCCA Care for Promising Vertigo Relief in Redwood City

There you have it; the possible connections between osteoporosis and vertigo attacks. We hope our quick discussion will help you in your bid to achieve sustainable and effective vertigo relief in Redwood City. If you need more help, we will happily lend you a hand. Our NUCCA doctor, Dr. Tsiglieris, is a trusted healthcare professional who aims to correct neck bone misalignments to revitalize your body. 

Visit our practice, Advanced Spinal Care today so we can start helping you plan your next steps to enjoy significant vertigo relief in Redwood City! You can set your appointment with our NUCCA chiropractor via email or phone at 650 595-0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

vertigo relief in Redwood City

When people age, it’s common for health concerns to arise. One example of these health problems that aging people complain about is sudden and unexplainable vertigo attacks. If you are an elderly individual or has an aging loved one, you might find it helpful to learn the key ways to prevent or manage vertigo attacks. 

One of the ways patients experience vertigo relief in Redwood City is through upper cervical chiropractic care. It’s a natural, non-invasive form of care that focuses on your upper spine’s balance and alignment to ease vertigo symptoms and other health concerns and avoid its recurrence in the future. Experts believe that upper cervical misalignment triggers symptoms, including vertigo. Hence, addressing the structural discrepancies might help you reduce your chances of experiencing vertigo attacks.


Vertigo and upper cervical misalignment

Finding out the primary cause of your vertigo can help you efficiently find vertigo relief in Redwood City. If you’ve been unsuccessful in finding its cause, perhaps a visit to an upper cervical chiropractor can benefit you. 

Unknown to many, an injury or trauma sustained by the neck or head can lead to misalignments in the upper cervical spine. Vertigo can stem from these misalignments. However, in some cases, the effects of misalignments can take years to manifest. Yet, it can still result in many adverse outcomes, such as central nervous system malfunction, which can trigger vertigo.

vertigo relief in Redwood City

Your brainstem can be irritated by an upper cervical misalignment. It is the part responsible for sending and receiving signals to and from the brain, the rest of the body, and surrounding tissues. A misalignment can interfere with their communication by giving false or distorted messages. This is sometimes why your brain perceives movement despite you keeping still.

So if there has been an incident of trauma or injury sustained by your neck or head, we encourage you to visit an upper cervical chiropractic doctor even if there are no apparent symptoms. This way, you can avoid the late manifestation of symptoms through early intervention and the possibility of recurring symptoms as you age.


Get Vertigo Relief in Redwood City from Advanced Spinal Care

By maintaining the alignment of your upper cervical spine, you not only get lasting vertigo relief in Redwood City but also ensure the smooth flow of blood to and from your brain. Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments are a natural and non-invasive procedure that is generally safe for children, adults, and the elderly. 

Patients suffering from vertigo can reach out to Dr. Pete Tsiglieris for consultation and evaluation. If a misalignment is confirmed to be related to your vertigo episodes, he will recommend you get an upper cervical adjustment. This will involve a series of gentle corrections on your C1 and C2 bones to restore your spine’s optimum health and help your body naturally heal.

Call our office at (650) 595-0500 or set your appointment online to experience the benefits of upper cervical chiropractic care.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

dizzy, vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City, neck

If you experience unexplainable dizziness and a false sensation of movement, it’s probably a vertigo attack. It can be puzzling and scary if it’s your first time experiencing vertigo. To ease your worries, you can always visit a vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City to shed light on your vertigo-related questions and what you can do in case it happens again.

There are many reasons for vertigo; after all, it’s a symptom or a telling sign of an underlying condition. It usually takes time to find the underlying cause because your healthcare provider will have to consider many options and examine you based on your medical history. However, doctors often overlook the connection between your neck and vertigo attacks. Usually, an injury or trauma endured in the neck triggers vertigo. But there are cases wherein vertigo occurs months or years following the injury. So it will help your doctor greatly if you can mention any history of accident or injury to narrow down the possible problems and recommend proper care.


Vertigo and Neck Trauma

You might be surprised that many patients who suffer from vertigo have experienced a past injury to the head and neck, even those who seek relief from a vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City. It can be from minor accidents such as falls or slips, sports injuries, or a fender bender. 

Even minor injuries can lead to a misalignment of the upper cervical spine, consisting of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) vertebrae in your neck area. These bones also control the range of motion of your head and are highly movable and vulnerable to shifting out of alignment.

Misalignment can result in many adverse outcomes, including central nervous system malfunction, which can trigger vertigo. An upper cervical misalignment can stress and irritate the brainstem, which helps send and receive signals to and from the rest of the body and surrounding tissues. Misalignment can disturb the healthy signaling system by giving false or distorted messages. This is sometimes why your brain thinks you’re moving even though you’re not.

A vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City who focuses on upper cervical chiropractic care can detect and correct these types of misalignments. They provide gentle adjustments to move the C1 and C2 bones back to their proper positions, which can help decrease the severity and frequency of your vertigo symptoms.


Pay a Visit to a Vertigo Chiropractor in Redwood City

Dr. Pete Tsiglieris has helped thousands of patients suffering from vertigo through the NUCCA upper cervical chiropractic care technique. He guarantees safe and gentle corrections and manipulations of the misalignments in your upper neck. This will help your body naturally heal to help eliminate vertigo symptoms.

Time to get started with the personalized care regimen suitable for you. Call our office, Advanced Spinal Care, at (650) 595-0500 or set your appointment online.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

diet, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Getting diagnosed with a debilitating condition like Meniere’s disease can be an upsetting experience. It gets even more challenging when its key symptoms, such as vertigo and ear congestion, start manifesting. Thankfully, there are ways to manage the condition effectively. One is making a few diet changes, and the other involves seeking a natural source of vertigo relief in Redwood City. Let’s take a closer look below.


Diet Changes and Meniere’s Disease Relief

Studies note that there are four essential products that you should avoid when you have Meniere’s. These products are as follows: 

Food with simple sugar

It would be best to switch to food products that contain complex sugar because they will provide you with enough energy for the day without causing significant spikes in your blood sugar.  

Food with high levels of sodium

Too much sodium can increase water absorption in the body. Unfortunately, this can add pressure inside the vestibular organs and worsen vertigo attacks. 


Alcohol affects balance in several ways. That’s why healthcare professionals who provide vertigo relief in Redwood City strongly discourage alcohol intake from keeping the vestibular organs in optimal working condition.

Caffeinated products

Chocolate, soda, and coffee can increase the intensity of your vertigo attacks due to the effects of caffeine on the blood vessels. They can also aggravate other Meniere’s disease symptoms like tinnitus.


Additional Source of Vertigo Relief in Redwood City

Besides working on your diet, you will find it helpful to address postural misalignments in the cervical spine. That’s because studies have found that even the slightest changes in this area can set off problems that lead to vertigo-causing problems like Meniere’s disease. 

Because of the position of the topmost neckbones (C1 and C2 vertebra), they can affect your sense of balance and proprioception (ability to detect movements). When they slip away from their normal position, they can press on the brainstem and affect the normal flow of fluids to and from the head. 

Thankfully, by seeking NUCCA care from Dr. Pete Tsiglieris, you can potentially resolve the misalignment and help your body function smoothly. NUCCA chiropractic is a trusted source of vertigo relief in Redwood City. It has helped many people overcome their spinning sensations naturally. 

Contact us at Advanced Spinal Care at (650) 595-0500 or through our online form to schedule your consultation with our NUCCA doctor.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

vertigo relief in Redwood City

Vertigo is a disorienting symptom that can leave you feeling like your body is spinning out of control. It could result from various conditions, including ear infections, inner ear damage, or even head injuries. If you suffer from these conditions, you might find it helpful to go through our list of noteworthy vertigo facts. Hopefully, by doing so, you can find an effective source of vertigo relief in Redwood City.

#1. Vertigo doesn't just affect your balance

It can also cause headaches and nausea, making it difficult to stay focused on the task or tasks at hand. This makes it important to find a natural vertigo relief in Redwood City or wherever you are that works for you.

#2. Spinning sensations often happen because of inner ear problems

While there are many types of vertigo, the most common ones relate to inner ear issues. You become highly susceptible to balance problems such as vertigo attacks and hearing loss when something goes wrong with your vestibular organs.

#3. Vertigo can put you at risk of fatal injuries

Vertigo isn't just an annoyance; it can have severe consequences if it happens at an inopportune moment. Depending on the situation, your spinning sensations can lead to falls and injuries, resulting in long-term disability or even death.


Best Natural Vertigo Relief in Redwood City

If you're looking for the best natural vertigo relief in Redwood City, look no further than Advanced Spinal Care! Dr. Tsiglieris has been helping people manage their vertigo and its symptoms for years through upper cervical chiropractic care. He uses the NUCCA Chiropractic technique to address some possible root causes of vertigo:

By realigning the upper cervical spine, Dr. Tsiglieris helps eliminate pressure on nerves that run through these areas and restore normal nerve function throughout the body. When nerves are free from irritation or compression, they work more efficiently and improve communication between the different body parts. This allows for better coordination between muscles involved in balance and movement—which means less dizziness when getting up from bed or sitting down from standing!

Our clinic is located in Redwood City near Silicon Valley and San Mateo. You can visit Advanced Spinal Care during our office hours or book your appointment ahead of time by calling us at (650) 595-0500 or sending us a message online.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Meniere's disease, vertigo relief in Redwood City

If you get diagnosed with Meniere's disease, you are familiar with how this condition brings episodes of intense vertigo, ringing in the ears, and even hearing loss. While there is no known cure for Meniere's disease, there are care options that can help lessen the symptoms. This is good news for patients pursuing vertigo relief in Redwood City linked to Meniere's.

Some patients with Meniere's disease find relief from traditional methods like medications or surgery. But for those keen on veering away from the mentioned options, Meniere's disease patients can choose between reducing inflammation to manage symptoms or upper cervical chiropractic care for long-term relief.


Reducing Inflammation To Manage Meniere's Disease

Inflammation is a major contributing factor to the development of Meniere's Disease. Simple ways to reduce inflammation through your diet can help reduce your Meniere's symptoms and achieve vertigo relief in Redwood City. Here are some things you can try:

1. Follow a low sodium diet

Meniere's disease patients are recommended to shift to a low sodium diet to ensure a balance of salt in the body to manage inflammation.

2. Avoid MSG

MSG triggers inflammation that can contribute to your Meniere's disease symptoms. This is particularly common in a lot of processed and instant food. Switch to natural, whole foods instead.

3. Avoid other inflammatory foods 

We recommend you avoid hard-to-digest food that can mimic allergenic substances. Patients seeking Meniere's disease and vertigo relief in Redwood City may benefit more from consuming easily digested food and avoiding or reducing sugar, saturated fats, trans fat, refined carbohydrates, gluten, and casein.


Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care For Meniere's Disease

Upper Cervical Care is a type of chiropractic care that focuses on correcting misalignments in the bones in the neck. This has shown to be helpful for a variety of conditions, including Meniere's disease. 

Chiropractic doctors have seen abnormal upper cervical spine misalignment patterns in patients with Meniere's disease. This misalignment eventually affects the muscles that help your ears to drain fluid properly. When your ears cannot drain fluid in the inner ear, inflammation and Meniere's disease may soon follow.

Realigning the upper cervical bones has received a positive response from patients. This is because realigning the bones and joints in the spine helps relax the craniofacial region, improving fluid drainage from the inner ear, eventually easing the symptoms of Meniere's disease.


Seek Meniere's Disease and Vertigo Relief in Redwood City

To help manage your Meniere's disease symptoms through alternative care, consult with Dr. Tsiegleris of Advanced Spinal Care. He will walk you through the procedure to put your bones back to their correct alignment and help manage Meniere's disease and its accompanying symptoms.

To schedule your consultation, you may call (650) 595-0500 or book online.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

dizziness, vertigo relief in Redwood City

Vertigo and disequilibrium are two symptoms that people frequently confuse or even interchange. That is mainly because of the similar effects they have on the body. However, their causes are very different. Whichever of the two you may have, it is best to know how they work to tap into the best sources of disequilibrium and vertigo relief in Redwood City.


Understanding Dizziness

Before we jump in at differentiating vertigo and disequilibrium, let us first get to know the umbrella under which these two symptoms fall – dizziness.

Dizziness refers to lightheadedness that can make you wonder if you are going right over the edge. Today, dizziness has become a general term for several balance problems, and it affects around 15 to 20 percent of the American population.  

It can develop due to several things, including cervical subluxation, vestibular problems, blood pressure changes, and central nervous system-related disorders.


How Do Vertigo and Disequilibrium Differ?

While vertigo and disequilibrium have similar effects on the body, they have varying causes and processes. Here's a quick look:


Can chiropractic care provide disequilibrium and vertigo relief in Redwood City?

Upper cervical doctors such as Dr. Tsiglieris are no strangers to patients seeking chiropractic care for disequilibrium or vertigo relief in Redwood City. That's because upper cervical chiropractic works wonders for patients with balance-related problems. 

Upper cervical care aims to remove interferences that may be preventing your brain and vestibular organs from communicating effectively and adequately. If you haven't explored this option for your vertigo attacks, we strongly suggest connecting with Dr. Tsiglieris. 

If you live around the California bay area, finding a reliable clinic and chiropractor for either disequilibrium or vertigo relief in Redwood City won't be a challenge, thanks to Advanced Spinal Care. The clinic specializes in the NUCCA chiropractic adjustment technique, an innovative approach to restoring health.

We are open every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. You may book your appointment with Dr. Pete through our online form or phone at 650 595 0500.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

concussion,  NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

Cervical vertigo is non-rotary dizziness that can make a person feel unsteady with every occasional neck movement. Unlike other types, cervical vertigo doesn't set off spinning sensations. As a result, you have to rule out every possible cause of their non-rotary dizziness before confirming that it's cervical vertigo or cervicogenic dizziness. Once verified, you can start seeking a vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City and receive helpful atlas and axis bone adjustments. 

So, what exactly are the primary indications of cervical vertigo? Let's tackle them one by one in the discussion.


Symptoms of Cervical Vertigo

The term vertigo is usually associated with spinning and dizziness. But people who suffer from cervical vertigo do not experience the spinning sensation and will have to depend on other signs and symptoms to know if their condition is cervical vertigo. Here's a mini checklist with some of the most common symptoms to help you identify if you're dealing with cervical vertigo:


You may start feeling lightheaded, heavy-headed, unsteady, or feeling faint. Vertigo typically affects your balance leading to occasional falling or as if you are floating. Cervical vertigo is different from other types of vertigo due to the absence of the spinning feeling.

Uncoordinated movement

Cervicogenic dizziness makes you experience uncoordinated movements, wherein you experience jerky, an unsteady motion that can also affect your limbs. 

Posture changes

You might struggle to keep a straight and upright posture when you have cervical vertigo. This mostly happens because of atlas and axis misalignments and a compromised spinal structure. 

Vision or eye difficulty

Cervical vertigo brings a variety of visual symptoms such as rapid eye movement and unable to keep a steady gaze on moving objects. Additionally, you might also experience a visual sense of motion even when keeping still or find it difficult to read.

Stomach troubles

Cervical vertigo can make you feel sick to your stomach. You may get nausea that eventually leads to vomiting.

Upper cervical discomfort

Some people feel pain, tightness, or discomfort in their upper cervical spine. Most of these people go to a vertigo chiropractor in Redwood City to address pain and postural imbalances.

Headaches or neck pain

This condition triggers headaches wherein you feel a ring or a tight band wrapped around your forehead. You may also develop migraines and sensory sensitivities.


Consult with a Vertigo Chiropractor in Redwood City

If you experience some or most of the symptoms we mentioned, we suggest consulting with a vertigo chiropractor in Redwood city. Our chiropractic doctor, Dr. Tsiglieris, will do a physical check-up of your upper cervical spine for any misalignment that aggravating your condition. 

Advanced Spinal Care, located at 643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208 Redwood City, CA 94063, uses a safe and gentle technique when adjusting your atlas and axis bones. We also use advanced and precise techniques to analyze postural imbalances in the cervical spine.

Call our office at (650) 595-0500 or contact us online to book your appointment.


To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.

concussion,  NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

Want to know how your misalignment is affecting your body?

Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 595-0500
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