A staggering 38 million people suffer from migraines across the United States, including men, women, and children. This figure shows just how common migraines have become. Some people mistakenly believe that migraines are just bad headaches, but migraines are much more than headaches. The truth is that headaches can be absent from migraines.
A terrible headache may be its hallmark, but migraines involve other symptoms:
There are many avenues out there that migraine sufferers can try to get relief. Standard treatment options include a combination of medications to alleviate various symptoms. It’s sad to say, but most of these options are either a short-lived solution or ineffective in providing the needed relief.
Alternatively, upper cervical chiropractic concentrates on getting to the root cause of migraines. The natural technique ensures the proper alignment of the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae. These are the topmost vertebrae in the neck, just underneath the base of the skull. They can impact the body’s blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, and the normal function of the nervous system. When any of these factors are not functioning properly, migraine episodes can come about.
At Advanced Spinal Care, we use a gentle yet extremely precise method for correcting atlas misalignments. Once adjustments are made and healthy spinal alignment is achieved, the body can bring back its normal function. The brain can translate signals appropriately through the spinal cord and nerves, and the healing process can begin. Just like in most of our patients, this means the end of health conditions such as migraines. Schedule an appointment in our treatment clinic in Redwood City for your migraine headaches.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.
if you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.