Why does your child have allergies?

allergies, sick child, children, allergic reactionAn Overactive Immune System

Is your child struggling with allergies?

Does it seem like they are just always sick?

It may be that they have an overactive immune system.

10% of all children are struggling with allergies.  Allegra, Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Sudafed and Clarinex are commonly given to children for allergies.

But why is it that 2 children can be exposed to the same environment and have 2 completely different reactions?

Our amazing nervous system controls are immune system. When there is interference with the function of the nervous system the immune system doesn’t work right.

Small injuries at the top of neck disrupt the brain’s ability to properly regulate immunity leading to an overreaction by the immune system.

There are many signs of an allergic reaction. Itchy eyes. Runny nose. Sneezing. Skin rash. More serious reactions can include constricted air passageways, vomiting and even death. All this from a handful of peanuts, an encounter with a cat or microscopic grains of pollen in the air!

Allergen Fear?

Your body can inappropriately perceive the allergen as a threat.

If everyone reacted to these common substances, we could fix the blame squarely on the nut, dander, shellfish or pollen. But not everyone reacts.

What is it?

Inappropriate Threat

Your nervous system is the master system that orchestrates your immune system, glandular system, respiratory system and every other system that reacts inappropriately to an allergen. Normally, these systems help you respond and adapt to the world around you. But suffering from uncontrollable sneezing around a house cat is probably an inappropriate reaction.

If your nervous system isn’t working right, you don’t work right. So, with upper cervical chiropractic rather than direct our attention to the countless potential allergens, we locate and reduce the disturbances we find  to your nervous system.

Lost the ability to adapt

Each of us was born with the capacity to withstand or adapt to stress. If we’re unable to deal with things we eat, breathe or come into contact with it may be because our margin to adapt is used up.

Picture a bucket that represents your capacity to adapt to the physical, emotional and chemical stresses of life. Every stressful encounter your body faces, fills up  your bucket. If your bucket is already full and you encounter pollen, foods or other chemicals, your bucket overflows.

When that happens, people say they’re having an allergic reaction. But what they’re really saying is, “I’ve lost my ability to adapt. My margin is used up.”

Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Nervous System

So, we don’t treat allergies. We look for ways to restore your ability to adapt to allergens by locating and reducing disturbances to your nervous system. Simple, really.

Are you or your child not adapting to the stressors in life?   Allergies?   Asthma?   Sinus problems?

A gentle Upper Cervical correction of a brainstem misalignment restores proper nerve control to the immune

system and symptoms improve naturally.
Are you ready to say goodbye to the drugs and Kleenex and finally get to the cause of the problem?
To find a Doctor in your area go to www.NUCCA.org or if you are in the Redwood City California area to schedule your NUCCA evaluation, click the button below:

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Dr. Pete Tsiglieris of Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California is an Upper Cervical Specialist trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA). His upper cervical clinic also serves San Mateo, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Carlos, and Sunnyvale. They are uniquely trained to correct problems in the upper cervical spine (upper neck). This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different health problems, including migraines and other headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain and weakness. More information can be found on our website at https://bayareanuccacare.com/.

To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 833-595-3095 or you can also click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

NUCCA chiropractor in Redwood City

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Advanced Spinal Care now provides our patients with a great tool to see how your body is affected by your unique misalignment.
Advance Spinal Care
The Redwood City chiropractor who offers fast track resolutions to chronic pain with technically advanced NUCCA chiropractic, upper cervical diagnostic methods and treatment protocols.
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Advanced Spinal Care
643 Bair Island Rd Ste 208
Redwood City, CA 94063
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Tue/Thur: 11:30am-5:00pm
Wed: Closed
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