The health of a person’s spine and whether they have correct posture could be a sign of their future nursing home care or assistance they will require as they age. If the person has scoliosis, then the likelihood of needing special care will be much higher.
The angle at which the spine is curved is the leading factor to look at when discerning what a person’s future care needs will be. A study that was completed at Toho University, in Japan, measured 800 people’s spines using a non-invasive computer program to figure out the angle of the spine. Of the 800 participants (who were all over 65 years of age), 58% were women. The conclusion that the researchers came to was that healthy posture was a good sign that a person would remain independent for a longer length of time.
The trunk angle of indication is an area on the spine that can indicate if daily activities can be accomplished with or without the assistance of others. What they found was that if this trunk angle was found in older individuals, there was a higher likelihood that thay would need more help than those with a lesser curvature.
An excellent option for slowing down the progression of scoliosis and helping with good posture is by seeking the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. At Advanced Spinal Care, we focus on the uppermost bones of the neck, examining patients for misalignments that may exist in this area. A misalignment in this area can lead to unnatural compensations in the spine because the head is off balance. This can cause scoliosis and a variety of other health related problems.
With our gentle method we are able to encourage the bones to move into place naturally, which makes these adjustments last longer and creates in greater results. The reason for this is that the longer the correction stays in place, the more time that the healing properties of the body can engage and repair the damage done to muscles and soft tissue, which will help maintain the bone’s proper position. This means better posture and better health overall for patients who receive care from us.
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at <a href="tel:650-595-0500">650-595-0500</a> You can also click the button below.</strong></p>
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