Aging individuals frequently struggle with various health concerns, including trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic pain disorder. It’s one of the reasons for patient visits to an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City. The condition affects the fifth cranial nerve or trigeminal nerve, the most extensive nerve bundle found in the head. Primarily, it innervates the facial muscles and regulates motor functions like chewing and biting. It’s a highly complex bundle of nerves, so when they get damaged, compressed, or irritated, you experience various symptoms such as:
It could affect you for a few days to several weeks, depending on the trigeminal nerve's condition. The more compression or irritation it suffers from, the more severe and chronic pain you might experience.
Nerves tend to be quite susceptible to compression or pinching. If you have a cervical misalignment, the bones could press on the trigeminal nerve. It can result in nerve damage as the protective layer of the nerve deteriorates gradually. Several activities can trigger the symptoms, including:
Unfortunately, avoiding such triggers is virtually impossible. So, your only option to manage your condition is to seek remedies such as taking medication, surgery, or seeking the help of an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City.
Many studies support the potential of upper cervical chiropractic in improving trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. For example, a case study published in 2019 reported a significant reduction of trigeminal neuralgia symptoms of a 59-year-old patient who received upper cervical chiropractic adjustments.
Essentially, when you go to an upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City, you undergo a few digital imaging tests. They are essential to determine if neck misalignment is the root cause of your trigeminal neuralgia and customize your adjustments. After a few sessions, you will begin noticing changes in your symptoms because your misaligned cervical bones gradually shift back into their neutral position. In effect, this reduces the pressure on the trigeminal nerve and promotes healing.
Want to experience relief from trigeminal neuralgia too? Please schedule an appointment with our upper cervical chiropractor in Redwood City today! Contact us at Advanced Spinal Care via telephone at 650-595-0500. You may also tell us your inquiries or book your appointment using our web contact form.
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