How Your Lifestyle Can Affect Risks of Fibromyalgia

lifestyle, fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City

Are you constantly struggling with pain, stiffness, and fatigue? Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and are struggling to find relief? Have you ever wondered how your lifestyle choices impact your risk of developing this chronic condition? If you're seeking fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City, it's essential to understand how your daily habits can influence this debilitating condition. Did you know that what you eat or how you manage stress are essential factors for fibromyalgia relief? 

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, every aspect of your lifestyle can significantly impact your condition. Your choices can influence or even increase your chances of developing this chronic condition. For example, smoking, obesity, and stress can negatively impact your health. In this article, we'll explore how changes to your lifestyle can affect your risk of developing fibromyalgia and what you can do to manage and reduce symptoms.


Lifestyle factors linked to fibromyalgia

Your lifestyle can significantly impact your fibromyalgia, and your choices can either help ease your symptoms or increase your chances of developing or having a flare-up.

#1. Obesity

When you are on the heavy side, you tend to put more weight, which can strain your body. Also, your fibromyalgia flare-ups tend to be more painful. Your higher body fat content and little muscle mass may also trigger more fatigue and worsen your other symptoms. 

#2. Smoking 

Apart from the usual risks of smoking that can impact your health, a 2019 study shows that smoking can also affect your cognitive function when you have fibromyalgia. As a result, quitting smoking can significantly make improvements to your overall well-being. 

#3. Stress 

Fibromyalgia can get triggered by physical and emotional stress, so if you feel overwhelmed every single day, you may be more vulnerable to developing fibromyalgia or experiencing episodes more often when stress suddenly hits you. 

#4. Physical inactivity

While movement may seem painful, as some patients seeking fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City describe, living a sedentary lifestyle may contribute to the onset or increased severity of your fibromyalgia episodes.

lifestyle, fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City

Upper Cervical Care for lasting fibromyalgia relief in Redwood City

Living with fibromyalgia can feel like a never-ending battle if you don't fully understand what you're up against. It can be a debilitating condition that takes a toll on both your physical and emotional health. This condition can also impact your quality of life and reduce your overall energy, impacting your relationships, your job, and how you live daily.

The frustration you may experience in finding relief can also take a toll on your mental welfare and cause anxiety and depression. In addition, if you are unaware of what triggers your flare-ups and what you can do to find lasting relief, the uncertainty can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling lost and alone. 

While the primary cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, experts usually refer to triggers to help care for people who need them. One notable trigger is injury or physical stress usually encountered following an accident. This can lead to a misalignment in the Upper Cervical spine and trigger a malfunction in your nervous system. This malfunction can trigger a host of symptoms similar to fibromyalgia, and correcting the misalignment is crucial to ease these symptoms.

Correcting these misalignments is necessary to help your brainstem start functioning normally again to support the optimum function of your nervous system and eventually reduce, if not eliminate, your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Don't let fibromyalgia control your life. Take control of your condition and seek the care you need. Contact our office today to schedule an evaluation and take the first step toward finding lasting relief.


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