One of the most common ways that soccer players get concussions (and later experience post-concussion syndrome) is when they are attempting to use their head to redirect a ball but their head collides with another player instead. Concussions are one of the most dangerous injuries that occur to youth, and they happen more frequently to those in contact sports. Concussions can have the following symptoms:
Symptoms do not always happen right away. It could take days or even months before experiencing signs of a concussion. Parents may notice slight changes in personality, perhaps academics take a slow dive, or their child may seem far more lethargic than usual. Most commonly, a doctor will diagnose a concussion based on from symptoms shared by the patient, despite balance and cognitive tests that have been developed for early detection. When symptoms persist for months after the initial concussion, post-concussion syndrome may be diagnosed.
Treatment for concussions is usually to rest, stay out of the game, and wait for symptoms to subside. Many players, feel they are not getting answers or sufficient treatment options for their concussions. Standing by, waiting for symptoms to go away while their sports careers possibly pass them by has caused many to seek other types of care.
Upper cervical chiropractic care has proven to bring continued relief for many concussion sufferers. At Advanced Spinal Care, we believe there is hope to get players back in the game by eliminating symptoms at the root cause within the upper spine. As specialists in spinal care, we will determine the type of adjustment needed based upon the trauma and misalignment of the upper vertebrae. Correcting problems in this area calms the nerves in the back and neck and restores proper function to the brainstem that is housed inside the upper two vertebrae of the spine. This can alleviate the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome and help athletes get back on their feet again.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500 You can also click the button below.
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