Plenty of people from California and elsewhere are looking for a chiropractor for sciatica near Redwood City. However, not so many know much about this condition that brings lower back pain. What is sciatica? Is there a natural care for this disorder?
Sciatica is the pain that has its focal point in the sciatic nerve. Many cases of lower back pain are due to sciatica. Some studies revealed that as many as 40% of people would experience sciatica in one way or another. People increase their risk of sciatica as they age. Smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, and obesity are other risk factors for sciatica.
Doctors and health care professionals often recommend over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to patients experiencing severe sciatica pain. This medication helps in reducing the sciatic nerve inflammation and pain.
Icing is another option for relief. If you feel sciatica flare-up, apply ice on the pain point for 15-20 minutes.
Sciatica often subsides on its own after a short period or a couple of days. However, if you experience chronic sciatica, we recommend consulting a doctor or a chiropractor for sciatica near Redwood City.
Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of sciatica pain without the need of surgery or medications. All you need to do is work on aligning your spine and maintaining a good posture.
Sciatica can develop once there is a misalignment in the C1 vertebra of the neck. If the upper neck is out of alignment, it can result in changes in posture down the entire spine. As a result, pressure can cause swelling of the sciatic nerve and pain in the lower back and legs.
Here at Advanced Spinal Care in Redwood City, California, we perform upper cervical chiropractic to aid in this realigning the upper vertebra of the neck. The underlying problem of sciatica begins in this area. Those who are seeking a chiropractor for sciatica near Redwood City can call us at (650) 595-0500 or accomplish this form to set an appointment with us. After we examine your neck and your symptoms, you can begin receiving weekly or monthly upper cervical adjustments.