Some people may not think it’s possible, but some patients who complain about facial pain may deal with a neck problem. An upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City is no stranger to cases wherein facial problems stem from neck issues, particularly trigeminal neuralgia, and are often accompanied by other symptoms.
Your facial pain can be due to several causes. But one of the most common is referred pain from the neck. Trigeminal neuralgia can also trigger bouts of extreme facial pain that may feel like it will never end. Your upper cervical bones, or the top two bones in your neck, may put undue pressure on the nerves and blood vessels passing through them. This pressure may be due to bone misalignment.
If you’ve been suffering from severe facial pain due to trigeminal neuralgia, you may be too familiar with the toll it can take on your quality of life. The pain it brings can make even the simplest tasks extremely uncomfortable.
There are several reasons why neck issues and facial pain might be connected. First, they share a common nerve supply – the trigeminal nerve. This nerve supplies both the face and the neck. So, an issue with the trigeminal nerve can lead to pain in the face and the neck. This nerve is crucial in sending pain, touch, and temperature signals from your face to your brain.
Additionally, the muscles in the face and neck are also interconnected. This means that if there is an issue with the muscles in the neck, it can lead to muscle tension in the face – and vice versa. Finally, poor posture can lead to both neck pain and facial pain. Sitting or standing with poor posture puts unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints, leading to pain.
So as it turns out, there is a strong link between your facial pain and neck problems. Many facial pain cases handled by an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City stem from misalignments in the C1 and C2 vertebrae—the top two bones in your neck.
These misalignments can put undue pressure on your trigeminal nerve, resulting in facial pain, numbness, tingling, and other related symptoms.
Let’s set things straight facial pain from trigeminal neuralgia is no fun, and perhaps the best way to free you from the pain and discomfort is by tackling one of its most overlooked sources, a misalignment in your spine.
Dr. Pete Tsiglieris, a reputable upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, has over 25 years of experience correcting misalignments in the top two bones of the spine to help relieve patients of their pain and suffering. These misalignments can happen for several reasons, including car accidents, falls, sporting injuries, poor posture, or repetitive movements.
When these bones are out of alignment, it can bring pressure and stress on your nerves and cause various problems, including trigeminal neuralgia and facial pain. But with gentle upper cervical chiropractic adjustments, these misalignments can be corrected, relieving your nerve from stress and pressure and providing long-term relief from your pain. Experience the benefits of upper cervical care firsthand by booking an appointment online or calling our office at (650) 595-0500.
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