As every upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City knows, neck pain can be due to different things. It is best to understand how people can sustain a painful injury in the neck.
When we carry a heavy load on one side of our body, the other side compensates for the load, and this causes pain and muscle tension across the back and upwards to the neck.
Using a very thick or high pillow can put an unnecessary strain on the neck.
These repetitive activities include sewing, construction work like shoveling, or some factory-based occupation that puts a person in a semi-static unnatural position or posture.
When the neck protrudes forward and the upper back is hunched, it stresses the entire spinal column.
When the temporomandibular joint is misaligned, it can produce facial, jaw, and neck pain.
A pinched nerve in the neck area can make a person experience tingling, numbness, or weakness in the neck.
Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition that can also affect and hurt the neck.
Fender-benders, slips while riding a motorcycle, a nasty fall, or slip on a wet floor can cause neck pain.
The misalignment causes neck pain because it is very likely that a nerve is compressed or impinged. In some cases, a ligament in the neck is overly stretched or inflamed.
When visiting with an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, people often ask about the safety of adjustments for neck pain. First-timers are very surprised that the NUCCA chiropractic technique is very safe, non-invasive, and causes zero downtime.
Our upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City gives patients pieces of advice in preventing neck pain. As a result, many come back for their follow-up sessions, which has given them enormous benefit and pain relief. Under the steady and expert skills of our upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, you are in safe hands. There is no need to wrestle with one’s thoughts about the effectiveness or safety of the NUCCA procedure. Book an appointment today.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.
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