Are you having a hard time each day because of chronic back pain? Have you been taking excessive doses of painkillers just to get through the day? Are you worried that your recurring back pain problem will eventually take over your routine? Surely, regular visits to a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City can help turn your life around and manage chronic health problems like back pain. And you should know a few nutrition hacks to help maintain optimal health. Below are a few examples of tips that you can apply to your daily routine:
Besides seeking regular adjustments and appointments with a NUCCA Chiropractor in Redwood City, we always tell our patients to avoid or at least minimize consumption of inflammatory food products. Inflammation-causing food such as fried food, refined carbs, processed meats, sodas, sweetened drinks, and sodium-packed snacks can worsen your back pain. You should also avoid nightshade veggies like eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes.
Saying yes to greens, grains, and seeds can do much for your body, especially when your back constantly aches. Plant-based products help fight against inflammation and are an excellent addition to meals made from omega-3 cold-water fish like mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon.
A large fraction of people living with chronic back pain has compromised spine structure. Some of them develop these due to calcium and vitamin D deficiency. So, if you think you’re stuck in the same situation, you might want to modify your diet to accommodate your nutritional needs. A few examples of items you can explore include yogurt, leafy greens, cheese, tuna, sardines, beef liver, fortified orange juice, salmon, and cod liver oil.
Now that you know a thing or two about nutrition hacks you can use to combat back pain, we hope you take advantage of them. You can use these to amplify the benefits of seeking a NUCCA doctor like Dr. Pete Tsiglieris. Regular NUCCA Chiropractic adjustments can address spinal misalignments that prevent your back pain from getting better. Talk to Dr. Pete to learn how often you should come in for an adjustment or check-up so you don’t have to be trapped by recurring backaches.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.
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