Concussions are so common, both for athletes and non-athletes. They are also among the leading reasons for a visit to a Redwood City CA upper cervical chiropractor. The mishap shortly follows unfortunate incidents like falling, head-to-head collision, or a whiplash accident. Some concussion symptoms only last a couple of hours, making some people a bit complacent or careless.
Concussions also cause various symptoms ranging from worsening headaches to increased irritation or agitation. Some also experience impaired brain function like slurred speech or poor mental focus.
Unfortunately, half of the concussion cases don’t get a formal medical diagnosis. This results in slow recovery time and increased risk for post-concussion syndrome.
No two concussion cases are the same. Some patients might not require medical assistance. Others, on the other hand, may need all the help available to prevent worse conditions. That’s because the sudden jolt or shaking movement inside the skull can bruise brain tissues.
It can trigger inflammation and increased pressure inside your head cavity. When this happens, the brain becomes vulnerable to damage, similar to a sprained ankle.
Getting diagnosed as soon as you notice the onset of concussion symptoms might enhance your chances of recovering quickly. With diagnostic procedures like an MRI or CT scan, your physician can determine the level of tissue trauma and the specific parts affected by the injury.
Your doctor's findings also help you set your expectations regarding your recovery period and the potential symptoms you might experience.
Besides scheduling your visit to your neurologist or general physician, you might also find it helpful to seek assistance from a Redwood City CA upper cervical chiropractor. That’s because sometimes, neck or head trauma results in misaligned neck bones. When this happens, your body becomes out of whack, and you begin experiencing concussion signs and symptoms.
It’s a good idea to consult with a Redwood City CA upper cervical chiropractor to address abnormalities with your spine's natural curve. It will also help restore damaged brain and nerve pathways so you can heal faster.
Are you ready to schedule a consultation with a Redwood City, CA upper cervical chiropractor? You may book your appointment with Advanced Spinal Care today.
To schedule a complimentary consultation call our Redwood City office at 650-595-0500. You can also click the button below.
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